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History of the 10 Perfections

edited September 2011 in Faith & Religion
When I look at the Ten Perfections I see so much good. They are so inspiring and represent something very important to me and my practice. Recently I was going over them and I noticed something that I hadn't noticed before. There are 10 of them!

I know this is an obvious statement, so obvious that I had never even paid it any attention. The reason this got me thinking is that this reminded me of another "list of ten" that should be familiar to Christians. Now, I know that religions over time have had the tendency to echo each other. I also know that the specific list of 10 Perfections came later on in the cannon as a commentary. My sneaking suspicion is that these 10 perfections may have been an answer to the Ten Commandments (or vice-versa). Or, maybe it's all just coincidence, after all the number ten is a nice "round" number.

Is there anyone here who might be able to shed some light on this? Maybe someone a bit more educated than myself in theology and world religions?


  • DhammaDhatuDhammaDhatu Veteran
    edited September 2011
    my view is the 10 is purely co-incidental

    regards :)

  • in Buddha's Teaching
    'avoid ten unskillful actions, words, and thoughts' (sabba papassa akaranam)
    'develop ten skillful actions, words, and thoughts (kusalassa upasampada)
    'get the control of mind' (sacitta pario dapanam)
    ' that is the advice of all Buddhas' (ethan Buddha anusasana)

    we have to pay special attention to 'thoughts'
    in thoughts there are greed, hate and delusion

    root cause for the greed and hate is the delusion

    therefor the main cause is the Delusion (micca dhitta (wrong view)/ sakkaya dhitti (self view)
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