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Assisted or not suicide?

EarthninjaEarthninja WandererWest Australia Veteran

Ok this can seem like a morbid topic but one I'm passionate about,
Do you think suicide is ok? This includes assisted suicides.

I personally feel we should allow it on some level. An example would be terminally I'll patients or some people who have battled depression their whole lives and just want out.

I think there should be all help available to these people and only as a last measure should this happen. Under trained medical staff.

If I was terminally Ill I would love an alternative to consider rather than just slowly deteriorating infront of my family.
Hell I would like a death day party, doctors give me some epic drugs and we all celebrate life and death. Drink champagne and listen to some good music. Maybe even camping. At the end of it, the doctor gives me self taking drug that puts me permanently and gracefully to sleep.

Even people with lifetime severe depression should be allowed as long as it's an informed choice over a certain period of time with all other options exhausted.

I mean a lot of these people are going to kill themselves anyway, why not allow a dignified and peaceful way to go.
We are all going over the waterfall eventually anyway. Could be today. If people are living in daily hell, why can't we help them go?

The biggest argument I see all the time is what about their family and friends? Isn't it selfish?
Well what I think of is selfish is forcing someone to live in torture everyday for your benefit.
Anybody who has had depression knows what I'm talking about.

So what do you guys think? Should we medically help some people go? Or avoid death at all costs.


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