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"My Gift To The World" - A gift from an Eckankar believer

JarettJarett New
edited September 2005 in Faith & Religion


  • edited August 2005
    This borders on spam, and I don't appreciate an offsite link as your first post. If you are interested in posting your truths of life document here on this site, I will allow that.

    Welcome to our community! I hope you are here to be a peaceful and constructive member of our family, and not someone who is merely here to capitalize on our traffic to drive traffic to your site :)
  • BrianBrian Detroit, MI Moderator
    edited August 2005
    By the way, that last post was me, in my "regular user alter-ego" (which I use for site testing). sorry about the confusion :)
  • JarettJarett New
    edited August 2005
    :-/ Really? I don't see how that was spam. It's all relative to the perception of the individual I suppose. I have nothing to gain whatsoever by giving this to people. I live my life solely for the good of others. I only wish to help people by sharing wisdom and truth. This is my duty to God. It's the reason I exist. This is completely FREE knowledge. How and where can I post it on this site?
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited August 2005
    As Brian/Primesuspect says, this site is one on which people come to share points of view, put forward opinions and demonstrate their Life paths.... I for one would be extremely happy to know more about YOU, about what makes YOU tick, what floats your boat, what yanks your chain and what gives you a buzz.... this is a forum for discussion. For Sharing. for Walking together.
    I hve to agree with Brian's decision, on this. In my Opinion, for what it's worth, as a long-time user of this forum, links to other forums in a thinly disguised effort to say 'oh, you guys all seem so cool already, but you know what, I'm cooler!' smack of indoctrination.
    If you are so convinced of your Path in Life... tell us about it first.
    By the way, we're all here for the same reason. most of us know that already. But thanks for the confirmation..... :)
  • SimonthepilgrimSimonthepilgrim Veteran
    edited August 2005
    Agreeing entirely with Brian and Fede., particularly as you posted in "Buddhism 101", Jarett, I have taken the time to go to your profile and read.

    I am sure that you find your set of beliefs to be of great comfort to you. You will, however, understand that absolute statements are not always easy to swallow, particularly such as this:
    138. Not a single letter or sentence of these Truths shall be changed by anyone besides the original author. This would be an act against God

    Having reached the end of your list, I discover that you are an adherent of something called "Eckankar". Thus I would suggest that, should you feel moved to discuss your belief system in the light of your understanding of the BuddhaDharma, there is a forum here that could accomodate you.

    Nevertheless, you need to understand that few, if any, of the regular posters here are likely to be persuaded by absolutist statements and unfounded assumptions such as you propose.
  • BrianBrian Detroit, MI Moderator
    edited August 2005
    Jarrett, the "spam" comes from asking people from our site, which has a decent amount of traffic, to click onto your site (which by the way, contains ads), thus using our site as a portal to drive traffic to yours. If you are truly interested in spreading your message, I have absolutely no problem at all with that - feel free to post the document in it's unedited entirety on my site, in fact I am personally requesting that you do. You may post it in this very thread, since that was the original purpose of this thread anyway, or you may post it in "buddhism and the rest of the world". I know someone who also follows Eckankar, and I would be very interested to hear more about it. Please participate and contribute, we welcome you aboard! :)
  • buddhafootbuddhafoot Veteran
    edited August 2005
    <insert cricket noises....>

  • JarettJarett New
    edited August 2005
    Don't expect instant replies to anything, this is FAR from the only place that these Truths are being spread to. It must spread the globe.
    It's easier to respond to all of your posts at once, so here it is.
    federica wrote:
    As Brian/Primesuspect says, this site is one on which people come to share points of view, put forward opinions and demonstrate their Life paths.... I for one would be extremely happy to know more about YOU, about what makes YOU tick, what floats your boat, what yanks your chain and what gives you a buzz.... this is a forum for discussion. For Sharing. for Walking together.
    I hve to agree with Brian's decision, on this. In my Opinion, for what it's worth, as a long-time user of this forum, links to other forums in a thinly disguised effort to say 'oh, you guys all seem so cool already, but you know what, I'm cooler!' smack of indoctrination.
    If you are so convinced of your Path in Life... tell us about it first.
    By the way, we're all here for the same reason. most of us know that already. But thanks for the confirmation.

    What makes me tick, is helping others. That's it, that's all, nothing more. I have given myself to God for whatever purposes He wishes. The Truths of Life is what happened because of this. For a job, I work at Safeway (grocery store) part-time where I do direct services to people all day long, whether it's bagging groceries, carrying them outside, stocking shelves, or anything else that needs to be done. Then I come home and spread these Truths through the internet, or I read enlightening books. This has become my life, and I have never been more happy or peaceful. But, I'm not here to talk about myself because I don't exist for myself. It's my duty to help YOU.
    This has nothing to do with be being better or "cooler" than anybody else. All people and all things are created equal. Everything is what it is. It's a simple fact that some people know more Truth than others, that's all. There's no need to take anything personally. That would be your ego at work.
    I am sure that you find your set of beliefs to be of great comfort to you. You will, however, understand that absolute statements are not always easy to swallow, particularly such as this:
    138. Not a single letter or sentence of these Truths shall be changed by anyone besides the original author. This would be an act against God

    Actually, they're not beliefs. That's just how it is. It's the Truth. It's basically the same teachings as Buddhism, but told in a different manner with different words and with different information. Buddhism is really quite pure compared to many other religions. It is however, more complicated than it needs to be. There is no need for belonging to an actual religion. This is what seperates people. All you need is the Truth. Yes, it may be hard for some people to accept these Truths. The explanation of this is already stated in #10. If you look at the fact that each of us IS God, then this makes complete sense. Each one of us is perfectly capable of doing God's work. All it takes is wanting to and giving yourself to Him to use as He wishes.
    Having reached the end of your list, I discover that you are an adherent of something called "Eckankar". Thus I would suggest that, should you feel moved to discuss your belief system in the light of your understanding of the BuddhaDharma, there is a forum here that could accomodate you.

    All Eckankar teaches is the Truth. It's God's teachings in absolute pure form. However, I'm not here to talk about Eckankar either. That has been added for people to seek out for themselves. If you wish, go find a phone book or a search engine. I just want to give the way for people to find their ultimate purpose in life, with absolute ease. The more people that try #83, the more Loving and pure the world will become. My purpose is to save Souls from further suffering by spreading God's Love and Truth. All of you could do the same if you wish to. But you probably know this already. It's not just knowing that matters, it's your thoughts and your action that makes the difference. You know this already as well. It's just good to bring it into the open every now and then to remind people.
    Nevertheless, you need to understand that few, if any, of the regular posters here are likely to be persuaded by absolutist statements and unfounded assumptions such as you propose.

    That is their choice to make. People can come to the understanding of ALL of these Truths themselves if they try to. Unfounded assumptions, they are not. I must at least make the attempt to help people. Whether they want to live by it, is their decision. This is not being forced upon anyone. It's being put out there as an option for those who wish to try it. There is no harm in trying anything that has to do with Love, if you understand what Love really is. The Truths of Life explains what Love really is.
    Brian wrote:
    Jarrett, the "spam" comes from asking people from our site, which has a decent amount of traffic, to click onto your site (which by the way, contains ads), thus using our site as a portal to drive traffic to yours. If you are truly interested in spreading your message, I have absolutely no problem at all with that - feel free to post the document in it's unedited entirety on my site, in fact I am personally requesting that you do. You may post it in this very thread, since that was the original purpose of this thread anyway, or you may post it in "buddhism and the rest of the world". I know someone who also follows Eckankar, and I would be very interested to hear more about it. Please participate and contribute, we welcome you aboard!

    The website contains ads because it's a free website hoster. It's not my choice that they're there. I do apologize for them though. It's much the same as how in Hinduism (Buddhism too?), spiritual aspirants try not to own land. They take offers of shelter from others.
    The problem with posting The Truths of Life document here, is that people will miss out on the rest of the Truth that are posted on the website. This information is also extremely valuable. Some of them are links to other sites, some are free recources and some are books of Truth that people can buy from The WHOLE Truth needs to be shared, not just some of it. The document itself, will nonetheless be posted here.

    Just remember this one thing.. Everything you do for yourself, unless it involves spiritual advancement, is a complete waste of time. Life is short. For the good of others, make the best of every single moment. Waste no time!

    //edit: edited by admin to include quotes, making it easier to read :)
  • JarettJarett New
    edited August 2005
    If anybody wants the website address for further Truth, send me a private message with your email address.

    There has been The Vedas, The Upanishads, The Bhagavad-Gita, The Book of the Dead, The Holy Bible, The Koran, and others. Now, there is The Truths of Life. This is the newest Holy Book meant for all people. The world is in need of this information once again and it has been brought to you through someone who has dedicated their life for the good of others and God. It is the true meaning of life, the answer to every problem in the world, and the explanation of how everything in life works in only 6 pages. I've read books of all different religious and spiritual knowledge from different sources, beliefs and times. These are the teachings of Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity and many other religions and spiritualities, in their pure form. Some teachings have been more altered from truth than others. Some are still quite pure. All I've done is simplified everything into my own words. This was done because it shouldn't be necessary to read hundreds of pages to understand this stuff. It's really quite simple. Keep in mind, these are not beliefs. This is how it is.
    All I ask is that you please read it in full from beginning to end. If you start in the middle or read only some of it, you will not properly understand. It's in order as you need to learn it. You can decide for yourself whether or not it is truth. What you do with it is your choice, feel free to give it to others. It is of utmost importance that this spreads! Thank you for taking the time to read this!

    Are you truly happy in all aspects of life? Are you in any kind of mental or physical anguish? Do you have fear in your life, even of the smallest kind? Is your orthodox religion doing you as much good as you would like it to? Do you still have problems in your life despite your dedication to God and your church? Love and faith in all things is the answer to all the problems of the world. You can live a life of love and happiness or you can live a life of pain, suffering and fear. The choice is solely yours. The Answers and Truths of life lie herein...

    The Truths of Life
    Jarett Sabirsh


    1. Whether you choose to believe it or not, these are the Absolute Truths of life.
    2. Normally, people must go through all the different stages of life, the ups and downs so to speak, before they will be ready to accept God and advance spiritually.
    3. By simply reading all of these Truths you can advance quickly through all the various levels of spiritual advancement and go straight to enlightenment and the understanding of the Truth of One. This is because of the simplicity, thoroughness and pureness of these Truths. You're getting everything you need at once because the time for mass change has come. This time, the change will not be destruction, it will be Love.
    4. If you do not believe in God please give this a chance and read it through. Where's the harm?
    5. Science has already almost come to an end in trying to explain the laws of life. Everything down to the smallest atom has been studied. Some scientists are now delving into quantum physics, combining theories of science and God. Science simply cannot explain all matters of life. Science cannot explain Love, nor God. One must simply have faith.
    6. Please do not automatically dismiss any of these Truths because they conflict with your current views and beliefs. Many teachings of God have been altered from what was originally Truth so that leaders of religion could control us. This was back in the time when the church was government and the church ruled all. Those days are over. We are now free to think for ourselves. See your archaic religion for what it really is. Very little of Jesus' actual teachings were recorded on paper because very few people could read and write in those days. These are once again, the True Teachings of God. However, that is still your decision to make. Always think for yourself.
    7. If you are already spiritually inclined, you will take to this easily. Some of you will know all of this already.
    8. These are mere guidelines to life, not rules. Everybody has the choice to live life as they wish. Each of us was created free.
    9. Always think for yourself and then decide what is truth.
    10. No one can have these Truths forced upon them. A person can only understand them when they are spiritually ready to.
    11. While reading these Truths you may find you will cry. This is the power of the pureness of Divine Love. These tears are of joy and happiness of being One with God.


    12. Science has proven that all things are made of energy. If all is energy, then all is connected. All is One.
    13. Truth is One. All is One. All is All. All is God. God is All. God is One. One is All, One is God. Re-read these individually until your mind understands each one. The goal is to realize and live this Truth.


    14. God is Love. Love is the one and only thing He does. If we were created in His image like the Bible says, should we not act in the same manner as he is?
    15. You were created because God loves you. You exist out of His Love for you. This means you are Love. By being Love, you are creating Love, and you are doing as God does, which means you are yourself, God. This is once again, the Truth of One.
    16. Man is no greater than any animal or insect or anything else in the universe. All things are as God created them, as are we. God creates only perfection.
    17. The Earth is a being of energy itself as well. If we live in harmony with it, it will live in harmony with us. This is why storms, floods and earthquakes are becoming more prevalent. We have desecrated Earth by abusing it in countless ways. If we continue to destroy it, it will destroy us.
    18. Love is not an outside source. It is not something that just happens to you. It is not to be found, or sought after. It is already inside you. You make love happen to yourself by loving others and God.
    19. Love is good intent. Love is service. Love is selfless. Love is trust. Love is respect. Love is good will. Love is forgiveness. Love is acceptance. Love is unconditional. Love is non-selective. Love is pure. Love is Divine. Love is Eternal.
    20. Love is the only universal law of all things.
    21. Love is the answer to all things.
    22. Love is not the emotional and physical kind between a man and a woman that most people know it as. That kind of love is quite often based on greed, possession, jealousy, lust, and control, so it's not really Love at all. You cannot have or own another person because we were all created to be free. True happiness will never form in a relationship based on these things.
    23. Life is about Love and neutrality. Not love and hate.
    24. Love should not be given because you expect something in return. It is done out of selflessness. Love for the sake of loving.
    25. We are to Love God, ourselves, all people, and all things unconditionally through the practice of meditation, prayer and acts of selflessness.
    26. You do not exist for yourself. You are here for the good of others only. We need to at all times put others ahead of oneself.


    27. To give us freedom, God gave us free will. However, most people indulge in themselves rather than living for the greater good.
    28. Sins and karma are the same thing, except karma can be of the good or bad kind while sin is just the bad. Karma is balance.
    29. Sinning, then asking for forgiveness, and then doing it all again the next day is pointless. How does this make you a better person? How does this bring you closer to God? Stop sinning and live a life of Love. Only this will bring you closer to God. Your sins will come back to you. This is karma, this is balance, this is perfection. God can create no less.
    30. That which supports life, is supported, because of works through balance and karma.
    31. By loving others and God, you will then be Loved and you will always receive that which you need in life. Therefore sacrificing yourself, isn't even a sacrifice.
    32. You can only receive as much Love as you give.
    33. There is really only one sin. Vanity is it's name. All other sins stem from vanity. If you can overcome yourself, then there is nothing left to do.
    34. Evil exists because we choose to create it. Just as Love comes back to us, so does evil. This is absolute balance and perfection. God can create no less.
    35. There is no such thing as chaos, accidents, or co-incidence. Everything is chosen by us or pre-planned by God. In actuality, cause and effect are one and the same because both played a part. Both exist because of each other. Both had to happen because of your choice.
    36. You are here in this physical world for two reasons: To suffer through and accept your bad karma, and to spread Love by God's ways.


    37. These are the virtues you should nurture and enhance in yourself: Love, gratitude, selflessness, humility, purity, patience, peace, kindness, meekness, gentleness, tenderness, mercy, righteousness, joyfulness, forgiveness, acceptance, Divinity, Oneness, All-Being, and Godliness.
    Love is all of these things.
    38. The soul is immortal. It is for eternity. Nothing "dies" because all things are energy. Energy can not be killed, it merely changes form.
    39. Every single spirit has the capability of living a life of Love and fully reaching spiritual enlightenment. It is only a matter of choice.
    40. When you live a life of Love, everything becomes common sense. Everything becomes self evident. You will realize everything else in this physical world is not of importance. Everything besides Love and God becomes completely irrelevant. All fears become non-existent. You will be set free of all troubles. You will be set free of illness. You will be set free of your karma. You will learn what true joy, happiness and Love are and you will feel them for all eternity.
    41. We are to be as holy, loving, and pure as God is because we are a part of God.
    42. We must have absolute faith and trust in God at all times.
    43. We are to dedicate every moment of life to God.
    44. We are to be grateful for all things we receive in life.
    45. We should work hard in life while using one's God given gifts and strengths. Do not let them go to waste.
    46. All things are a waste of time unless you are supporting life.
    47. By giving into the wants of the mind and body, you are focusing on yourself, which takes your mind off of God.
    48. Unless they are absolute Truth, good, bad, right and wrong are all relative to an individual's perception, which is expressed by the mind. If
    one gives up all such opinions, all problems and conflict disappear.
    49. The only absolute Truths in life are Love and God.
    50. Positive and negative things can only affect you if you let them. Things are only positive or negative because you let your mind tell you they are that way.
    51. To free oneself of their ego, one must give up all wants of the body and mind. Stop satisfying the cravings of your five senses. This is actually easier than it sounds when one has faith in God. Learn to control your mind, instead of it controlling you. The next time you want something, anything at all, tell your mind "No, I do not want this!".
    52. The mind is impossible to tame completely, so what you must learn to do is watch it from an outside perspective. This is you true self, or spirit watching your mind.
    53. Your spirit, or soul is the real you, which is inhabiting the body and mind. The real you is only Love. Feel the real you inside and learn to ignore the rest, watching it from a distance.
    54. Your spirit already knows Truth because it is a part of God. It is just a matter of getting the information to the conscious physical brain, and then choosing a life of Love.
    55. You must first understand and accept yourself before you can fully understand God. These Truths give you the understanding of yourself.
    From there, acceptance just happens. As long as you indulge in negativities, you cannot be fully enlightened.
    56. Your ultimate life destination is already set and created by God, but you choose the paths along the way. You dictate the when of your spiritual enlightenment.
    57. Live life in the present, not the past, nor the future. What's done is done, and what's to come, will come.
    58. Live life moment to moment. In doing so you are giving yourself to God and you are showing faith in God that he will take care of you. It is only the exact present moment in time that we are in contact with God. Planning your life ahead of time and setting goals is focusing on the future and choosing to live for yourself and not for God.
    59. Our only goal in life should be the advancement towards spiritual enlightenment.
    60. When enlightenment has been reached and you fully realize you are One with God and all things, all knowledge and thought through all time and space can be revealed to you. All that has ever been known, can be known. Therefore, the search for mindly intelligence is a waste of time and effort.
    61. The search for money, possessions, power, physical beauty and the investment in emotions is also a waste of time. What good are any of these things when you die? They hold you to this physical world. Spending time in these things is choosing to live for yourself and not for God. They are all out of vanity and pride, products of the mind.
    62. Even things such as food and sleep become of lesser importance in life when you have faith that God will supply you with the energy you need to live your day of loving and supporting life.


    63. Your body has a magnetic field in your belly area which takes the energy of life brought in by the lungs and radiates it throughout your body. Learn to breathe deeply through your belly, then into the chest so your shoulders rise slightly. Do not hold your breath in or out, keep it constant. It is beneficial but not necessary to practice this.
    64. With practice, you can learn to channel this life energy to any place in your body, such as to your hands, for the purpose of healing.
    65. If all is energy, then all acts, words, and even thoughts have effects. This is how and why prayer and meditation work.
    66. Kind and loving thoughts are just as helpful, and quite often, even more helpful than physical acts of kindness.
    67. Prayer is talking to God and meditation is listening to God. Both of these should be practiced daily.
    68. Prayer is the asking of something that is selfless, from God. If you are honest and sincere about what you ask for and if what you ask for is truly selfless and beneficial, God will see that it happens. All prayers should be out of selflessness. If you're asking for something for yourself, it is only because it benefits others. In becoming a better person yourself, you will be helping others in turn.
    69. In prayer, when wishing a person better, whether it be physical or mental anguish, your prayer may not be answered because a person may not be ready to be healed. They may have more to learn spiritually from them being in anguish, and you may take on their karma. However, taking on others karma is the ultimate selflessness. This is what Jesus did when he died on the cross for our sins.
    70. Meditation is the focusing of your mind on any one thing, whether it be a person, thing, idea, thought, smell, sound, taste or feeling. Meditation is best used in the form of prayer. You might as well be doing some good while focusing your mind.
    71. There is no specific physical position in which you need to assume when praying and meditating. You do not need to have you hands together, kneel, bow down, or sit in the cross-legged lotus position, and certainly not one of the many gymnastic poses in yoga. Find a position that is comfortable for you, it can even be lying down, if you choose.
    72. Deep breathing is also not necessary but it can help in keeping you awake if you are doing long stretches of meditation.
    73. Unless you are focusing on an object you are looking at, it is easier to have your eyes closed.
    74. Sitting in meditation for hours on end is not necessary, but the more time you spend, the more dedication you are showing Him. As long as you are honest, sincere and selfless in your search for Love and God, that is all that matters. He will get the message.
    75. At first, training your mind on one thing will be difficult. You mind will constantly wander. As soon as you notice you are off track, bring your mind back to your point of focus. The more you practice, the easier it will become.
    76. Do not expect dramatic changes overnight. Changes might not even be noticeable at first. But do not let this deter you from keeping up the practice.
    77. Prayer and meditation can be done any time of day or night. Keeping your mind on God all throughout your day is also good. After a while, there is nothing else. Love and God encompass all thought and action. There is no greater feeling.
    78. You can make a list of all the people in your life that have troubles in their lives and use them as points of focus and prayer.
    79. Overeating is wasteful and greedy and is indulging in the sense of taste. By cutting back the intake of food, you are giving faith to God that he will provide you with the energy you need to go about your day of Love. Extreme fasting is not recommended, your body does need some food.
    80. All people, animals, plants, minerals, and everything else has a unique vibrational frequency. Similar vibrations between two things are what account for attractions. They are naturally drawn to each other. This is why certain people become friends. Humans are the only things that have the ability to adjust frequencies. This happens as we advance spiritually. This is why people grow apart from each other. This can be used for the purpose of healing others with energy work. Singing can also help keep you healthy.
    81. God has built into our bodies a way to heal others. In the past it was known as "the laying on of hands". Through focus on the channeling of energy to your hands in combination with deep breathing, anybody can heal another person, creature or plant. It may take practice to get good at it, and certain people will be better at it than others.
    82. Surrounding each planet is a ring of invisible energy which contains all knowledge since the beginning of time. With practice, anybody can learn to tune in to this energy field to gain knowledge of anything.

    83. Here is a sample list of things you can focus on in prayer and meditation:
    "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind."
    Saying "thank you" and being grateful for all He has given you.
    Asking for strength to overcome the wants of mind and body.
    Asking for better focus and concentration in your prayer and meditation.
    Asking for guidance in everyday life.
    Asking for Him to be with you every moment of your day.
    Asking for your gifts and strengths to bloom so you may share them.
    Asking for His Love to be spread through you to others.
    Asking God to send His Love to all Creation
    Asking God to send His Love to an individual.
    Asking to be as pure and holy as He is.
    Asking to be exactly as He is.
    Asking for your true purpose to come about.
    Asking to overcome your emotions.
    Asking to overcome your sexual desires.
    Asking for the knowledge of prayer, meditation and these Truths in your future lives.
    Asking God to use you as His Instrument in whatever ways He sees fit.
    Asking God to correct your words or wording in your thoughts and prayers.
    Sending Love and good will to all Creation.
    Sending Love, kindness and healing thought to an individual who needs it. Keep in mind you may take on their karma.
    Giving absolute and undying faith and trust in God.
    Giving your mind, body and soul unto Him to use as He wishes.
    Saying "I am yours for all eternity, my Lord."
    Focus on someone who was One with God, such as Jesus, Buddha, or Krishna.
    Focus on the Truth of One.
    Focus on the energy ring of all knowledge that encircles the Earth.


    84. All of man's suffering is caused by his mind, not by God. We do everything to ourselves. All your suffering is caused by only you, either in this life, or in past ones. No one or nothing else is to blame.
    85. Life in this physical realm is a trial. We are here to work out bad karma from past physical lives and to gain more good karma by doing selfless acts.
    86. Physical deformities, all illness', early deaths, and being gay are all ways of working out karma.
    87. Your physical mind and body are not who you are, they are an expression of who you are, or were. You create who you are by your choices in life.
    88. Once you understand and accept your karma, you can then move beyond it and begin to Love.
    89. Life is a test to make us learn to choose Love, so that we may become worthy of being in God's presence.
    90. You yourself chose to come back to this earthly plane so that you could work out your bad karma because spiritual advancement can be done far more quickly and easily here in the physical than it is in the hereafter. Do not deny yourself or others of your true existence by choosing ignorance. Act now and waste not a minute.
    91. Everybody is at a different stage in their spiritual advancement, so one must accept others shortcomings and limitations because we have all been there ourselves.
    92. God will never give you a challenge that is too great for you to overcome.
    93. You are an individual, but you are not special.

    Beyond the Physical

    94. Heaven is not in the sky above us. It is all around us occupying the same space as we do. It is a place of rest between our physical lives and yet it is a very busy place of work, where we try to right our wrongs.
    95. When a soul has finally worked out all of it's bad karma and enlightenment has been reached, there is no longer the need to be reborn in this physical world. Only then can One stay in heaven and enjoy true happiness for all eternity.
    96. Even once in Heaven, there are even more planes of existence to work through before we are to meet our Creator.
    97. We've hardly begun our journey. Waste no time!
    98. While in Heaven and beyond, our physical senses that we rely upon become replaced with others and with knowing. These places are beyond time and space. Time and space are mere illusions on this physical world. Our physical minds are incapable of understanding anything being beyond time and space because this is the world as it knows it. It was created in the physical for the physical. However we can see past the illusion of this world by simply knowing that it is all an illusion.
    99. We can become superhuman with this knowledge. We can do absolutely anything we need to by just having faith in God that we can. This is how Moses parted the Red Sea. This is how Jesus walked on water and healed people. This has unlimited purposes.
    100. There is not just one hell, there are several, each for different extremely bad sins. But it is not necessary to think or speak of the negativities when Love is all that matters.
    101. There are further planes of existence beyond the physical one we now occupy. But that won't be spoken about now because it is the absolute present moment in time that matters only. It is now that we are One with God.

    In the Matters of Life

    102. These Truths will obviously change a great deal of society's current workings, if not all of them. The magnitude of this will be huge and it will change life as we now know it. You can obviously see that this is for the good of all Mankind. These teachings are being put in place so that people have the understanding of what is about to happen and so that you can all accept it more easily. There is no stopping what is coming. We should be grateful to God that it is Love that is coming, and not destruction. It just as easily could have been the other. The change may be hard to accept at first, but that is only because we are creatures of habit. We must have faith in God and in Ourselves because we have brought this change upon Ourselves by Loving more as a whole. Please accept all that happens with open arms and a loving embrace.
    May God Bless you All.
    103. The social and economic scale of today's society means nothing. As long as you live a life of Love and use your God given gifts and strengths while supporting life, it makes no difference what you do for a living.
    104. We are taught by society that showing love, tenderness, gentleness and kindness is a weakness. Especially in men. We're taught to be tough, callous and macho, when in Truth, nothing could be more wrong. Caring and crying are not weakness. We don't think spiritual leaders to be weak when they cry, so why is it when others do it? Love is the most powerful strength there is.
    105. Our laws of society are based on current trends, or the overall spiritual consciousness level of the society we live in. Laws change constantly, so there is little truth to many of them. If laws were Truth, everybody would agree to them and they would never change. We are told we have freedom, but what are we really free to do? Not absolutely everything. We only abide by them out of fear of being caught and punished. We are forced to live in shame and secrecy for fear of being found out by the law. Fear is not a proper foundation to base anything on. Laws are in place in an attempt to control, but all control really does is make people fear and rebel. This actually creates criminality by making people do things in secrecy. You cannot tell or order a free being to live life a certain way that conflicts with his individual spiritual consciousness level. For his truth is different from other's. Everybody's truth level is different.
    106. The same applies to religions that attempt to control through fear of being punished by God and going to hell. If it's not absolute Truth, it can't be categorized as good or bad. People will always disagree.
    107. A great deal of orthodox religions as we now know them will be altered for the better. Now they can help people to their full potential. We should still use these churches as holy gathering places, only now there is nothing to preach because it is now all self evident just by reading these Truths. These churches should be used for prayer and meditation gatherings as well as places for the sick to come to be healed. The combined efforts of multiple people praying and meditating together in the same space, combining their energies of Love will have massive effects on the planet. Evil shall be vanquished once and for all.
    108. Physical death of a Loved one should not be a time of sorrow. It should be a time of celebration that a Soul has worked out karma, and has moved on to a place of greater Love, joy and happiness. The former shell of that physical being does not need to stay here any longer. It has become meaningless. By burying bodies in coffins we are needlessly desecrating the Earth and just simply wasting space. If the body is cremated, there is no reason to keep the ashes. That is an attachment you don't need.
    109. Relationships between people, can in no way be based on greed, possession, jealousy or control. This goes for husband and wives, parents and children, and all other relationships. Even your children are not yours to own. They are free spirits such as everyone else. You can not control others by telling, ordering, scolding, asking, or teaching. They will always be free to do as they choose. However, asking and teaching are the right way to go about things. Telling and ordering will only bring about rebelling.
    110. Marriage between two people is a concept of man, not God. Why should the relationship between two people involve law and church? They have no right to meddle in the decisions of free beings. This is another form of control. People should be free to come and go between each other as they wish. If two people decide to dedicate their lives to each other, that business is between those two people alone.
    111. It is extremely rare that two people will match together physically, mentally and spiritually. The divorce rates and number of unhappy marriages prove this. This is because people confuse lust and emotion for Love. Many people do not understand what Love is. Lust and emotions are volatile while Love is steady and everlasting. People need to fully Love themselves before they can truly Love another, just like we need to understand ourselves before we can understand God. By unconditionally loving another you are showing God that you are dedicated to living a life of Love. Giving your life and Love to another person is the same as giving your life and Love to God because other people are God as well. Man and woman exist for each other, so that we may find Love in each other in situations where there is no knowledge of God.
    112. These teachings have told that it is best to avoid the wants of the mind and body but little has yet been mentioned about sex, the most driving physical want there is. This desire is also meant to be overcome, however the sexual urge has been made strong by God so that the human race is made sure to continue. Sex is meant to be a physical manifestation of Love. It should only happen between people who truly Love one another and who have dedicated each others Love and lives to each other. You become One with that person when you choose to dedicate your life and Love to that person just as you become One with God when you choose to dedicate your life and Love to Him. If sex is not out of Love, you are doing something that does not involve Love and does not involve God. You are indulging in yourself. There is a combining of energies between the people involved during sex and if it is not out of Love, these energies interfere with each other in negative ways. If it is an act of Love, your energies become One because they already have the same vibrational frequencies.
    113. If you find the greatest Love of all, whether it be God or another person, why would you not want it to last forever? Always remember what Love is. Do these things unconditionally whether it be for a person or God and you will be happy for eternity.
    114. By reading these Truths and understanding that Love is non-selective, many of you will no longer be under the impression that you must find a mate in order to be happy in life. Many of you will choose not to dedicate your lives to just one person because your Love is meant for all. This will lower the population of the world greatly.
    115. When you become enlightened and your vibrational frequencies radiate Divine Love, people will be drawn to you unconsciously. By simply being around an enlightened person, their frequency will slowly begin to match that of the enlightened because Love is more powerful than negativity. People are naturally drawn to it, even though they don't know it. This shows that all spirits, even ones that have no mental knowledge of spirituality, want to be enlightened.
    116. At your job or place of work, you should always work hard. The more work you do, the more you are supporting life, the more you are sacrificing yourself and the more you are loving all things. Laziness has no place. If something needs to be done, just do it. Do not wait for someone else to do it. This goes for all things.
    117. Murder is murder is murder. A killer usually has a reason to justify his killing. A reason that seems sound to him. This is due to the different levels of truth and consciousness we are all at. Who's to say that our justification to kill him for killing is the right one? There is no justification for killing.
    118. The killing of an animal, insect, or anything else is the same.
    119. There is no reason to eat meat. You body will get all it needs from plants, grains, milk, eggs and so on. We kill animals just to selfishly satisfy our tastebuds, when our body is of little importance when we have faith in God. As well as this, there is enough protein in other foods to supply our body with what we need. It is okay to eat eggs because they do not yet have a soul occupying the body.
    120. Chemical additives to food are foreign objects to our bodies just as pollution is to Earth. This is not natural. These things are poison to us. Foods should be as pure as God made them.
    121. If there are foods you dislike, the body has been designed to adapt. Your tastebuds will grow to like something after trying it on several occasions. Although, it is only a matter of mind anyways.
    122. Alcohol, drugs, tobacco, caffeine, MSG, adrenaline, and so on, are all stimulants of the mind, and since it is the mind we need to overcome, it is best to give up such things. People become addicted to these substances because of the way they make a person feel. They are an artificial sense of joy and happiness. Love is the only thing that can provide true joy and happiness.
    123. By committing suicide, a person has given up on God rather than reaching out to Him. A person has attempted to destroy what God has created for him. This has major repercussions on the spiritual advancement of a soul. This will set one back greatly. This soul may go to a hell or it may be reincarnated as something like an insect that dies many, many times.
    124. No matter what the sin, there is always chance for redemption. For the worst of sins however, the journey will be very long, hard and painful.
    125. Because the energy of words affect us, lyrics in music, words in books and what is said on television all have effects on us mentally and physically. Hateful, violent, egotistical, lustful and other negativities in these mediums should be avoided.
    126. Just as sounds affect us mentally and physically, so do images.
    127. Gossip and idle chat are things of irrelevance because they do not benefit anybody.
    128. Gambling is of course based on the greed for money. Greed is selfish, and therefore should not be practiced.
    129. Everybody has already heard that money doesn't buy happiness but most people try to anyways. People buy as much as they can so they can appear a certain way to others, or so they can satisfy their greed. Showing off is vanity and indulging in yourself.
    130. We can learn a lot from children. They live life in the absolute present and they are care-free. This is as it should be for all of us.
    131. Humor and laughter are very positive things, as long as it is not of rude and ungodly nature.
    132. Pets are not to be had out of amusement or fun. Pets are to be kept because you have Love to share. You cannot own a pet because you cannot own a soul that is meant to be free to do as it chooses.
    133. If anything does not benefit life, it is best to be avoided.
    134. By cutting out all of the nonsense in life and living these Truths as stated, life becomes so absolutely simple. There is no need to complicate life. Complication only leads to pain and suffering. Do you not see the beauty of these Truths when all the nonsense and irrelevance has been taken out of life? All you need to remember is Love, faith, gratitude and freedom.

    The Unknown

    135. How God came to be and whether there is something even greater than God, is not know to me. We could only guess that there is. We are not meant to know. We should not even bother ourselves with that question because at this point in our spiritual advancement it makes no difference to us, and it may never.
    136. The reason we must go through these stages when we are created as pure Beings is also unknown to me. I do not have this information. Again, it is not of importance. If we must go through this, then we must. All we can do is have faith in our Creator.
    137. You may still be wondering about Man's past and where we came from. This is not my story to tell, but here a couple quick tidbits. Evolution is the process in which God creates. There is no missing link between primates and Man because we did not come from them. As well as this, there was an Adam and Eve. But that story has been altered into metaphors so that the people of early days could hopefully understand life better. That story is not all truth, which is why many people don't believe it. There is far more to our history, but this is not my information to share. You will figure it out for yourselves soon enough, for further Truth is out there waiting for you all.

    The Author

    138. Not a single letter or sentence of these Truths shall be changed by anyone besides the original author. This would be an act against God. If there are any spelling or punctuation errors, it is to prove that we all make mistakes. It is the Love of the message that matters only. Much of this information was unknown to me until after I had written it either on paper, or on my computer. It quickly took on a life of it's own because of my dedication to God and Love. My gifts in life have always been simplicity, teaching, building, re-arranging, and making sense from mess. This is exactly in what ways this list of Truths were created. I read a number of spiritual books and writings of various teachings over the period of a few months. Some were from my Dad's bookshelf. Now, I plainly see that I was born into an environment of spiritual knowing for a reason. I had to be because I was ready to. After reading hundreds and hundreds of pages, I was wondering why there wasn't just one source that had it all in an easy to read format. Now I know this is because it was meant to be my individual purpose to do this. All of this came from a little bit of meditation and prayer and a lot of reading. I'm still a beginner at meditation and prayer. Some of these Truths I had never read or heard anywhere. They just came to me in my head as I was writing or typing, and everything fit together perfectly. When I first started taking point form notes of the Truths of life in my own words on a little scrap piece of paper, I had no idea what this was to become until it was more than half way through. This whole thing from beginning to end took me about two weeks. Most of it was done in four or five days. Two of those nights I went with no sleep because I was busy writing and organizing these Truths, and I went to work in the morning with no sleep. I didn't eat much either because all that mattered was getting this done. My Love for others and God fueled the making of this. It all came so quickly and easily. Those five days have changed my life forever. Only a year ago I wasn't sure if God even existed and I had no knowledge of these Truths whatsoever. But my real Self knew and it overcame all obstacles. You can find your ultimate purpose just as easily if you follows these Truths. This was fully completed on Friday, July 22, 2005. Minor changes were made until August 6th.


    139. Simply reading and understanding these Truths is not enough. It is your thoughts and actions that matter.
    140. This physical self is only temporary, while your Soul is forever. Which one would you rather satisfy?
    141. You are one huge step closer to enlightenment and God simply by reading these Truths. Time spent reading and studying these Truths is time dedicated to God.
    142. Love and these Truths are the greatest Gifts that anybody could ever give or receive.
    143. Writing these Truths in my own individual way so all may understand was my ultimate purpose in this physical existence. This is my Gift to Creation. Every Soul has something of equal value to this to contribute to life. This is my Gift to All, what's yours?
    144. And lastly, I have one final word for you all.. Eckankar.
    May God Bless All Creation
  • buddhafootbuddhafoot Veteran
    edited August 2005
    The Unknown

    135. How God came to be and whether there is something even greater than God, is not know to me. We could only guess that there is. We are not meant to know. We should not even bother ourselves with that question because at this point in our spiritual advancement it makes no difference to us, and it may never.
    136. The reason we must go through these stages when we are created as pure Beings is also unknown to me. I do not have this information. Again, it is not of importance. If we must go through this, then we must. All we can do is have faith in our Creator.
    137. You may still be wondering about Man's past and where we came from. This is not my story to tell, but here a couple quick tidbits. Evolution is the process in which God creates. There is no missing link between primates and Man because we did not come from them. As well as this, there was an Adam and Eve. But that story has been altered into metaphors so that the people of early days could hopefully understand life better. That story is not all truth, which is why many people don't believe it. There is far more to our history, but this is not my information to share. You will figure it out for yourselves soon enough, for further Truth is out there waiting for you all.


    Well, what you've posted is interesting. I also really can't find anything in it that I would have a problem with or feel that it would bring harm to - even for a Buddhist.

    But, I guess the only problem that I have with this is that

    1) There is the God you mention.
    2) And who is this God exactly?
    3) How did this information come to you?
    4) Why are we not meant to know about this God?
    5) If this God doesn't want us to know about Him, why should we even bother ourselves with him?

    This seems to me that there is no real validation to this. You could just as easily change the word "God" for "Mickey Mouse" and it would all be just about as relevent.

    I mean, if this works for you - I think that is totally cool. I also appreciate that you have decided to share this with us on this forum. Unfortunately, I don't think that something so 'Buddhist' and then incorporating some unknown, secretive, clandestine deity works for me.

    Thanks for the post.

  • BrianBrian Detroit, MI Moderator
    edited August 2005
    But that story has been altered into metaphors so that the people of early days could hopefully understand life better.

    I've always had a bad taste in my mouth about statements such as this. We are told sometimes, myself personally by bible 'scholars', that some teachings are written in such a way as to couch the actual literal reality into metaphors so that "early people" or "primitive people" or "uneducated people" could better understand them.

    At what point did the world become so smart, so much clearer, that now things are not written metaphorically? And if this has happened, is everything literal now? Why do we still need metaphors? What if things written this very day are completely couched in metaphors?
  • JasonJason God Emperor Arrakis Moderator
    edited August 2005

    I find this very interesting, but I wonder how you know some of these Truths are actually Truths.

    For example number 38. "The soul is immortal. It is for eternity. Nothing "dies" because all things are energy. Energy can not be killed, it merely changes form.".

    I agree that present day knowledge accepts that energy cannot be destroyed, so that I can definitely give you. But as to the 'soul' being permanent and immortal, where does this come from? Where is this soul to be found? How does it remain unchanged? Even energy changes. I cannot find one thing in the observable universe that remians as it is indefinitely. If you would care to expound a little more about it I would be interested in what you have to say.

  • comicallyinsanecomicallyinsane Veteran
    edited August 2005
    As I recall Adam and Eve were the only beings created in God's image. After they sinned and had their first born, Saul I believe, everyone after that was born in his image.

    Honestly I find your "truths" to be a load of propaganda. You have no clue as to what or who you are talking to and you don't even understand the basics of what we belive.
  • SimonthepilgrimSimonthepilgrim Veteran
    edited August 2005
    Courtesy does not appear to be among the virtues practised in this religion, nor, perhaps, a genuine wish to b taken seriously, otherwise this thread would not be in Buddhism 101 as it has exactly zip to do with the Dharma IMHO.

    Before getting into the creation myths, either in the truncated Christian or the extended Jewish versions (neither of which you remember correctly, Comic: well done!), there are far more serious questions to be addressed to this list of unproven, unprovable and absolutist statements.
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited August 2005
    Having taken your request to "please read it in full from beginning to end" it reminds me of one of those vast car-crusher machines.... you've taken several elegant, functional, historical, useable and original creative works and attempted to condense them into your interpretation of what God wants of us and how we should then behave in order to Live the Truth.
    In doing so you have carelessly dismissed thousands of years' worth of carefully considered and structured teachings, and stated that in essence, they are redundant.
    "I read a number of spiritual books and writings of various teachings over the period of a few months" A few months simply cannot ever give you a true and accurate picture of what you are so rudely dismissing out of hand...
    And forgive my bluntness, but your further arrogance as putting yourself forward as author of these plagiarised teachings, and dictating that "138. Not a single letter or sentence of these Truths shall be changed by anyone besides the original author. This would be an act against God" borders on the frankly Egotistically fanatical.
    The Kalama Sutra is one of the Buddha's finest and most endearing teachings. It is one we all know well and practise as best we can, in order to further our own steps along our paths to Enlightenment.
    It is precisely with this Sutta in mind, that I considered this response to you.
  • SimonthepilgrimSimonthepilgrim Veteran
    edited August 2005
    This new religion also has a new god, who is clearly a Yorkshire god: it is called "Eck".
  • buddhafootbuddhafoot Veteran
    edited August 2005
    Well, I think, to be honest with everyone, we should not make Jarett feel that what he posted is bad or that it offends us. It is cool in a way that, possibly, a new religion or thought process could come along that people find refuge in.

    Or you can. Who am I to tell anyone what to do!

    But, Jarett...

    I believe you have a number of people in this forum that have many, many years of religious upbringing under their belts. Some people have spent time with many different types of religions in their seeking.
    To just throw these types of statements out asking people to blindly believe in them - probably isn't going to happen. In Christrian belief - even Paul went around the areas of Eastern Europe and the Middle East spreading the news of Christ. This was done (supposedley) by real life encounters, people that actually knew Jesus, the teachings of the Jews, etc.
    Even before Jesus - the Jews had the "word" of their God given to them by various people, the high priests, prophets and God himself (ie the Ten Commandments).

    My point in an earlier post was questioning why a god that really doesn't want to be known or that we don't know - and really seems somewhat disinterested with humanity in general. And how did this information come to you or the world? Was there someone that this god was in contact with? How do we know these teachings are not the teachings of someone (and forgive me for using this term - but I can't think of another) delusional? Did someone else receive these teachings?

    It seems like you're asking us to follow a god - that wants to remain hidden - has provided no information that we can go off of - and that we try these suggestions of yours. It also seems like a collection of teachings from other religions that have been thrown together to create a new religion.

    Maybe what would work best is if you posted various "truths" in our forums so that you could explain how these principals and teachings came about.

  • JasonJason God Emperor Arrakis Moderator
    edited August 2005
    I agree with buddhafoot on this one. I have no problem with Jarett's posts (besides the fact that it may be in the wrong forum, I would have suggested Buddhism and the rest of the world myself).

    I am honestly curious as to how he came about these Truths. I will admit that I find some of these rather humourous and agree that they do not relate to Buddhism at all, but I do not mean any disrespect to our new member. Moha is nothing to criticise someone for. We all have it to some degree.

    I would like to know just how he is positive that these Truths are actually the way things are. I have had many ideas about life such as he, but later on I saw things differently. In my younger days I did not question the existence of a soul. Now, as much as I look for one, I cannot find it. I cannot say it doesn't exist, but I can say I do not see evidence of it. If he has some insight into this I wouldn't mind hearing it.

    I myself am quite comfortable with my Dhamma Vinyana, Buddha Dhamma, Buddhism, or whatever you would like to call it. I am not going to follow an obscure God that I cannot know or understand, but I will refrain from speaking harshly to Jarett. (I have learned my lesson about Right Speech from the Jesus and Buddha forum. How embarassing that was for me! Sorry again identityless.) If he speaks foolishly then let his own words show his lack of wisdom, if not then we all may learn something new.


    *Edited for politeness*
  • edited August 2005
    Dearest Jarett,
    How sad that you have introduced yourself on this site with the obvious attitude that you have superior knowledge to the rest of us. How about sitting back and watching for a little while? You may find that your teachers are here.
    ps. I'm not really interested in your god.
  • BrianBrian Detroit, MI Moderator
    edited August 2005
    Thread moved to appropriate forum and renamed to something more topical.

    Jarrett, if the title bothers you, please let me know and I'll change it to something else :)
  • comicallyinsanecomicallyinsane Veteran
    edited August 2005
    Will Jarrett ever be back?
  • emmakemmak Veteran
    edited August 2005
    I think this is the first thread here that has gotten a bit e-sangha. We were doing so well....
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited August 2005
    Will Jarrett ever be back?

    I sincerely hope so. I understand what Emmak means about this thread having been like others, in another site, but it was a strong statement he made to begin with.... it put many of us - including me - on a back foot, so to speak.... If he DOES give up, it would be a pity, as much for us as for him.
  • comicallyinsanecomicallyinsane Veteran
    edited August 2005
    I say he should come back. He seems to want to prove his point of view and some of us have already disproved some of the things he said. Maybe he will learn something from us troublemaking Buddhists.
  • edited August 2005
    Jarett wrote:

    16. Man is no greater than any animal or insect or anything else in the universe. All things are as God created them, as are we. God creates only perfection.

    Hmmmm...if God creates only "perfection", then why are so many babies born in this world that are so "imperfect"? Such as children born with Down's Syndrome, etc? That's very confusing to me!!
  • comicallyinsanecomicallyinsane Veteran
    edited August 2005
    Maybe out perfect nature makes us destroy the world? Being perfect must mean to kill people and lie and steal and many other horrible things. It doesn't make any sense to me either. The staement that is.
  • SabineSabine Veteran
    edited August 2005
    buddhafoot wrote:
    <insert cricket noises....>

  • emmakemmak Veteran
    edited August 2005
    I agree. Bloody strange perception of perfect....
  • JarettJarett New
    edited August 2005
    Actually, if you don't mind, could you change the title back to what it was?
    Of course I've come back, I'm not finished with you yet! :) There is much Love and understanding in you people and I wish to have you FULLY realize what you are all capable of. So, let's continue..
    1) There is the God you mention.
    2) And who is this God exactly?
    3) How did this information come to you?
    4) Why are we not meant to know about this God?
    5) If this God doesn't want us to know about Him, why should we even bother ourselves with him?
    This seems to me that there is no real validation to this. You could just as easily change the word "God" for "Mickey Mouse" and it would all be just about as relevent.
    I mean, if this works for you - I think that is totally cool. I also appreciate that you have decided to share this with us on this forum. Unfortunately, I don't think that something so 'Buddhist' and then incorporating some unknown, secretive, clandestine deity works for me.
    God is just the word that is most commonly used and recognized, so that is what was used. God is everywhere and It is all things because all things are made of energy. You could call It the Divine Energy of Love, or the Higher Power, or anything else you wish to call It. God exists and He already knows everything because He is everything. Which means it doesn't matter what you call Him or It because being and knowing is beyond language. Words are irrelevant to It. It's the intent of words or actions that matter. So if you wish to call Him Mickey Mouse, go right ahead, He doesn't mind. :)

    Most of this information has come to me through various books, some through websites. Some of which are posted on the website under "Links of Truth". Some of them just came into my head as I was writing or typing. Psychic abilities are normal because thoughts are energy just like everything else.

    To FULLY understand what God is, we have to earn it by being as He is. Meeting our Creator can't be done in this physical world. In The Truths of Life it says that there are further planes of existence beyond this one. Each is more subtle and less physical than the next. We'll have to Love as much as possible and wait until the time comes.

    The reason we should bother ourselves with Him is because we exist because of Him. We are a part of Him. We exist out of His Love for us, so naturally, we should show our Love back.

    God isn't something that can just be read or told about. It has to be experienced firsthand by the individual. It requires practice in combination with theory. If you don't practice it, you'll probably never know it. If you truly and honestly want proof of God for the right reasons, you WILL find it. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. You've already been given the theory, but you'll have to provide the practice. #83. Giving yourself to Him is the greatest thing you could EVER do for yourself or others. Doing this is the key to true peace and happiness in life and beyond.

    These aren't "secret" teachings. They're just not very well known to the majority of people. It's been kept from us by people who wish to keep control of us. They don't want us to know that we have the power of God within ourselves. We need to take their false sense of power away from them, but we must do it by ways of Love. Love thy enemy. Love and freedom is the way life is supposed to be. All of these things are in many different books out there. It's just a matter of coming across them. If you WANT to come across those books, you will, because God wants you to as well. All you have to do is ask. Co-incidents are God's work. With time you'll come to see these co-incidents as normal.

    I ask you all to realize your power of Love and God and put it to use.
    At what point did the world become so smart, so much clearer, that now things are not written metaphorically? And if this has happened, is everything literal now? Why do we still need metaphors? What if things written this very day are completely couched in metaphors?
    :) These things are not to be worried about. There's no need to complicate things. I'm speaking as straight and simply as I can to all of you. I have always been a simple man, it's one of my gifts. Cut out the nonsense, and straight to the point is how I am. You already know that even 200 years ago, a lot fewer people could read and write. It's a simple fact. We have advanced intellectually with our science and philosophy. The problem is that we should be focusing on advancing our spirituality instead. If you already know the Truth, there's no need to seek it out with science. We could be communicating psychically instead of with words, if that was something we spent time on learning. Wouldn't that be easier than learning different languages? We could even speak with animals and plants. Some people CAN do this.
    I find this very interesting, but I wonder how you know some of these Truths are actually Truths.
    For example number 38. "The soul is immortal. It is for eternity. Nothing "dies" because all things are energy. Energy can not be killed, it merely changes form.".
    You'll come to the understanding of these Truths more and more as you live Love more and more. As for the Soul, one of Eckankar's teachings is of Soul travel. This can be done by ways of dreaming or by meditation. It'll most likely take some practice, but all you have to do is ask for it to happen. You can learn to leave your body and go anywhere in the world, or even to some of the further planes of existence. This is something that you'll have to learn for yourself.
    As I recall Adam and Eve were the only beings created in God's image. After they sinned and had their first born, Saul I believe, everyone after that was born in his image.
    Honestly I find your "truths" to be a load of propaganda. You have no clue as to what or who you are talking to and you don't even understand the basics of what we belive.
    It's already been explained that that story isn't all Truth. In actuality, it doesn't really matter because it is only the absolute present moment in time that matters. It is NOW that we are one with God. The past and the future are irrelevant. Refer to #98, and #101.
    Courtesy does not appear to be among the virtues practised in this religion, nor, perhaps, a genuine wish to b taken seriously, otherwise this thread would not be in Buddhism 101 as it has exactly zip to do with the Dharma IMHO.
    Before getting into the creation myths, either in the truncated Christian or the extended Jewish versions (neither of which you remember correctly, Comic: well done!), there are far more serious questions to be addressed to this list of unproven, unprovable and absolutist statements.
    I apologize. It was posted in that forum for two different reasons. First, I wasn't exactly sure where it should go. Second, it was one of the more used forums and this needs to be seen by as many people as possible. This isn't about Christianity or Judiasm. It's about the Truth.
    If you want proof, it must be practiced by you. God only shows himself to people that earn it and wish it to happen. You must be willing to Love. Give yourself to Him with honesty and you WILL have your proof.
    Having taken your request to "please read it in full from beginning to end" it reminds me of one of those vast car-crusher machines.... you've taken several elegant, functional, historical, useable and original creative works and attempted to condense them into your interpretation of what God wants of us and how we should then behave in order to Live the Truth. In doing so you have carelessly dismissed thousands of years' worth of carefully considered and structured teachings, and stated that in essence, they are redundant.
    "I read a number of spiritual books and writings of various teachings over the period of a few months" A few months simply cannot ever give you a true and accurate picture of what you are so rudely dismissing out of hand...
    And forgive my bluntness, but your further arrogance as putting yourself forward as author of these plagiarised teachings, and dictating that "138. Not a single letter or sentence of these Truths shall be changed by anyone besides the original author. This would be an act against God" borders on the frankly Egotistically fanatical.
    The Kalama Sutra is one of the Buddha's finest and most endearing teachings. It is one we all know well and practise as best we can, in order to further our own steps along our paths to Enlightenment.
    It is precisely with this Sutta in mind, that I considered this response to you.
    This is because there is BASIS of Truth to all religions and spiritualities. Over time they become changed and manipulated by people who haven't experienced them firsthand and don't properly understand them. The list was made so that it relates to as many people as possible. That is why there are references from all these other things. This wasn't just MY doing, it was the work of God through my individual talents. God does indeed work in mysterious ways. You'll see how beautiful these ways are once you experience them yourself. If The Kalama Sutra works for you, then by all means, continue it. But if you are willing to just give yourself to God for His purposes, you can reach enlightenment VERY quickly. This is what happened with me. I read the exact knowledge and books I needed to in order to write this list of Truths. He sent me straight to the sources I needed. Look at my profile, visit my website and read "The Making of The Truths of Life". Also check "Links of Truth" and check out the first 3 books listed. They have nothing to do with Eckankar. I recommend those 3 books as reading material for EVERYONE.
    This new religion also has a new god, who is clearly a Yorkshire god: it is called "Eck".
    I know they call it a religion, but it's not really. It's just the Truth. They call it a religion so people have some sort of classification for it. "Eck" is just another word God. So is "Hu" according to Eckankar. What we call God doesn't matter. This has already been explained.
    Well, I think, to be honest with everyone, we should not make Jarett feel that what he posted is bad or that it offends us. It is cool in a way that, possibly, a new religion or thought process could come along that people find refuge in. To just throw these types of statements out asking people to blindly believe in them - probably isn't going to happen.
    No, I ask people to please NOT make a religion out of this. There is no need for religions. There is no need to separate people into different groups. We are all One. All you need is the Truth. All I ask is that you TRY #83 with honesty. It's already been said that there is no harm in trying anything that has to do with Love. The rest of your post has already been answered to thoughout my other comments here.
    I would like to know just how he is positive that these Truths are actually the way things are. I have had many ideas about life such as he, but later on I saw things differently. In my younger days I did not question the existence of a soul. Now, as much as I look for one, I cannot find it. I cannot say it doesn't exist, but I can say I do not see evidence of it. If he has some insight into this I wouldn't mind hearing it.
    I hope you're not losing faith my friend. Give yourself to God and you will find your proof.
    How sad that you have introduced yourself on this site with the obvious attitude that you have superior knowledge to the rest of us. How about sitting back and watching for a little while? You may find that your teachers are here.
    ps. I'm not really interested in your god.
    I am just as great as you and you are just as great as me. The same goes for the rest of you. We are all EQUAL. You just have to discover the Divine Love within yourself. That is who you really are. I cannot sit back and watch because it is of extreme importance to the world that this gets out NOW. I wish only to help. If you are not interested, that's your choice. You don't need to read this thread any further, although I still hope that you do.
    Hmmmm...if God creates only "perfection", then why are so many babies born in this world that are so "imperfect"? Such as children born with Down's Syndrome, etc? That's very confusing to me!!
    Read #84 and the section entitled "Karma". It's explained there.
    Maybe out perfect nature makes us destroy the world? Being perfect must mean to kill people and lie and steal and many other horrible things. It doesn't make any sense to me either. The staement that is.
    Because God Loves us, he gave us free will to do as we wish. We're supposed to use this free will for the good of others, but many of us don't. There was a time before this physical world was made, where we were in a another place, we'll just call it "heaven" but we only lived for ourselves. So we were put here to make us learn to choose Love for others rather than living for ourselves. This is probably hard to swallow, but it's true. Where we are now, in this physical world, is actually a purgatory. A purgatory is a place of spiritual cleansing where we must suffer temporarily until we learn to Love. We don't enjoy suffering do we? We must overcome our egos for the good of others and ourselves.
    I agree. Bloody strange perception of perfect....
    Why is a world full of Love not an ideal goal? It CAN and WILL happen. The time for worldwide revolution has come. It is already happening in many different ways all over the world. There is no stopping it. The time in which you wish to be included is up to you. Better sooner than later, no? Love is not to be feared. In fact, nothing is to be feared, not even fear itself. Fear is unjustified and based on ignorance.

    There is only one God. Different religions just look at It in different ways because they don't properly understand. They lack the entire Truth. There is an ever growing number of people just like me that have discovered the Truth. All I've done is simplified it for everyone that's not seeking it out in the right places. It has now come to you because it's time for everybody to learn and live it. Love, Truth, One and God are all one and the same.
    Whew.. that took a while. I hope you people understand this stuff without any further explaining. #83! :type:
  • JasonJason God Emperor Arrakis Moderator
    edited August 2005
    :) Well Jarett, at least you are a good sport and answered most of our questions and criticisms. That is something to be appreciated.
  • BrianBrian Detroit, MI Moderator
    edited August 2005
    Jarret, thank you for your post.

    I'm wondering, how much do you know about Buddhism? I'm not asking in any negative way - I am truly curious, so that we can at least have a baseline of understanding.

    For example, I know very little about Eckankar (which is probably more than most people, though!). I merely know about the "light and sound of god" and the "hu" chant. So, you can address me as an infant in my knowledge (well, perhaps toddler) of your religion. :)

    I'm wondering where you stand so that I and others know at which level to address you regarding Buddhism :)
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited August 2005
    Jarett, If I analyse things for my part, what I think gives me cause to bristle, personally, is this emphasis you put on naming and proclaiming a God....
    Much of what you say is present in a marvellous book I have read - more than once - by a man called Eckhart Tolle, titled 'The Power of Now'. The difference being that he expounds the Here and Now and Truth, without resorting to any Deity, God, or anything else. He names a Being...but it's as a neutral power, and one that we all possess.... what he says is that we are this 'being' and there's a be-all and end-all to it. Nothing more, nothing less.
    What I'm trying to say is that promoting God on a Buddhist site, is difficult for me personally to accept. But in essence, (with a few personal misgivings that might be my problem) I see what you're saying.... just stop trying to shove 'God' down my throat - !!
    Bit blunt. Maybe flawed, but there.... :)
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited August 2005
    BTW... I did link thru' to your site, just to check things as you suggested.... the advertising pop-ups are a pain - !! :rant: :lol:
  • buddhafootbuddhafoot Veteran
    edited August 2005

    I have to say, my friend, you have some serious perserverance! That was a huge thread!

    Being that I have finally seen the "light" and have found out that I have nothing better in my life to do than post threads and replies on this forum - I'll have to give all of this another read.

    Thanks for taking the time to respond to all the questions.

  • edited August 2005
    buddhafoot wrote:

    Being that I have finally seen the "light" and have found out that I have nothing better in my life to do than post threads and replies on this forum - I'll have to give all of this another read.


    HAHAHAHAHA! Always a trouble maker!
  • edited August 2005
    federica wrote:
    What I'm trying to say is that promoting God on a Buddhist site, is difficult for me personally to accept. But in essence, (with a few personal misgivings that might be my problem) I see what you're saying.... just stop trying to shove 'God' down my throat - !!

    I am with you on this one, 100%.

    Jarrett...thank you for your reply to all of our questions. I am glad you are sticking around. I understand karma, but I don't think I will ever understand a vengeful "God".
  • edited August 2005
    I will take what you have said on my vision quest with me this weekend. And will reply after that.
  • SimonthepilgrimSimonthepilgrim Veteran
    edited August 2005
    A little research into Eckankar, its founder and leaders is quite illuminating.
  • JarettJarett New
    edited September 2005
    Okay, now about the whole "God" thing. God is just a word.

    Theravada Buddhism says there is no self. The Truths says All is All, All is One, All is God, etc. This is the same thing only in different words. Because there is actually no "self", you need to give your self, or ego to the All. God is just another word for All, or One.

    Buddhism teaches All knowing. The Truths speaks of an energy ring of all knowledge. These are the same things, only in different words.

    The Kalama Sutra says "Rely not on the words of the teaching, but on the spirit of the words." Does The Truths not teach Love for All? What is greater than that?

    The Kalama Sutra says "Rely not on theory, but on experience." The Truths says " Simply reading and understanding these Truths is not enough. It is your thoughts and actions that matter."
    What I have been teaching you is that you need to experience God for yourself. Again, this is all the same, only in different words.

    The Kalama Sutra says "But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and the benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it." Are The Truths of Life not for the good of One and All?

    The following was taken from "In Mahayana Buddhism, a bodhisattva has the compassionate determination to aid all beings on their quest for the highest state of development, full enlightenment of a Buddha. This type of motivation is known as bodhicitta. Remaining in this world of uncontrolled rebirth (samsara), this individual has taken the bodhisattva vows not to pass into nirvana until all other beings have likewise achieved enlightenment."

    If you read "The Making of The Truths of Life" you'll see that I have written "That seeing and feeling of oneness hasn't yet returned to me. For the time being it's probably best that I don't advance that far spiritually because I still have work to do spreading this list around the globe. As wonderful a feeling as it was, it was too hard for me to function in this physical world feeling that way. I went through a bit of withdrawal after losing it, but I know I'll get it back when I'm ready to."

    During this Oneness with everything, I felt my time here in this physical world was done. When my Dad mentioned maybe going on a trip to the Temple of Eck in Minnesota I even wrote a little note to him that said "I'm afraid I won't be around that long". But I am still here because I am dedicated to the good of All. The All is what created us. We exist because of it. You need to give yourself to the All for It's purposes and become One with It. The fact that you feel seperate from the All is just an illusion. You already are All.

    If it helps you, change the word "God" in The Truths of Life to the word "All". They are both the same thing. Yep.
  • BrianBrian Detroit, MI Moderator
    edited September 2005
    but you told us not to change a single word! ;)
  • comicallyinsanecomicallyinsane Veteran
    edited September 2005
    I sure don't lke this pushing you are doing Jarrett.
  • angulimalaangulimala Veteran
    edited September 2005
    a deep gassho and kow tow to you all for cooling down this almost fiery thread
  • JarettJarett New
    edited September 2005
    There will be no more from me. There's nothing left to say. Everything you need is on my website. I thank you all for your contribution to it! It'll be of help to many others.

    If you still wish to talk to me, don't hesitate to email me. Everything in life will always be YOUR choice alone. Never forget that Love is the ONLY thing that matters.

    My Love goes out to you All. Goodbye, adios, see'ya later. :wavey:
  • SimonthepilgrimSimonthepilgrim Veteran
    edited September 2005
    Jarett wrote:
    Everything in life will always be YOUR choice alone. Never forget that Love is the ONLY thing that matters.

    ............................ :wavey:


    I usually avoid emoticons but, today of all times, to spread intellectually and compassionately bankrupt claptrap like this left me (almost) speechless.
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