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Meditation diary

edited April 2010 in Meditation
this is a journal of my friend from, but this is a quiet forum so I decide to post here what she is practising so far...

My journal of practising meditation

today, I decide to practise meditation. It will be quite a long journey, so how do I prepare for this trip ?

Oh, just do anything or do nothing around 1 minute. The first minute of my new life, isn't it ?

To make sure that I will do it everyday, I turn on the alarm on my mobile phone. I often have lunch at 5pm, so 8pm is a good time to practice.

That enough for today, I will do some research on internet for theories and methologies.


  • edited April 2010

    Yesterday, my alarm rang at 8pm but I did need it, because I were waiting for that time at 7pm while I red some methology books about meditation.

    It's time ! I did want to get hard at the beginning, so I just sat on a chair and relax.

    It's really quiet because I closed all the windows of my room. I felt the time flow slowly. It's cool ! Just 1 minute and I quited.

    Today, I decide to raise the practice time up to 3 minutes by separate it to 3 parts: If I do the first minute perfectly, I will keep going to the next part. I'm not hurry.
  • edited April 2010

    I finish my 1st minute very well. It's easy.

    I open my eyes and put my clock in front of my sight. I can calculate my breath time.

    The next minute flow quikly but the last minute is not easy: I forget my mind. When I trace the breath in-out, I forget how many second or how many breath that I have.

    Just keep going and I think it will be fluently done.

    I just relax the body, no need to practise any method very soon, keep relax...

    Oh, music is a good environment for reduce strees.

    Choosing a warm armchair, sitting or laying and relaxing,...are a good way of enjoying our lives, isn't it ?
  • edited April 2010

    I have some experiences of listening to music. Different songs - diff senses.

    Some songs make me feel relax and fill up my energy but some songs are not good for my thinking.

    Turning off music and I start to practise meditation. I feel better than the day before.

    Maybe music do a good job to create a gap between speed life and quiet time.
  • edited April 2010
    18. 03. 10

    Everything's okay, My friend suggested that I should practise 3 conscious breathes:

    The first breath, breath in and feel peacful

    The second breath, am I being ...

    The third breath, I am happy...

    I did practise them and raise my awareness about my being here and now

    next time I will up the time to 5 minutes !
  • edited April 2010

    My legs were pain alot ! This was the first time I practise semi-lotus position. I kept going till I couldn't stand for my painfulness.

    that's great ! I can do it !


    I faced my first obstacle: the rules of Dhama. not only Karma Law but also lots lots lots of man-made rules that determine the right and wrong !

    (There're a fews day after that day, she quited her practice.)
  • edited April 2010

    After a first obstacle, I found new way to follow my path. This is a old but long path. I love everyone and I'm waiting for their hearts. Just one compliment is enough for me !
    I'm still keeping practice, but I can't find a right way.
  • edited April 2010

    There's nothing new, but I found a encouraging email from my friend. That was a good signal in my path, then I found my light and my energy. Keep going, there is someone waiting for me.

    I was trying to practise semi-lotus position. There was a bit painfulness but I think it will be OK !
  • edited April 2010

    I can do it, full lotus !

    the day before (26) I tried the full-lotus position I felt lots of sufferings, from my legs, my muscles, nerves,..but I did it and I felt proud that I can do it !

    Yesterday, I did full-lotus position again but a bit softer. I did warm up before did the semi-lotus, finally I did full-lotus position. I felt easier !

    She beaks out some days, maybe for Easter ?
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