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NewBuddhist Member Introductions



  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited September 2010
    Добредојдовте на форумот Винсент! (that's Macedonion!)
  • TreeLuvr87TreeLuvr87 Veteran
    edited September 2010
    Welcome, Vincent. I love how you make sure to tell us that you're legally a resident of VA. If I moved from the state, I'd want to make sure everyone knew who I was reppin' too.

    VA!!! TWO UP TWO DOWN!!!

    Okay I'm done.
  • edited September 2010
    TreeLuvr87 wrote: »
    Welcome, Vincent. I love how you make sure to tell us that you're legally a resident of VA. If I moved from the state, I'd want to make sure everyone knew who I was reppin' too.

    VA!!! TWO UP TWO DOWN!!!

    Okay I'm done.

    Lol, yeah, I grew up there and enjoy the heritage and history of Virginia. I still consider it my permanent home. My wife is less attached than I am (born in the Philippines, moved to Maryland when she was 8)

    Of course it also helps that Illinois doesn't consider me a resident of IL.
  • Invincible_summerInvincible_summer Heavy Metal Dhamma We(s)t coast, Canada Veteran
    edited September 2010
    Name: Dan
    Age: 22
    Born & Live: Vancouver, Canada
    Favorite book: Neuromancer, JPod, many others
    Favorite band: Changes very often, but I'd say The Knife, Arjen A. Lucasson's many musical projects, KMFDM, and Depeche Mode are mainstays.
    Favorite food: Chinese vegetarian cuisine, or poutine depending on my mood.
    Favorite movie: (500) Days of Summer, Atonement, Terminator 1 & 2, Amelie, Blade Runner, Children of Men, The Fountain
    Favorite colour: Black, Purple, Blue

    I was born into and raised a Protestant Christian, the rest of my family are still devout Christians. I broke away from that scene around age 17 and became a militant atheist/anti-theist. More recently, I was recommended a book - Huston Smith's The World's Religions - and the chapter on Buddhism really opened my mind.

    I am ashamed of my ignorant and narrow-minded past and am very interested in Buddhism. It is the most intellectually satisfying belief system I have encountered. This site seems great and I hope to learn more!
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited September 2010
    you yankees are confusing me :eek:
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited September 2010
    Name: Dan
    Age: 22
    Born & Live: Vancouver, Canada
    Favorite book: Neuromancer, JPod, many others
    Favorite band: Changes very often, but I'd say The Knife, Arjen A. Lucasson's many musical projects, KMFDM, and Depeche Mode are mainstays.
    Favorite food: Chinese vegetarian cuisine, or poutine depending on my mood.
    Favorite movie: (500) Days of Summer, Atonement, Terminator 1 & 2, Amelie, Blade Runner, Children of Men, The Fountain
    Favorite colour: Black, Purple, Blue

    I was born into and raised a Protestant Christian, the rest of my family are still devout Christians. I broke away from that scene around age 17 and became a militant atheist/anti-theist. More recently, I was recommended a book - Huston Smith's The World's Religions - and the chapter on Buddhism really opened my mind.

    I am ashamed of my ignorant and narrow-minded past and am very interested in Buddhism. It is the most intellectually satisfying belief system I have encountered. This site seems great and I hope to learn more!
    Welcome Dan :wavey:
  • edited September 2010
    Name: Nidish
    Age: 15
    Sign: Pisces
    Hair: Black
    Eyes: Black
    Height: 180cm
    Weight: 60 kg
    Born: Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
    Live: As above
    Favorite book: What The Buddha Taught - Walpola Rahula
    Favorite movie: Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, And... Spring ; Fearless; Hero
    Favorite colour: Yellow, Black and other Dark colours...

    I hail from a family of orthodox Hindus who think only their religion is true... Even I used to be this way...
    ..But only till this Jan when I came upon Buddhism(In a quest to learn other religions)... I read a book called "What The Buddha Taught" By Walpola Rahula and immediately realised that Buddhism was(and is ) the closest to truth.. So I converted... And, I have told my parents about this... They did not like me following Buddhism at all for it was expressing ideas like "God AND The Soul are both mental projections"... And now, i have made it clear to them that I am a Buddhist and no one's gonna change that... Solves a great deal of arguments ...
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited September 2010
    selamat datang ke forum Nidish (I don't know why I introduce people in a foreign language but... welcome :wavey:)
  • edited September 2010
    Name: Leslie
    Age: 34
    Sign: Aquarius
    Chinese Sign: Fire Dragon
    Hair: Blond or Light brown
    Eyes: Blue-Green
    Born: Minneapolis, Minnesota
    Live: Alexandria, Virginia
    Favorite book: Black Beauty, although I'm an avid reader and read books about many things.
    Favorite band: Don't really have one. Love most types of music
    Favorite food: Pizza
    Favorite movie: Fried Green Tomatoes
    Favorite colour: Blue

    Hi. I am Leslie. Currently living in the wonderful state of Virginia. Originally from Wisconsin. Grew up in a really small town but love the convenience offered by living in a more suburban area. Although if I come into money anytime soon I will be moving out to the Shenandoah. I love the mountains and beauty of nature. I am the mother to two wonderful daughters. Currently I work as and administrative assistant but in the future I would like to return to college and complete my degree in nursing.

    I discovered buddhism a couple years ago and wish to further my knowledge through this forum as well as reading and studying.
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited September 2010
    Welcome Leslie :wavey:
  • edited September 2010

    Is this thing on? *tap* *tap*

    Well, I'm new to Buddhism (big surprise...;)). I first got interested in it a few years ago shortly after moving to the Bible Belt (go figure). I wasn't raised in any religion, not really. My parents were Christian but we didn't really do anything besides celebrate Easter and Christmas, and even then it was pretty much about the gifts. I read some books and practiced some meditation, primarily breath-counting. I got away from it for a while, but some personal circumstances over the past year have made me more reflective and interested in seeking the truth about who I am. I always seemed to gravitate towards Eastern philosophies in general, and Buddhism in particular. Zen Buddhism was what originally piqued my interest, but I don't know what school of Buddhism would suit me best. In the meantime I'm trying to learn as much as I can, applying it as best I can.

    As for other aspects of my life...I was born and raised in CA, went to school in New England, and am now living in the South. My biggest interest is music (what I studied in New England). I work as a corporate investigator, but I'm considering going back to school to pursue a career in the health care field.

    While I'm not as experienced or as well-read as many of you here, I hope I'll be able to provide some help and support, as meager as it may be.
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited September 2010
    Welcome Unsui
  • edited September 2010
    LoveNPeace wrote: »
    Welcome Unsui
    Fancy you inviting every one.. And thanks.. :)
  • TreeLuvr87TreeLuvr87 Veteran
    edited September 2010
    Welcome new folks! Yay, another Virginian! Leslie, I feel you on the mountains. This state is gorgeous. I could never live up where you're at; Northern Va is definitely like an entirely different state. I live out near the Chesapeake Bay, kind of close to Williamsburg.

    Hope everyone is enjoying exploring the forums!<SCRIPT type=text/javascript> vbmenu_register("postmenu_129357", true); </SCRIPT>
  • edited September 2010
    Hello everyone,

    With this message I would like to introduce myself. My (nick)name is Steppewolf, I'm 24 years old and I'm living in The Netherlands.

    I was raised as a protestant (reformed). At my eighteenth I stopped going to church. The church believes were IMHO too dogmatic and not universal enough. Also the lack of complative methods was quite a disappointment to me.

    During this time I was always inspirated and fascinated by Buddhism. Especially after I had seen a show of the Shaolin Monks.

    At the moment I'm into a Zen course. I really enjoy the simplicity, wisdom and humor of Zen.

    I'm very interested in what Zen (and Buddhism in general) and my birth religion (Christianity) can learn form each other.

    This discussion forum is a good way to share experiences.


  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited September 2010
    Welcome :D I've always wanted to visit the Netherlands, is it nice? :wavey:
  • TreeLuvr87TreeLuvr87 Veteran
    edited September 2010
    Welcome Steppewolf!
  • HondenHonden Dallas, TX Veteran
    edited September 2010
    Name: Jeremy
    Age: 24
    Sign: Leo
    Hair: Long, blond and awesome!
    Eyes: Hazel
    Height: 5'7
    Weight: 225
    Born: Only once that I can remember - West TX, USA
    Currently: Central TX
    Favorite color: All shades and tints of blue.
    Favorite music: 90's Alternative
    Favorite food: Asian food (rice, noodles, sushi, etc)
    Favorite movie: The Big Lebowski, it really ties the room together
    Favorite book: Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

    Howdy all! Newbie here and figured this was the perfect place to introduce myself. Former Atheist/Agnostic raised in a house full of alco/work-a-holic baptists. I had my own thoughts and ideas and I tried not to fall into the mold as everyone else did. I've always been interested in the interconnected aspects of life and then I came across a book by Thich Nhat Hanh and that really sealed the deal. These ideas had been infront of my eyes the entire time but this book gave it a name. I'm in a small town in Central Texas now and I'm 3 hours away from the nearest temple of any form of Buddhism, so now I'm taking my search online to learn what I can.
  • johnathanjohnathan Canada Veteran
    edited September 2010
    Welcome Honden (AKA: Jeremy)

    I to enjoyed the Hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy (The Movie did not do it justice) and am soon to read the rest of the compilation of his 5 other books that he later wrote...

    I hope you learn a lot here... I have and am still... There's a great group of people here with a lot to share...
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited September 2010
    Aah, Douglas Adams's books, I'm yet to read the last one or two, although I can't say they're my favourite books, but they are... different.
    Welcome, anyway :D
  • HondenHonden Dallas, TX Veteran
    edited September 2010
    I have several favorite books, but figured that one was the most recognizable. The movie was a little disappointing and I'm sure a lot of other fans thought so too. For the first few days on a message board I go into the "watcher" mode and just read other topics, I'll chime in if I can think of something profound to say...but often don't. :)
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited September 2010
    LOL, I like you man! *punches you in the arm*
  • edited September 2010
    Heya newbies! I'm behind my greetings quota, but Love'N'Peace has been pulling my slack (idigin othidiger lanidigguagidiges!) :lol:

    Steppewolf - you read any Layman P'ang yet? :D
  • johnathanjohnathan Canada Veteran
    edited September 2010
    Well, Love'N'Peace is the official greeter... He wears a special outfit and everything... Lol
  • BonsaiDougBonsaiDoug Simply, on the path. Veteran
    edited September 2010
    With palms together... hello all!

    I am a relative newcomer to this path. My introduction to Buddhism was through a Tibetan Monk,
    so right now Mahayana is the path I walk. However, I truly enjoy all the various flavors of Buddhist traditions.
    The Dalai Lama reminds us that just because others are not traveling on the same path as us,
    it doesn not mean they are lost.

    Looks to be a very nice online sangha, and I hope I can learn and contribute.
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited September 2010
    johnathan wrote: »
    Well, Love'N'Peace is the official greeter... He wears a special outfit and everything... Lol

    Listen to the J man, lizard boy :wtf:
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited September 2010
    Welcome Bonsai :wavey:
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited September 2010
    Who wants to see my greeters outfit
  • TreeLuvr87TreeLuvr87 Veteran
    edited September 2010
    Welcome to the community, Honden and Bonsai!
  • ShiftPlusOneShiftPlusOne Veteran
    edited September 2010
    Hello there. I didn't post here earlier because I didn't know if I'd stick around. I've grown to like this forum as it gives the brain a bit of a workout, so I think I'll stay for a while.

    I go by ShiftPlusOne on the interwebs. Born in Ukraine, but lived in Australia for the majority of my life. My interest in Buddhism grew out of my interest for hypnosis and astral projection (of all things). I found that self-hypnosis was in many ways a form of meditation and naturally all the time spent concentrating on breathing led to some of the same realisations as taught by Buddha. I therefore find the teachings quite accurate to what I observe and also intellectually stimulating. I wouldn't go so far as to call myself a Buddhist, but I like to study it nonetheless.

    So... hello there. =)
  • edited September 2010
    Thanks everyone for welcoming me.
    Gecko wrote: »
    Heya newbies! I'm behind my greetings quota, but Love'N'Peace has been pulling my slack (idigin othidiger lanidigguagidiges!) :lol:

    Steppewolf - you read any Layman P'ang yet? :D

    No not yet, what is it actually?
  • edited September 2010
    I didn't know where to introduce myself so i thought I'd just go here. Feel free to move me! :p

    Hi, my name is Esther + I always called myself a Christian but that religion never really made sense to me. I believe in a "God" + I believed my prayers were answered by a higher power but i didnt ever see God the way Christians did + I certainly couldnt get my head round heaven + hell + i didnt believe in the bible either. I also found Christianity to be quite hypocritical sometimes. Some Christians would quote kindness + non-judging but then didnt carry through.

    Anyway, I dont even know how or why, but the other week i started looking up on other religions + found Buddhsim to really make sense to me. EVERYTHING though, down to the tiniest detail just fit for me. So, I decidied I was really interested in Buddhism + wanted to study it more to see where I was at with it. + I wanted to attend a course. The only one i could find where i live was really expensive so i started teaching myself a little bit (I hardly know anything yet!!) online + then hubby suggessted finding a forum so here I am. :D

    Nothing in my life has ever made so much sense to me as Buddhism seems to + granted, I have only just started finding out but am excited to learn more.

    Anyway, if anyone knows of any groups or classes in Manchester that aren't really expensive, would be great to hear. Otherwise, hope you dont mind me sticking around for a bit. :)

    ps sorry for the essay :o love, est xx
  • edited September 2010
    Welcome! Count your blessings that your spouse is so supportive of your interest in Buddhism. Not everyone is so fortunate in that way.

    Hope you find your stay here beneficial. I am not familiar with your area so can't help out there, but perhaps someone else is.
  • edited September 2010
    I'm fairly new as well. I too have the "buddhism is exactly for me" feeling, and i've studied online a lot so I feel like I have a decent grip. Of course, there's always lots to learn.
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited September 2010
    Welcome est4elvis! I popped you in the new members' thread! Nice to meet you!

    I'm in Hertfordshire, but I'm sure if you google Buddhist centres Manchester, you may well come across a couple of places nearby!
    Let us know what you find, and we'll try to tell you a bit about the traditions, if you'd like!

  • edited September 2010
    Well, hi everybody. I had come across this site a while ago, and made a mental note to return, so here I am! I'm what I suppose you could call an aspiring Buddhist. I've done initial research, and feel that it's right for me. But it's a huge (and slightly daunting) topic, so I felt that coming to a forum of average people would help a lot. I don't feel that I know enough to call myself a Buddhist, as of now.

    I'm a young male, who was born (and live) in the island of Puerto Rico. I was raised a Catholic, but my family is pretty irreligious. Only one of my parents actually was Catholic, and only sporadically had me go to church. Despite that, I went through a hard-line Catholic stage that, in retrospect, was pretty frightening. Then I went into a hard-line atheist stage, which was probably even more frightening. Thankfully, I've mellowed out and hope to learn from the Buddha's teachings. :D

    I'm chock full of questions that are probably very basic but this place seems very inviting, so I have high hopes.
  • edited September 2010
    Welcome BoricuaBuddhist. Hope you find the answers you are looking for ... and wish you well.
  • edited September 2010
    sukhita wrote: »
    Welcome BoricuaBuddhist. Hope you find the answers you are looking for ... and wish you well.
    Thanks a bunch. :grin:
  • edited September 2010
    Heya new people - amituofo! Been bit by the Buddhism bug, have you? :P

    Steppewolf- Layman P'ang is one of the coolest examples of enlightened laypeople, and comes from the Chan/Zen tradition. I have a little book on his "sayings" and meetings with Chan masters, and they're quite koan-ish. But, he's such a wonderfully smart-arse and wise character that he makes an entertaining read. :D
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited September 2010
    LOL Welcome all you new peeps!
  • edited September 2010
    Name: Evan
    Age: 19
    Hair: Brown
    Eyes: Gray
    Height: 5ft7
    Weight: 195 lbs
    Born: Dallas, TX
    Live: Flower Mound, soon to be Austin, TX
    Occupation: Warehouse worker

    Hey everyone, nice to meet you all! I found this website in search for more information about Buddhism and I can really say it's helped a lot. i recently discovered a temple somewhat near me and plan to go there very soon!
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited September 2010
    welcome :wavey:
  • edited September 2010
    Hi all, I am new. I haven't taken refuge yet because I want to research and make sure that I am making an informed decision. So now I am just learning and thinking a lot about Buddhist teachings.
  • lightwithinlightwithin Veteran
    edited September 2010
    LoveNPeace wrote: »
    Who wants to see my greeters outfit

    I'd love to see your greeter's outfit. I wonder what one of those looks like. Post a pic!
  • edited September 2010
    Welcome letitbe13! I would suggest checking out your local Buddhist groups/temples/etc, as reading about it can only get you so far :D
  • edited September 2010
    Thanks! I plan on it. The closest Temple is an hour away! Good ol small towns haha.
  • edited September 2010
    Ah, yeah. I have quite a strong aversion to traveling such distances on my own. I especially hate the mediocre public transport where I live - the closest sangha that I get on with so far is four and a half hours away :P
  • edited September 2010
    Oh I don't mind the travel that much... I think it would be worth it. Plus I'm quite nomadic anyway... I'm considering volunteering overseas a few summers during college.
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited September 2010
    Welcome letitbe13
  • ZaylZayl Veteran
    edited September 2010
    Hello, and good evening... or morning, depending on where you are and what time you're reading this.

    My name is Steve, I'm 20 years old, I live in Michigan in the U.S. and have been reading up on Buddhism for a little while now, and still find myself as clueless as when I started... hence why I have come here. I will be asking many, many questions so I hope none of you mind. After all, everyone has to start somewhere right?
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