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MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
edited April 2011 in General Banter
So... I'm bored. Very bored. Very very bored. I don't want to read. I wanted to make a Buddhist video game, but I failed at that. I wanted to play an online game, but they banned me recently UNJUSTLY (God, that put me in such a bad mood today). Its too humid to take a nap. Blah blah blah. I'm wasting energy typing this. All the answers I'm going to get are ones I don't care about, like "TAKE A WALK" or "MEDITATE" or "DO SOME NICE THINGS FOR PEOPLE." I'm just in a sourpuss mood. NewBuddhist is really slow nowadays too, so I'm sure I'll be waiting for a response forever. No one to talk to. Nothing to do. Its unbearably hot and humid in here (cooling system is broke in my house). I'm not really tired enough to take a nap anyways. Baaah... I hate today..


  • What video game did you play? No you don't hate today. You are eperiencing hate of today. It is an illusion.
  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    edited April 2011
    When I was 12/13 years old, I used to play a game called ROBLOX, a game where you build things. The game was very young at that time, with less than 100,000 members. Not, there are 18 million accounts. So, I decided to rejoin. I got my old account back through a long process - and not a day later, they banned me. The reason they banned me for what I did (which wasn't bad to any extent) instead of giving me a warning was "because in the past, I have misbehaved, so this ban is to teach me a lesson." WHAT THE FFFFF? That was f*cking 2/3 years ago. What makes them think I still act that way and should be punished now for what I did then?
  • Fundamentally, you're not bored, you're angry. Metta meditation would help. I know you don't want to hear it, but Buddhist practice is not about what you want.
  • So... I'm bored. Very bored. Very very bored. I don't want to read. I wanted to make a Buddhist video game, but I failed at that. ..
    Buddhist video game? What next? :sawed:

    How anybody interested in Buddhism can get bored?

    Is not meditation an answer and a solution?

  • fivebellsfivebells Veteran
    edited April 2011
    Buddhist video game? What next? :sawed:
  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    The Buddhist video game was going to be a 2D side-scroller (like the old Mario games). First, you'd start out in a realm (Hell, Animal, or something) and you'd live a life there. When you die, your karma that you gained in your life would determine your next life. The goal of the game is to get good enough karma, after living lives in Hell, animal, and deva realms, to become a human. Then, as a human, it would be your goal to find the dharma and become a Buddha - and then you win. Then, if you want to continue playing, you can become a Bodhisattva and play minigames and stuff. Heh.

    The only issue is... I don't know what the actual gameplay would be. As a worm, how could you have good or bad karma? As a hell being? :/

  • The only issue is... I don't know what the actual gameplay would be. As a worm, how could you have good or bad karma? As a hell being? :/
    you would get bad karma for digging into or collapsing other worms holes
  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    Makes sense. What about good karma?

    And what about deva and hell beings? I'm low on creativity today. :P

    Though, I'm thinking, because I suck at making computer images, I might draw/color/paint the actual graphics and just upload them into the game. It'll have a distinct look for sure.
  • Not a worm, a dog that goes into a burning building to save a baby. Or a horse that intuits a coming earthquake and manages to convince its owners to leave home just before the house collapses. Or a porpoise that saves a drowning swimmer. I don't know if hell beings and Hungry Ghosts have options.
  • ZenshinZenshin Veteran East Midlands UK Veteran
    edited April 2011
    @fivebells, as a former "hardcore" video gamer thanks for the comic strip, it cracked me up. :)

    You couldn't post me a link to the strip could you, so I can post it over at my old guilds forums.
  • fivebellsfivebells Veteran
    edited April 2011
    Tried, but it seems to be defunct. I found the current copy here. It references as the source, which is empty.
  • Buddhist video game? What next? :sawed:
    I would love to play a game like that!

  • good, you are bored. very good. Use it to your benefit, it is a great time to test your practice. Sit in silence and watch your mind as it frantically strives for something to cling to and realize you need to quiet the bugger down ;)
  • CloudCloud Veteran
    When you're sitting there feeling bored, stop thinking and just look at things how they are right now. Wipe away everything except for what "is", try not to think about what you haven't been able to do or what other people have done. Do something for the right-now.
  • "Boredom is an illusion. Boredom is the continuous state of not noticing that the unexpected is constantly arriving while the anticipated is never showing up. Boredom is anti-cruise propaganda."

    - Timothy “Speed” Levitch, Speedology (2002)
  • maybe sleeping, so that you awake with another mood.
  • Being bored sucks, thats when you want to indulgence in all the desires you want to kick! I Recommend doing that art project you always wanted to do! Don't do any of that erotic stuff though!
  • Try and see if you can fit yourself into your fridge freezer...
  • i dont know what to say, it sounds like you have no problem at all.
    meditate then you will find some propose and forget about video games those are just illusions.
    focus on being productive. i guess making a video game is productive. i like the idea.

    the only issue is... I don't know what the actual gameplay would be. As a worm, how could you have good or bad karma? As a hell being? :/

    you need a guide help the character find its propose to do good things. you also need small goals that build up to a big goal. like if you are an ant then you only keep collecting food how do you move from an ant to the next level. the ant would have do good things. like help another insect. or fight evil, sacrafice it self for the good of all beings. when you present a situation to user, all you do i present option go left right wtevr and he chosee the more greedy and evil or the more selfless. the user moves up a level.

    thats all i got for now good luck.
  • worms are ignorant, hence just keeps on coming back as worms :/ until a bodhisattva awakens it or something.
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