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Whose Buddhism is Truest?



  • VajraheartVajraheart Veteran
    edited May 2011
    Well, according to Buddhism, there is no absolute self existence, so, all truth is relative. Which consequently makes everything a truth, so I guess you're right in a sense.
    Damn right. ;-D

    (Sorry... up late. Drank an energy drink. Listening to techno music. Hehe.)
    LOL! Awesome... me too, up late, having a beer, watching, "The Voice."
    So in your Dzogchen Buddhism you don't follow the precepts?

    I watch my mind and make sure I don't get intoxicated. If you study Vajrayana, it's precepts are different.

    Tantra works on a different level of being than the other yanas, and renunciation is not required, it's more about transformation and integration. It does depend upon what precepts your teacher says you should follow though. Dzogchen in the nyingmapa tradition has no such inherent requirements, as it's a practice that utilizes Tantra, but also transcends it. You'd have to have some ground work of study and experience in it to have a real understanding about it. In the stories of Tantric Mahasiddhas, there are many examples of times where they were able to drink endless amounts of alcohol and not get drunk, or even take poison and not be poisoned. Even Hindu Tantric sages had the same kind of abilities, like Neem Karoli Baba who took the entire sheet of Ram Das's pure grade acid and he didn't even flinch, and kept meeting people, and talking with people in his normal way. These experiences from so called intoxicants, if one has a degree of depth in Tantric experience, working with ones personal energy levels, can actually be helpful to ones practice and deepening awareness of the nature of mind. Now, I'm not talking about going out and being a drug addict or addict of any sort. I think you brought up a very interesting topic.

    I did quit beer, sex, movies, etc. for many years for the sake of intense internal alchemical (tantric) practice. Went on frequent retreats, etc. It was a phase in my inner evolution I've had a few times, and it may become a phase again?

  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    To me the Four Noble Truths, the Eightfold Path, and the basic Precepts are the cornerstone of Buddhism, so I do not personally approve of the use of stimulants. Period.
  • To me the Four Noble Truths, the Eightfold Path, and the basic Precepts are the cornerstone of Buddhism, so I do not personally approve of the use of stimulants. Period.
    My version of Buddhism is from 250 B.C. north India, reserved for highly realized beings who have traversed the path over lifetimes. To have absolutist ideas about the precepts and definition of the 4 noble truths and 8 fold path is to miss the experiential meaning of dependent origination/emptiness as well as the experiential meaning of the 4 noble truths, and 8 fold path. To have strict and absolutist ideas about the precepts is to misunderstand what their purpose is. But, I suppose you are Theravada? You would need to have study in the 4 yana model and the break downs in order to have even an intellectual grasp of the relative nature of the precepts.

    The Buddha was not nearly as dogmatic as many make him out to be. He taught Mahayana towards the end of his preaching carrier after all, and even transmitted it from higher realms to those of deep awareness to be disseminated here on Earth. Of course, if one is a Theravada person, there is disagreement. I'm ok with that, as different strokes for different folks. But, plenty of Theravadins have this idea that only there Buddhism is true and pure, even though more and more proof is arising through anthropological digs that reveal this to be an out dated dogma without any informed validity.

    Also, you say you don't approve of stimulants? Such as energy drinks filled with caffeine and many other "stimulants?" You admitted to drinking them. So, I don't see any need for high horses.
  • You might as well cut out all sugar products as well. ;)
  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran

    Also, you say you don't approve of stimulants? Such as energy drinks filled with caffeine and many other "stimulants?" You admitted to drinking them. So, I don't see any need for high horses.

    Where did I say I approved of energy drinks? I've never drunk an energy drink with high levels of caffeine. I've even eliminated regular Coca Cola (and other soft drinks with more normal levels of caffeine from my diet.

    And, it has nothing to do with being a high horse. I simply don't approve of alcohol or non-prescribed drugs. Both for religious reasons and because there was a lot of alcoholism in my family when I was growing up.

  • Also, you say you don't approve of stimulants? Such as energy drinks filled with caffeine and many other "stimulants?" You admitted to drinking them. So, I don't see any need for high horses.

    Where did I say I approved of energy drinks? I've never drunk an energy drink with high levels of caffeine. I've even eliminated regular Coca Cola (and other soft drinks with more normal levels of caffeine from my diet.

    And, it has nothing to do with being a high horse. I simply don't approve of alcohol or non-prescribed drugs. Both for religious reasons and because there was a lot of alcoholism in my family when I was growing up.

    Oh, so sorry... I misplaced that. I apologize, that was someone else who mentioned energy drinks. I'm sorry that I came off so stern. I agree with you, you need to find what's best for you, which always changes over the years. But yes, if you have that in your blood, best to be very careful!

    All the best.
  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran

    Oh, so sorry... I misplaced that. I apologize, that was someone else who mentioned energy drinks. I'm sorry that I came off so stern. I agree with you, you need to find what's best for you, which always changes over the years. But yes, if you have that in your blood, best to be very careful!

    All the best.

    Thank you. I really appreciate that.

  • Thank you. I really appreciate that.
    No problem. Totally my bad on that. What use is prideful adherence to a justification of my mistakes?
  • TheswingisyellowTheswingisyellow Trying to be open to existence Samsara Veteran
    Thank you for posting Bucky G. To the Buddha(or Buddhas) the Dhamma (or Dharmas) and to all the Sanghas I bow. Were all Buddhists and I find that wonderful.
    All the best,
  • You're welcome The swing is yellow.
  • taiyakitaiyaki Veteran
    i gave up the precepts. i break them way too much. i just don't give a shit personally.

    lol i am the worst buddhist. hell i'm not even a buddhist.

    i'm into dudeism. that involves white russians and taking it easy dude.
  • i gave up the precepts. i break them way too much. i just don't give a shit personally.

    lol i am the worst buddhist. hell i'm not even a buddhist.

    i'm into dudeism. that involves white russians and taking it easy dude.
    LOL!! I'm a Dzoghenpa!! Dzogchen means primordial awareness.
  • taiyakitaiyaki Veteran
    hey i'll be awareness as long as i can crack a beer and enjoy my day. lol
  • You're not awareness, as it's a product of consciousness which is a product of the endless inter-mingling of elements... make use of it, don't get intoxicated while you get entoxicated.
  • You don't inherently exist... there is only endless flow of inter-dependence... without beginning, no alpha or omega (limiting concepts). Celebrate freedom!!
  • taiyakitaiyaki Veteran
    i found my shoe on my head, but i decided to wear that shoe.

    no more foot sores broski.
  • HA! Broski... where ya from?
  • taiyakitaiyaki Veteran
    Good old michigan. The good old mitten where cars are made.
    Yourself? lol
  • Just haven't heard broski for a long time. I'm from Lotsa places... all over the map, grew up ghetto ta ghetto, from San Francisco/Oakland to New Mexico, to New York City, to Florida, and more.
  • edited May 2011
    Good old michigan.
    so that means you're probably drinking Hamm's?

  • taiyakitaiyaki Veteran
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