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Just for fun: the random, useless announcements thread!



  • howhow Veteran Veteran
    edited June 2020

    @federica said:

    @Bunks said:
    Random question:

    Why do British houses have a washing machine / dryer in the kitchen?

    It's not a joke either....there's no punch line.

    The UK has the smallest square meterage for houses than any other country in Europe. I am given to understand that Cesar Millan came to the UK to film a series of "The Dog Whisperer" and gave up by the 3rd programme because he couldn't cope with 2 things: One, was the objection from owners of the way he treated their dogs (totally justified of them, in my opinion) but secondly, because he just couldn't cope with the cramped conditions, which he apparently stated inhibited his work.
    We actually have tiny spaces here, @Bunks, and our homes are sadly not equipped to house separate utility rooms. Any home with separate facilities is deemed luxurious, and to have a separate laundry room is deemed a privilege. Look, a sitting room 12' x 15' is considered 'spacious'.

    For example, this is pretty standard accommodation...

    What is an electric hob or " no upward chain" in that property for sale description?

  • WalkerWalker Veteran Veteran
    edited June 2020

    @how in UK parlance,

    A hob is a cooktop.

    'Upward chain' refers to a condition of sale that the seller needs to find a property to buy and meet the conditions to that purchase and the seller of that property also needs to meet conditions. In this case, there is no upward chain for a prospective buyer to worry about.

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    @how said:

    @federica said:

    @Bunks said:
    Random question:

    Why do British houses have a washing machine / dryer in the kitchen?

    It's not a joke either....there's no punch line.

    The UK has the smallest square meterage for houses than any other country in Europe. I am given to understand that Cesar Millan came to the UK to film a series of "The Dog Whisperer" and gave up by the 3rd programme because he couldn't cope with 2 things: One, was the objection from owners of the way he treated their dogs (totally justified of them, in my opinion) but secondly, because he just couldn't cope with the cramped conditions, which he apparently stated inhibited his work.
    We actually have tiny spaces here, @Bunks, and our homes are sadly not equipped to house separate utility rooms. Any home with separate facilities is deemed luxurious, and to have a separate laundry room is deemed a privilege. Look, a sitting room 12' x 15' is considered 'spacious'.

    For example, this is pretty standard accommodation...

    What is an electric hob or " no upward chain" in that property for sale description?

    An electric hob is a work-surface cooker that is electric rather than gas-powered. They could be individual raised rings (usually 4) but occasionally halogen or induction....

    No upward chain means that the people selling are not relying of any house purchase of their own, so their moving out will not stall or hinder the process of Contract exchange. They will move out, when the buyer is ready to move in, without hindrance or hiccup.

    While we're on the subject, the house buying/selling process in the UK is fraught with the stuff of nightmares; literally an hour before hopefully taking possession of the keys to your new home, there is nothing stopping the seller from accepting a better offer from another buyer. It's called 'Gazumping' and people dread it happening... It carries heavy penalties in Scotland, and equally, in France, and I believe, other European countries; but in the UK, it's largely luck if it doesn't happen to you.
    It happened to me.
    Soul-destroying and heartbreaking....

  • howhow Veteran Veteran

    Yeah, lots of Brits have described the utter potential chaos of feudal real estate law.
    What keeps it from being modernized into something fairer for all?

  • ShoshinShoshin No one in particular Nowhere Special Veteran

    A blanket of grey covering the blue sky...with tears in the blanket in which bits of blue show through...

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    Reminds me of the film "A patch of Blue"...

  • ShoshinShoshin No one in particular Nowhere Special Veteran

    I started out on my afternoon walk after work, it was pouring down... I was planning a short walk to Owhanake bay and back,but as I was approaching the bay, the wind picked up and my umbrella almost took off with me hanging onto it...anyhow I cut the walk short and headed back home..

    Fine weather for the ducks... so not all bad... :)

  • WalkerWalker Veteran Veteran

    Very wet here too @Shoshin

    The ducks and geese are happy =)

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    @Walker said:
    Very wet here too @Shoshin

    The ducks and geese are happy =)

    Seems to be a global thing... it's chucking it down here. But then again... 'This England'...

  • lobsterlobster Veteran

    There I was walking with no mask, 4.30 AM after a night of rain. The local park was nearly empty. A fisherman, somebody practicing the trumpet without waking the pigeons ...

    Very pleasant and well able to social distance. I also enjoyed winking at security and police cameras ...

    I enjoy this time anyway but having no n95 masks ... safest city time ...

    Stay safe everyone. Protect the World/Species. 💗

  • FosdickFosdick in its eye are mirrored far off mountains Alaska, USA Veteran
    edited June 2020


    My cat peed on my meditation cushion 🤦‍♂️>

    Consider yourself fortunate. Our one remaining old dog peed on the bed, the chair, the carpet, all over he place, and will likely continue to do so until he finally succumbs to old age and kidney failure. But still it is a privilege to care for him. Never thought I would get to the point of saying that, but here I am.

  • ShoshinShoshin No one in particular Nowhere Special Veteran

    Normally they’re easily spooked but I seemed to be able to move around and they didn’t hop away.

    They know it's a safe haven @Bunks

  • lobsterlobster Veteran

    Wonderful @Bunks B)

    They look like they could do with a drink. Do you leave water out for them?
    I am in a contained cutey too. Covid lock down. My garden visitors have water.

    A poppy grown from seed has just flowered ...

    Feed my 'roos.
    Bodhi Jesus Bruce Christ
    Bible Sutra John 21:15

  • BunksBunks Australia Veteran

    @lobster said:
    Wonderful @Bunks B)

    They look like they could do with a drink. Do you leave water out for them?
    I am in a contained cutey too. Covid lock down. My garden visitors have water.

    No I don't but I believe the forest gives them all they need @lobster.

  • ShoshinShoshin No one in particular Nowhere Special Veteran

    The village on a sunny winter's day...

    I walked to the local Op shop, bought a pair of summer shorts and sandals (anticipating summer)...After which I called into work before heading home....Today's been nice and sunny, but the wind was cold...

  • ShoshinShoshin No one in particular Nowhere Special Veteran

    What a difference a day makes..Yesterday sunshine today stormy...

    A couple of young surfers were making the most of the stormy weather waves...

  • Starting in 35minutes!

  • howhow Veteran Veteran

    While it might be my idea of a good time, I bet this particular thread was reserved for something else.

    "Just for fun: the random, useless announcements thread!"

  • Lost my train of thought. I stepped off to get a quick box lunch. When I came back, it was gone...

  • lobsterlobster Veteran

    Edible boxes. Yum!

    Wait ... think I gone wrong again :3

  • @how said:
    While it might be my idea of a good time, I bet this particular thread was reserved for something else.

    "Just for fun: the random, useless announcements thread!"

    Woops! Sorry..! @how (I should've started a thread announcing this series of lectures that will be coming out in the upcoming days. This video is Session 1 / 6).

    But please check it out!

  • And my useless announcement is:

    I bought a tatami for 45 euros. Oh yeah!

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    I wanted to pass on this site, as I admire their stance on quality journalism and am considering becoming a member.

  • JasonJason God Emperor Arrakis Moderator

    Not sure who'd be interested in this, but I just discovered a new death metal band that sings about things like overthrowing misogyny and rape culture and resisting corporate, patriarchal, and fascist oppression. One of the albums is called Samsara. Enjoy.

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    Since the 1st of june, I have lost 1 Stone (14lbs. to my FATP).
    I am currently Fasting; I last ate on last Sunday 27th, evening, at 20:30.
    I plan to Fast until Friday 3rd, 08:30.
    Feeling great.

  • howhow Veteran Veteran
    edited July 2020

    I wonder if you can spare any of those carbon offsets to help "a friend" with a blueberry muffin load.

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    @how said:

    Yeah, lots of Brits have described the utter potential chaos of feudal real estate law.
    What keeps it from being modernized into something fairer for all?

    The Government apparently had solid plans to make Gazumping a lot more difficult, by introducing legislation compelling sellers AND buyers to place an amount of money into a legally-secured fund which would be forfeited to the losing party, should the other party default, pull out, cancel, withdraw or simply refuse to honour their end of the bargain.

    That was apparently in October last year. But we had stuff like Brexit occupying pole position, then of course, Coronavirus...

    Basically, every legal intention the Government wanted to implement has ALL been put into a Dutch oven onto a back burner....

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    That must be a very interesting read. Please publish a fresh page each day so that we might read it with you. (That should take a while!)

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    Have made milk Kefir. Have requested Water Kefir grains from someone and shall be making that too. More simple than brewing Kombucha periodically....

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    A nice book @shoshin ... I’ve read some of Alexandra David-Neel’s writings, she was a fascinating woman. Not bad for a few pennies at the Red Cross shop.

  • ShoshinShoshin No one in particular Nowhere Special Veteran

    Yes truly an amazing woman...It's a large book 36cm by 26cm...beautiful photos of the Tibetan people and the landscape ...

  • ShoshinShoshin No one in particular Nowhere Special Veteran
    edited July 2020

    Oops it was a fake test....

  • BunksBunks Australia Veteran

    So Metropolitan Melbourne has announced Stage 3 restrictions for Covid this afternoon for the next 6 weeks.

    Stay home unless you have to go out.

    Sounds like they'll return to online learning for school again soon.

    Us country folk have dodged the bullet so far but I feel like it's only a matter of time.

    This virus doesn't need much of an opportunity to spread its tentacles :(

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    Every country that has declared "Yay, it's ok!" Is bracing itself for the inevitable 2nd Wave...

  • ShoshinShoshin No one in particular Nowhere Special Veteran

    Do you work in the city @Bunks ?

  • BunksBunks Australia Veteran

    @federica said:
    Every country that has declared "Yay, it's ok!" Is bracing itself for the inevitable 2nd Wave...

    Yeah, people got lax here plus the quarantining of returned overseas travellers wasn't handled as well as it could be.......this virus takes no prisoners!

  • BunksBunks Australia Veteran

    @Shoshin said:
    Do you work in the city @Bunks ?

    My office is in Melbourne @Shoshin but I've been working from home for 4 months now. So no change there.

  • BunksBunks Australia Veteran

    I seriously fear for how many people are going to die in the USA over the next few months..... :(

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    @Bunks said:

    @federica said:
    Every country that has declared "Yay, it's ok!" Is bracing itself for the inevitable 2nd Wave...

    Yeah, people got lax here plus the quarantining of returned overseas travellers wasn't handled as well as it could be.......this virus takes no prisoners!

    Looking at someone's profile yesterday (she responded to a comment of mine on FB, so I did a little background check) I discovered she's from the USA and refuses to wear a mask because - and I quote -

    "Jesus saves us and prepares us in times of trouble, so I trust God to protect me, because he answers prayers. It goes against my personal beliefs to wear a mask, and The good Lord is on my side..."

    What the F.....

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran
    edited July 2020

    Im always reminded of the Arab saying, “trust in God but tether your camel”.

  • BunksBunks Australia Veteran

    @federica - she may not have heard the saying “God helps those who help themselves”

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    ...Or my favourite:
    "By all means, call on God; but at least row away from the rocks...

  • WalkerWalker Veteran Veteran

    The subject of mask-wearing came up at Mrs. Walker's workplace last week. Someone was spouting off the rhetoric of rights and freedoms... blah, blah, blah.

    Mrs. Walker mentioned how utterly selfish people were being by not taking this virus seriously. She noticed a marked uptick in mask-donners the following day.

  • ShoshinShoshin No one in particular Nowhere Special Veteran

    Well it was -1C in some parts of Auckland this morning...bloody cold...

    But it warmed up during the day to around 15/16 C

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    @Walker said:
    The subject of mask-wearing came up at Mrs. Walker's workplace last week. Someone was spouting off the rhetoric of rights and freedoms... blah, blah, blah.

    Mrs. Walker mentioned how utterly selfish people were being by not taking this virus seriously. She noticed a marked uptick in mask-donners the following day.

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    I have also seen ridiculous and totally false statistics bandied about, of how masks cut out oxygen, cause heart palpitations, dizziness due to lack of air - It's all Bullshit. There is absolutely no medical evidence to support these idiotic claims.
    On the other hand, the Lancet - a leading, global medical journal - says this, about masks:

  • lobsterlobster Veteran

    Watched a documentary about Lama Priest School.
    Fascinating. Was about 7 years in Vatican Seminary. Good Scottish lads turned into Catholic Sangha.

    The Buddy of Christ

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