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What can buddhism do for someone who has found their 'own' truth/path??

zenmystezenmyste Veteran
edited January 2013 in General Banter
For example; Eckhart Tolle , author of 'power of now'

Many believe he is enlightened!

He has and writes about 'awakening' to the NOW!!! And that is all!!

When we realize that NOW is all weve got and when we LIVE in the now fully - we will NOT SUFFER!

He doesnt write about reancarnation or rebirth etc etc - he just writes about living in the NOW

eckhart tolle isnt necessarily a "buddhist" !
He is just someone who lives in the NOW!

So my question is; can buddhism or taoism or any other religions still help him?

Or is he now at a point where he doesnt NEED buddhism??


  • ZeroZero Veteran
    zenmyste said:

    For example; Eckhart Tolle , author of 'power of now'

    Many believe he is enlightened!

    He has and writes about 'awakening' to the NOW!!! And that is all!!

    When we realize that NOW is all weve got and when we LIVE in the now fully - we will NOT SUFFER!

    He doesnt write about reancarnation or rebirth etc etc - he just writes about living in the NOW

    eckhart tolle isnt necessarily a "buddhist" !
    He is just someone who lives in the NOW!

    So my question is; can buddhism or taoism or any other religions still help him?

    Or is he now at a point where he doesnt NEED buddhism??

    There is a convergance of paths in so much as they deal with the same underlying subject matter.

    Your own truth/path doesnt belong to you no matter how much you may wish it so.

    With an open mind, one may find many varied resonances - the significance is determined by your own particular interpretation.

    I can't speak on Mr Tolle's behalf - he may well answer queries - try emailing him and see whether and how he responds.
  • From a Buddhist point of view:

    Eckhart Tolle has realized the I AM presence/awareness prior to conceptualization. This is evident in his assertion of being in the now, which from the Buddhist point of view is a gigantic reference point or source. So from the Buddhist context that is the apex of Hinduism and basically what is called the Atman. Buddhism basically is a response towards this world view through dependent origination and emptiness.

    From an experiential point of view:

    The I AM presence awareness has a spectrum. From the eternal witness to the one consciousness or source. It is very liberating and many mistakenly assume this to be the same realization as anatta and particularly emptiness.

    To respond to your question:

    Buddhism can help by taking the view of emptiness and applying dependent origination onto the source and thus deconstructing the centerness, source into a myriad of streams of consciousness rather than one gigantic consciousness. Also the tendency to solidify and grasp onto a singular reference point of that. Buddhism basically ends the proliferation of such clinging by negating the views of is and isn't. It may seem Buddhism is freedom from such and such but in the non dualistic schools of Buddhism freedom is for instead of from.

    I can tell you from experience that the witness is just the self packaged up and made into something grander than it actually is. Same with the one consciousness. Basically it is killing one king and dressing up a new one in place.

    To the question in the OP:

    Everyone has their own path and own experience. Buddhism is just a system and view that brings about certain conditions for the individual to examine their experience. In many ways Buddhism can hinder progress for individuals but it can also benefit immensely.

    The more and more I study and practice Buddhism and relate it to my life and experience the more and more I've come to the conclusion that Buddhism is about human spirituality. Well the essence of it, not the political or even cultural forms of Buddhism.

    And also the beautiful thing about Buddhism is that it has context for people like Tolle and their level of realization, which is actually more common than we can imagine.

  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    edited January 2013
    zenmyste said:

    For example; Eckhart Tolle , author of 'power of now'

    Many believe he is enlightened!

    He has and writes about 'awakening' to the NOW!!! And that is all!!

    When we realize that NOW is all weve got and when we LIVE in the now fully - we will NOT SUFFER!

    He doesnt write about reancarnation or rebirth etc etc - he just writes about living in the NOW

    eckhart tolle isnt necessarily a "buddhist" !
    He is just someone who lives in the NOW!

    So my question is; can buddhism or taoism or any other religions still help him?

    Or is he now at a point where he doesnt NEED buddhism??

    He didn't say he needed help. But there's a lot more to life than just "being in the NOW".

    Some people think he's enlightened (as per his own hype), others think he's a cult figure. To each his/her own.

    There are plenty of people who don't "need" Buddhism. People who live rewarding lives giving to others and contributing toward improving society and the world. Maybe they got their dose of Buddhism in past lives. Or maybe they found their way naturally. I don't think Buddhism is about writing a prescription for other people. It's about working on ourselves.

  • I think he finds a lot of shamata in his beliefs. Look how tranquil Jim Carry is now. And I believe 'the now' can help you let go of some wrong views so it is good. I cannot answer whether Eckhardt manages to uproot all wrong views into full Buddhahood.

    My teacher says that "the watcher" is just a layer of conceptual thought. It is not any special stage it is just a concept that comes up in meditation. For some it may come up very frequently. So I think that is an interesting idea. Does Eckhardt lead people to be stuck to a concept of "I must watch what is happening in my meditation". Because that would just be taking a concept as a self or a fixation. In meditation there is an experience, a meditator (the one who meditates), and a commentator on the whole affair. It would be wrong to accept the commentator as a 'voice of lordly judgement'. The reason is that this commentator can be wrong conditioned thought. But it's (commentator) always there as far as I know.
  • DavidDavid A human residing in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Ancestral territory of the Erie, Haudenosaunee, Huron-Wendat, Mississauga and Neutral First Nations Veteran
    edited January 2013
    zenmyste said:

    For example; Eckhart Tolle , author of 'power of now'

    Many believe he is enlightened!

    He has and writes about 'awakening' to the NOW!!! And that is all!!

    When we realize that NOW is all weve got and when we LIVE in the now fully - we will NOT SUFFER!

    He doesnt write about reancarnation or rebirth etc etc - he just writes about living in the NOW

    eckhart tolle isnt necessarily a "buddhist" !
    He is just someone who lives in the NOW!

    So my question is; can buddhism or taoism or any other religions still help him?

    Or is he now at a point where he doesnt NEED buddhism??

    I'm pretty sure he talks about Buddha quite a bit in The Power of Now and The New Earth.

    He doesn't call himself Buddhist but he does give credit where it's due and tips quite a big hat to Buddha actually.

    Have you read The Power of Now?

  • seeing the Truth and becoming the Truth is two different thing


    seeing IT is essential to become IT

    others can not say whether one has just seen IT or already become IT

    only the one can say that one has seen IT and One has Become IT too

    one can check oneself whether one has greed or hate within oneself

    if sometime there is greed or hate needless to say there is delusion and one is not enlightened


    if there is no greed, hate and delusion all the time then that is Dhamma, Truth, Nature or whatever name that you can give

    according to Tolle's writing it seems he has seen IT
    more than that we (others) can not say

  • ourself said:

    zenmyste said:

    For example; Eckhart Tolle , author of 'power of now'

    Many believe he is enlightened!

    He has and writes about 'awakening' to the NOW!!! And that is all!!

    When we realize that NOW is all weve got and when we LIVE in the now fully - we will NOT SUFFER!

    He doesnt write about reancarnation or rebirth etc etc - he just writes about living in the NOW

    eckhart tolle isnt necessarily a "buddhist" !
    He is just someone who lives in the NOW!

    So my question is; can buddhism or taoism or any other religions still help him?

    Or is he now at a point where he doesnt NEED buddhism??

    I'm pretty sure he talks about Buddha quite a bit in The Power of Now and The New Earth.

    He doesn't call himself Buddhist but he does give credit where it's due and tips quite a big hat to Buddha actually.

    Have you read The Power of Now?

    YES! I have read it.
    And what i mean is; eckhart doesnt mention a 'practices' like 8 fold path to become enlightened etc etc

    He simply talks about surrending to the now!!

    When we can do this (according to him) we will become enlightened..

    So thats why i wanted to know the difference between buddhas 'enlightenment' and tolles enlightenment!

    If they are the same, then we dont 'need' the 8 fold path to become enlightened , we just need to surrender to the now!
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    edited January 2013

    YES! I have read it.
    And what i mean is; eckhart doesnt mention a 'practices' like 8 fold path to become enlightened etc etc

    He simply talks about surrending to the now!!

    When we can do this (according to him) we will become enlightened..

    So thats why i wanted to know the difference between buddhas 'enlightenment' and tolles enlightenment!

    If they are the same, then we dont 'need' the 8 fold path to become enlightened , we just need to surrender to the now!

    If we are in the now we may nonetheless practice: ethics, meditation, and awareness. I think that's more than likely the case, no?
  • edited January 2013
    In the buddha state, there is no "now" or surrending to now. And there is no reason for buddha to state experience that 8 fold path is fundamental and buddha experience. Thus, 8 fold path is in fact now and essentially for apprentice or enthusias wanted to explore buddhism with a fundamental yet supreme value to base on.
  • DavidDavid A human residing in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Ancestral territory of the Erie, Haudenosaunee, Huron-Wendat, Mississauga and Neutral First Nations Veteran
    edited January 2013
    "I love the Buddha's simple definition of enlightenment as "the end of suffering". There is nothing superhuman in that is there? Of course as a definition, it is incomplete. It only tells you what enlightenment is not: no suffering. But what's left when there is no more suffering? The Buddha is silent on that, and his silence implies that you'll have to find out for yourself. He uses a negative definition so the mind cannot make it into something to believe in or a superhuman accomplishment, a goal that is impossible for you to attain. Despite this precaution, the majority of Buddhists still believe enlightenment is for the Buddha, not for them, at least not in this lifetime."

    Eckhart Tolle - The Power of Now

    As far as I can figure, Tolles writings are teachings on how to walk the eightfold path from his perspective.

    The Power of Now reminds me of Present Moment Wonderful Moment by Thich Nhat Hanh.

    Different styles but same message pretty much.
  • Nothing.
  • Even the Buddha said to ditch the raft once you reach the other shore.
  • genkakugenkaku Northampton, Mass. U.S.A. Veteran
    For some, Buddhism is like wearing a winter coat on a summer day ... no point in being an idiot and a sweaty idiot into the bargain.

    For others, Buddhism is like wearing a winter coat on a winter day ... sustaining and warming and appropriate to the season.

    With or without Buddhism, with or without a winter coat, and irrespective of season, everyone is bare nekkid from the get-go. And isn't that the important part, the part that even a Buddhist or even a non-Buddhist can recognize and learn to enjoy? Coats are OK in their time, but bare nekkid is forever. :)
  • BhikkhuJayasaraBhikkhuJayasara Bhikkhu Veteran
    half the Buddhists on the planet believe their teacher is enlightened.. thats just an aspect of the ego which wants to believe their teacher and what they know is the "best".
  • Many believe he is enlightened!
    Others believe he is deluded.
    Belief is no substitute for knowledge. When someone solves their problems to the degree they require it does not mean they have or offer the skills to do this for others. So for example sports people during intense concentration in their effort, enter the now.

    Having been 'in the now', the zone, awareness and quite a few other places, I know them. I also recognise that some people talk from experience and some talk from 'thus have I read, heard or believe is cool'. If you like, I know the condition of recognised and undergone experiences. There are quite a few . . .

    The question is not whether somone else can interpret and develop their experience through those who have gone through and beyond but how do we get to the initial stage . . . And who can take us there . . .

    This might be a job for 'Mr Cushion'. Just coming Sir. :wave:
  • zenmyste said:

    For example; Eckhart Tolle , author of 'power of now'

    Many believe he is enlightened!

    He has and writes about 'awakening' to the NOW!!! And that is all!!

    When we realize that NOW is all weve got and when we LIVE in the now fully - we will NOT SUFFER!

    He doesnt write about reancarnation or rebirth etc etc - he just writes about living in the NOW

    eckhart tolle isnt necessarily a "buddhist" !
    He is just someone who lives in the NOW!

    So my question is; can buddhism or taoism or any other religions still help him?

    Or is he now at a point where he doesnt NEED buddhism??

    Well, if he is enlightened, he is enlightened. What has Buddhism got to do with it? Buddha, when he got enlightened under the Boddhi tree, didn't have Buddhism to help him enlightened, did he?
  • Oh i see what OP query. Any person who claimed enlightened at now ad mentioned in the OP, may not necessarily supreme enlightenment anf from any forms of teaching or religions is able to understand and explain any sutra recorded in the tripitaka. Because it is their beings' own nature :D
  • JasonJason God Emperor Arrakis Moderator
    edited January 2013
    zenmyste said:

    For example; Eckhart Tolle , author of 'power of now'

    Many believe he is enlightened!

    He has and writes about 'awakening' to the NOW!!! And that is all!!

    When we realize that NOW is all weve got and when we LIVE in the now fully - we will NOT SUFFER!

    He doesnt write about reancarnation or rebirth etc etc - he just writes about living in the NOW

    eckhart tolle isnt necessarily a "buddhist" !
    He is just someone who lives in the NOW!

    So my question is; can buddhism or taoism or any other religions still help him?

    Or is he now at a point where he doesnt NEED buddhism??

    If someone has found their own path, then they're like a Buddha themself and don't really need to follow any other—unless, of course, something in their path/life happens to be lacking. And if one can pinpoint what's missing in their own path/life, I'm sure one can find a relevant teaching in the Buddha's discourses that can help fill the hole. I've found the Buddha's teachings to be incredibly comprehensive and all-encompassing in their scope (although some digging may be required). So the tentative answer, in my opinion, is 'yes' to the first question and 'I don't know' to the second.
  • pegembarapegembara Veteran
    edited January 2013
    Take Bahiya as an example. He was not even a "Buddhist" when he became enlightened!

    With all due respect to Mr. Tolle. The following passage may not apply to him.
    I have heard that on one occasion the Blessed One was staying near Sāvatthī at Jeta's Grove, Anāthapiṇḍika's monastery. And on that occasion Bāhiya of the Bark-cloth was living in Suppāraka by the seashore. He was worshipped, revered, honored, venerated, and given homage — a recipient of robes, alms food, lodgings, & medicinal requisites for the sick. Then, when he was alone in seclusion, this line of thinking appeared to his awareness: "Now, of those who in this world are arahants or have entered the path of arahantship, am I one?"

    Then a devatā who had once been a blood relative of Bāhiya of the Bark-cloth — compassionate, desiring his welfare, knowing with her own awareness the line of thinking that had arisen in his awareness — went to him and on arrival said to him, "You, Bāhiya, are neither an arahant nor have you entered the path of arahantship. You don't even have the practice whereby you would become an arahant or enter the path of arahantship."
  • You shouldn't chase after the past
    or place expectations on the future.
    What is past
    is left behind.
    The future
    is as yet unreached.
    Whatever quality is present
    you clearly see right there,
    right there.
    MN 131 - "The Power of Now"

    "And how is one not taken in with regard to present qualities? There is the case where a disciple of the noble ones who has seen the noble ones, is versed in the teachings of the noble ones, is well-trained in the teachings of the noble ones, does not see form as self, or self as possessing form, or form as in self, or self as in form.
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