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RobertAscolillo New

Greetings to all. My Name is Bob. I am from Boston, MA. and currently live just outside the city. I will be 59 in may, I am retired with three beautiful children, 19, 17, and 13. I am married to a wonderful woman coming on 24 years in may. It was my wife's open mind, and mindfulness about life that shed some light on my narrow mindedness about many things. For the last couple of years I have been coming hard to grips with my mortality, especially after losing my mom a year ago this month. What am I looking for? I am looking for release from all the attachments that I have learned through the filtering of parents, friends,work, my military service etc.. I need to let go of so much baggage. I have been reading much about Buddhism over the last several months. I have been overwhelmed by the Buddha discovery of the Four Noble Truths, the path to eliminate all that self imposed suffering. I feel that this is my chance to finally get the big picture,and I want so much to learn from all.


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