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Dinner is ready!

VastmindVastmind Memphis, TN Veteran
edited December 2011 in Buddhism Basics
Mindfull eating, like everything else, starts with intention.

Intention is...before the moment. (as much as possible,that is...we are in practice)

So...before the meal...Since Buddhists don't say "grace"...what do we say?

In my home: May we appreciate this food and remember those who are hungry (compassion) :)

What do you say...with intention? What WILL you say....with intention?


  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    Mindfull eating, like everything else, starts with intention.

    Intention is...before the moment. (as much as possible,that is...we are in practice)

    So...before the meal...Since Buddhists don't say "grace"...what do we say?

    In my home: May we appreciate this food and remember those who are hungry (compassion) :)

    What do you say...with intention? What WILL you say....with intention?
    I'm ready to eat with intention and mindfulness!
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    Moved from 'Modern Buddhism'.

  • Thanks for food and friends and the goodness that mercy sends.
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    I simply sit and think back to the time when the food I'm eating was in its original raw state, waiting to be gathered or harvested. and everything that happened in between to get it onto my plate, all the people involved, the effort to grow it, and process it, and prepare it for its ultimate final destination.
    My stomach.
    And that's a whole lot of interconnectedness....
  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran
    This food is produced from
    The Earth
    The Sky
    And much hard work by many people
    In gratitude for this
    May I live in ways that make me better able to help others
    By practicing contentment and less greedy ways of life
    Buddha Shakyamuni
    Our protector and teacher
    I make this food an offering to you
    May it spread throughout the universe
    Feeding all those who are hungry
  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran
    This food I take
    not for play,
    not for fattening,
    not for beautifying,
    not for intoxication.
    But only for the
    continuation and
    nourishment of
    this body.
    For keeping it unharmed,
    for helping it to
    lead a pure life.
    Thinking, I shall
    destroy hunger.
    Thus will I be free
    from bodily troubles
    and live at ease.
  • VastmindVastmind Memphis, TN Veteran
    edited December 2011
    May you always feel welcome at my dinner table.
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