I'm not a ritualistic or structured person. I left Roman Catholicism and drifted away from Eastern Orthodoxy because of the rules and regulations, and rituals. I've come to find there are at least as many, if not more, having to do with Hinduism. Ask a question, and you'll get 100 different "definitive" answers from 100 different people. No one knows how to say "in my opinion"; everyone is an internet acharya or guru. For example, my string of tulsi kanthi (tulsi neckbeads) broke; what to do with them?
1. Put them on the altar in front of Sri Krishna, to whom tulsi is sacred.
2. No! Must not do that! Cannot give back to Krishna what he has blessed!
3. Take them to a river, submerge them and let the river take them.
4. Keep them in a special place (but not on the altar :rolleyes: ).
You can't wear a mālā that you have performed japa with.
Today is an ekadashi (11th day of the lunar fortnight) fast. The fast must be broken with grains at a certain time tomorrow morning, or the fast is for naught.
All food must be prepared and cooked for, and offered to God first, lest you incur offense. Die-hards maintain you cannot even taste the food as you are preparing it.
Sounds silly? Yes, it does. Over-thinking this? Perhaps I am.
I stumbled on the Hua Hu Ching, allegedly attributed to Lao Tzu as a follow-on to the Tao Te Ching. In the HHC, ch. 47 are the verses (in part):
Blind spirituality is unreal.
Chanting is no more holy than listening to the
murmur of a stream; counting prayer beads no more
sacred than simply breathing; religious robes no
more spiritual than work clothes.
If you wish to attain oneness with the Tao, don’t get
caught up in spiritual superficialities.
Instead, live a quiet and simple life, free of ideas and
concepts. This really speaks to me. I'm finding Buddhism and Taoism far less dogmatic than Hinduism could ever hope to be. Do I still believe in the Hindu deities? Yes, along with Buddhist and Taoist deities. Do I believe they are facets or aspects of one God? Mm... I'm not so sure; I'm leaning more towards enlightened angelic-like beings. I've admitted to being an unabashed syncretic henotheist, and can't quite shake my monist-deist leanings.
So I guess this was just a brainfart, but insights and commentaries are welcome.
Yep, there ya go! :thumbsup:
My view: Trying to avoid mumbo-jumbo is just another form of mumbo-jumbo. Every format has at least one thing that will piss you off. If you find a format that has no off-pissing qualities, then run for the hills. How much could anyone learn from something that was totally agreeable?
I think it's about right to pick something that seems 80-90 percent acceptable. Then do that ... by which I mean, practice ... and don't look back. If you want to parse every verse and every ritual, then return to the Catholic Church. I understand the Jesuits are really, really smart.
Chanting is more than listening to the
murmur of a stream; counting prayer beads, know more.
Scared? than simply breathing; religion robs 'no'.
Mere ritual, then work clothes . . .
if you wish to attain oneness. With the Tao, don’t get.
Caught up in spiritual superficialities?
Live a quiet and sampled life, free ideas and
Lob Stew
Btw, Vedanta gives me a headache like the Jackhammer of Satan would. I can't get my head wrapped around Shankara's contention that creation and maya are the leela of God... God playing hide-and-seek? :hair:
With warmth,
But if it becomes to ornate or one clings to it as practice itself, it can cease to function as a means to an end and becomes an end in itself. From that point onward, it has morphed into superstition. Then we think some thing "out there" can fix our problems.
"Why do we do that?"
"Uh well, it's what we've always done."
"But why, I don't understand?"
"You don't have to understand, we just do it." :wtf:
Heretical as this may sound to and for a Hindu, I find it more beneficial to chant om mani padme hum than to do nama japa. I'm being drawn more to Chenrezig. Now I understand why it could be disastrous to attempt an esoteric sadhana without guidance and empowernent... I am too much in flux and unstable in direction. I think it would mess with my head. I think your approach is sound for me at this point.
Perhaps you are not abandoning Hinduism, @Jainarayan, but just cutting to the chase.
If the Buddha 'reformed Hinduism' and was an emanation of Vishnu . . . then . . .
Nothing to leave. Nowhere to go.
Chenrezig = aspects of Shiva or Vishnu
If the Buddha 'reformed Hinduism' and was an emanation of Vishnu . . . then . . .
Nothing to leave. Nowhere to go.
Chenrezig = aspects of Shiva or Vishnu
The Nilakantha Dharani makes clear references to Shiva (Nilakantha itself is an epithet for Shiva) and Vishnu's avatars Varaaha (the boar), Narasimha (the lion), and the one who carries tha chakra, lotus and mace. Those are all Vishnu's attributes. In the Bhagavad Gita Krishna makes a reference to how men are seduced by the "flowery words of the Vedas" (one translation) only for the purpose of gaining material wealth and pleasures, for getting a good rebirth, and nothing more. I think this is very interesting and take this as paving the way for the Buddha to reform the misuses and abuses of the Vedas.
I cannot speak for anyone else but what I found was that hope and belief simply won't cut it. It's like talking about a sneeze without sneezing, a laugh without laughing, love without loving, being devoted to porn without ever getting laid. Experience trumps belief and if experience is what anyone wants, then practice is the means... sometimes delightful, sometimes depressing, sometimes awesome, sometimes awful ... p-r-a-c-t-i-c-e.
In order to practice, you've got to be willing to be a jerk, to be inept, to be a stumble-bum and a klutz. Don't worry, no one else will know: Everyone else may think you're kool and accomplished ... but you need to set aside the kool and the savvy and start being who you are. And everyone stumbles as they begin any practice ... bike riding, carpentry, spiritual endeavor, no different. The object of spiritual practice is not so much to succeed. Rather it is the willingness to fail and begin again ....
Just begin ... and continue. Why? Because experience trumps belief and hope. And it puts your feet on the ground ... for a change.
End of rant.
Indraṃ mitraṃ varuṇamaghnimāhuratho divyaḥ sa suparṇo gharutmān,
ekaṃ sad viprā bahudhā vadantyaghniṃ yamaṃ mātariśvānamāhuḥ
"They call him Indra, Mitra, Varuṇa, Agni, and he is heavenly nobly-winged Garutmān.
To what is One, sages give many a title they call it Agni, Yama, Mātariśvan."
Isn't it a bitch (I can say that, right?
While I practice ritual, they aren't the center of my spirituality; and I don't even do them that often. Only when I go to temple.
Doesn't make me any less of a Hindu-Buddhist.
I hear you.
I'm trying to keep in mind the concept and practice of antharyagam puja: internal worship. Service to others is one of the best forms of worship.