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strange encounter

edited September 2010 in Buddhism Basics
i just got pulled over on my way to taking my sons to soccer practice. i wasnt speeding and didnt break any traffic laws. the officer walked up and was super friendly. he asked how i was doing. i said alright. he told me he pulled me over for two reasons.

one my registration tag is in the wrong place.

i said i have my registration. he stopped me and said, thats not the problem.

the problem is your license is suspended.

thats right. my license is suspended. in ohio the state randomly asks residents to provide proof of insurance on a registered vehicle. i complied and mailed my copy in. guess it didnt make it or who knows.

so the cop tells me that because he knows me and i was always good to him he wont write me a citation and just gave me a warning and told me to see the bmv tomorrow (which i will first thing.)

heres the crazy part. i dont know him. i saw his name tag but still dont remember him. he was super friendly acted like we were old friends. felt familiar but cant place him.

so im wondering how a buddhist would take this encounter.

i know my christian friends would say its god looking out for me or what have you, but i just recently renounced christianity. to be truthful ive actually kind of been a little scared waiting for god to punish me.

some thoughts would be much appreciated.


  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    edited September 2010
    its a mystery. or you can say it is what it is.
  • MountainsMountains Veteran
    edited September 2010
    "...waiting for god to punish me"

    People wonder why I left the Christian church? Where's the god of love and compassion they preach about all the time? Is god (if god exists the way the Christian church believes) so small, jealous, and petty that he would punish someone for leaving his flock?

    Don't mean in any way to belittle your beliefs John (it's an interesting incident, btw). I hear this kind of thing so often though. Talk about making yourself crazy! It just makes me shake my head.
  • seeker242seeker242 Zen Florida, USA Veteran
    edited September 2010
    so im wondering how a buddhist would take this encounter.

    I think it would go something like "Hmm, I have to go to the driver's license place tomorrow" and that would be the end of it.
  • chanrattchanratt Veteran
    edited September 2010
    i would have to go with seeker. from what i have gathered so far about buddhism is that it doesn't concern itself with chance and fate
  • edited September 2010
    it could possibly mean in a past life you two kissed each other and so on the basis of this you should have gotten that cop's number to continue this karmic love line that is flowing through and between your two's secret and undying romance
  • mugzymugzy Veteran
    edited September 2010
  • zombiegirlzombiegirl beating the drum of the lifeless in a dry wasteland Veteran
    edited September 2010
    that's so odd. and you're sure you never did anything that could have possibly benefited someone in a way that they might remember you, but you wouldn't remember them?
    keep in mind that this guy obviously knows who you are because he saw your license. it couldn't be a case of mistaken identity unless he never knew the person's name in the first place.

    well, no matter. consider it quite fortunate, hm? maybe it's god saying, "good job, switching over to buddhism!!! welcome to the true path!"

    probably not... i don't believe that, hahaha.
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited September 2010

    And nobody need answer that, because the workings of Kamma are unanswerable....

    But Kamma seems as good a reason as any......
  • edited September 2010
    haha. you guys are both informative and hilarious.
  • edited September 2010
    he could have mistaken you as someone else or has had a temporary lapse in his own mind.

    Either way, it sounds like his thing.
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