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swift transcience, alas somewhat phomy

ThailandTomThailandTom Veteran
edited December 2010 in Buddhism Basics
greetings sangha :)

I have not been posting on the forum too much recently and I know how much you all miss me :eek: but I thought I would like to share some things in here right now...

Firstly for those who do not know I struggled with this attachment, this long destructive attachment and could not bear it much longer.
Secondly I had two cancer scares around the same time and this all was just too much to cope with, so I went to see the doctor and he gave me some valium. I FULLY understand this covers up a problem that exists, it is a mask of sorts and doesn't solve the root problem but merely hides it. The thing is,I cannot remember my life being much better than it is now, I have taken valium many a year ago, to abuse it, but this time it has made me more social, positive, forget my ex and let go of her and allow her to heal and be free, which at the end of the day is really important to me. I am less anxious, very much so, social everything I was not and was striving to be.

Now, moving on to a more buddhist section of the thread and to those who can spare the few minutes to read such a post, I shall continue.
The Valium has helped, there is no doubt about that, but this is an intoxication, a defiance of a precept. I tried to meditate, I tried the dharma for nearly 2 years and boy it helped with many things, but with these specific things it did not. I see monks walking around at in the morning and I think that my life now is okay, I feel good, little attachments, I am very compassionate and generous still, but is it fake... I cannot meditate on valium either as it basically just numbs your brain to an extent.

Lastly, how does one overcome jealousy in any form. Jealousy is as we know an instinctive human emotion and it is a negative one at that. I will try and give an example, sometimes if we are in a group of people talking and for a while my friend talks with somebody else for a long period of time, I can become a little jealous, which inevitably induces suffering.

Anyway, hello again sangha and hope you are all well and content, MINDFUL. take care and all advice is appreciated :)



  • edited December 2010
    I've taken antianxiety medication for years for panic disorder and generalized anxiety disorder. I once asked a very high lama, the 98th Ganden Tri Rinpoche, what I might do about the anxiety and he didn't have a whole lot to say, except not to meditate too much. Only in the past year I discovered Tara Brach, who is a therapist who works from a meditative viewpoint, and in her book she talks about one client who had established a good meditation practice but then started having bad anxiety attacks.

    I cannot evaluate or judge your situation, because I am not a psychiatrist, and I am smack in the middle of the USA and you are in Thailand so I can't come and see you :). I just wish and hope for your sake that you can find appropriate medical supervision while you're on Valium, which I know is probably impossible in Thailand. All I can say is I hope you remain healthy and get on well and I wish for your sake you were in the UK so you had appropriate supervision.

    Be well, Tom.
  • edited December 2010
    I think jealousy is a byproduct of sense of entitlement and dependency on outside approval.

    I also had a cancer scare recently. It's not cool.

    Jealousy or no jealousy, depression or no depression, ex or no ex....the remedy should always be working on self-esteem. It's the root of many a problem.

    Best wishes.
  • edited December 2010
    why not befriend one of the monks there? wouldn't that be good for you? while you are still on valium get to know him tell and him your problems and benefit from his practice once you're off it?
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    edited December 2010
    I think by seeing that jealousy is human and natural. It is good to wish for relief but I think rather than trying to remove it you could just watch it and notice that.

    Maybe let go of the idea that what you have is wrong and what they have is right?
  • ShiftPlusOneShiftPlusOne Veteran
    edited December 2010
    SherabDorje, why would meditation lead to more anxiety? Everything I've read about meditation says it's great for treating anxiety.
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited December 2010
    If a mental condition exists, altering the impulses of the mind can have a detrimental effect, rather than a constructive one.

    If your drain is full of solid fat, pouring oil on it will not clear it.
    Other more effective remedial measures are called for.
  • edited December 2010
    You may have mistaken the love as jealous :D
  • edited December 2010
    SherabDorje, why would meditation lead to more anxiety? Everything I've read about meditation says it's great for treating anxiety.

    Mediation can have the effect of "dissolving" the ego-structures that hold subconscious anxiety in the subconscious, and the anxiety comes to the surface. If anxiety is already conscious, meditation can help, but if it's not conscious, it can come to the surface when the person is not "holding on as tightly to the ego".
  • ShiftPlusOneShiftPlusOne Veteran
    edited December 2010
    That doesn't quite make sense to me, but I don't want to hijack the thread. I'll just think it over. Thanks.
  • edited December 2010

    I am currently taking anti-anxiety pills. I had a two year period of clinically diagnosed depression about twenty years ago which had me running to all and sundry seeking a "cure", which included tablets (various) In the end I managed to come out of it, and found myself meditating, which continueed for years. Then , quite out of the blue, a couple of years ago - after years of coasting (and meditating) anxiety struck again, virtually panic attacks over trifles. I truly found this shocking in the sense that they seemed to emerge from "nowhere" after thinking I had licked it. Anyway, I was back on the tablets, yet I can say that the past couple of years have been the most contented in my life and, to be honest, I really don't care what is being "covered up". Nerves run in my family, that seems to be the way it is. Jealosy? I see far more than jealosy in my life, day after day! Spite, judgement of others, envy, you name it. I see it, note it, and move on. Maybe the suffering is in staying put? Sometimes I also note that a moment passed me by which in the past would have bought such things in its wake, yet , as I say, I recognise the moment has passed without comment.

    All the best
  • ThailandTomThailandTom Veteran
    edited December 2010
    If a mental condition exists, altering the impulses of the mind can have a detrimental effect, rather than a constructive one.

    If your drain is full of solid fat, pouring oil on it will not clear it.
    Other more effective remedial measures are called for.

    this seems to be very wise, as always coming from you, well most of the time. But right now I don't really care too much of the severity of the dharma to be honest. Probably too wrapped up in attachment, sensual pleasure and ego.

    I am currently taking anti-anxiety pills. I had a two year period of clinically diagnosed depression about twenty years ago which had me running to all and sundry seeking a "cure", which included tablets (various) In the end I managed to come out of it, and found myself meditating, which continueed for years. Then , quite out of the blue, a couple of years ago - after years of coasting (and meditating) anxiety struck again, virtually panic attacks over trifles. I truly found this shocking in the sense that they seemed to emerge from "nowhere" after thinking I had licked it. Anyway, I was back on the tablets, yet I can say that the past couple of years have been the most contented in my life and, to be honest, I really don't care what is being "covered up". Nerves run in my family, that seems to be the way it is. Jealosy? I see far more than jealosy in my life, day after day! Spite, judgement of others, envy, you name it. I see it, note it, and move on. Maybe the suffering is in staying put? Sometimes I also note that a moment passed me by which in the past would have bought such things in its wake, yet , as I say, I recognise the moment has passed without comment.
    yea they do help shorrt term, but you obviously cannot take them for life.... my life in the last week has been the most productive, the most social, the most happy and compassionate. Before I was scared of my own shadow, never spoke to people much because of my anxiety, my compassion, loving kindnesss was always there inside, but never allowed out. now I can, I spend so much time every day talking to random people, to people in my hotel, eating with them, its great, BUT it is fake!

    You cannot really meditate on valium, especially as I take about 80mg a day, sometimes a 100. Not happening.
    But yea, I may go speak with a monk and see what he has to say, if he speaks much english that is.

    Canceer scares are no fun, really horrible things to go though. I still do not 100% trst the doc, but owel, lets see what the future holds :)

    Thank you all and good day sangha ^.^
  • edited December 2010
    In my experience as a registered nurse, that is a very very large dose of Valium. Some would call it a "serious monkey". Please be careful and get the appropriate help and supervision. If the dose were smaller you might be able to meditate, but a daily dose that adds up to that amount can cause you serious damage for life. And if for some reason your supply were to run out, or you were to run out of money to buy it, you'd be in serious serious trouble.

    Tom- that's an immense amount of Valium and it's dangerous (in my experience). Please get help and supervision. I just have never heard of an amount that high except in truly extreme circumstances.
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    edited December 2010
    I have felt very agitated and angry especially related to social things. When I am making a lot of associations they shock me and my habit is to kick out and I feel poisoned.

    Klonopin has helped me in the past. But I got a tolerance to it so I gave up on it and just took the anxiety. Now I am taking it again so that I can be more social.

    But my strategy is to make the klonopin for special occasions. Times when I really feel to be at ease. When its important. Also for when I am so anxious that I feel like I will explode and it takes the edge off but doesn't relieve it.

    But I'm still waiting for that kicking out habit to stop. :(
  • ThailandTomThailandTom Veteran
    edited December 2010
    Do you refer to clonazepam or am I just being silly?? Yea I have no self control. never really have. I take 8-10 blue valiums day maybe some lorazepam, but it has helped. normally it slows people down and stuff, i hve become like a worker bee, organizing things, being social etc, but again, falseness. I wonder what would happen if I tried to stop them all together right now.... hmmm.
  • edited December 2010
    I refer to diazepam, which is the generic name for Valium. Clonazepam is related but not the same, and I don't know the "conversion" or "equivalency" right off the top of my head. Clonazepam is stronger, as I recall, and has a longer half-life, if I remember correctly.

    If you tried to stop them all right now you would have completely ape-shit panic withdrawals and probably a seizure so I recommend you go to a good doctor as soon as possible. This is dangerous stuff, Tom. Please get to a good reputable doctor as soon as possible and get this treated right. I feel pretty helpless sitting here on the other side of the planet dealing with this, but the best advice I can give is that you get to a good reputable doctor as soon as possible and get on an appropriate taper schedule.

    I will write the disclaimer that I am just a guy on an internet forum, but I have also been a nurse for 30 years and what you're doing is just not consistent with any anxiety treatment I have ever seen. I'm surprised you can walk and type on the keyboard. In my opinion you should get to a good doctor and get on an appropriate and safe taper schedule.

    That's the best I can do, bub. Please be safe.
  • ThailandTomThailandTom Veteran
    edited December 2010
    lol, really? I am shocked, I mean today I woke up, took 40mg of diazepam (I knew that was the generic name ;) ) then also I took 4mg of lorazepam and I feel fine. I can type, talk to people, make a coffee for my friend, do everything.
    Going by the last week I would claim that later I shall consume maybe 40-50mg more dizepam and maybe 6 lorzepam.. I have been drinking with it also, but I have not been a stumbling mess, I have been very social, compassionate, selfless and organized.

    You mentioned that you were or are a nurse for the last 30 years, what do you make of this situation then, why are you surprised I can even walk...?? I am not heavy so the intoxicants arr not too diluted in my blood, I am 11stone or 70kg to you maybe and 22 years old.

    Please do not worry, I am literally okay, not incapacitated or a zombie I am not asking for people to worry for me here, I was contemplating how my life has dramatically changed due to valium in a positive way and buddhism did also, but clearly in very different and more profound way. The valium is a quick solution and I know i cannot carry on, but I do not wisj to stop or get a tolerance.

    In your experience, what is happening to my body, my brain? If I am so say meant to be a mess and stumbling around like a zombie and I am not, then why... They are not duds either because I often wake up with phone numbers or emails addys who I have no clue they belong lol.

    Anyway, thanks a lot for your input, here from you soon :)
  • edited December 2010
    I am really hesitant to try to say what I think is happening to your body and/or your brain because I am not a psychopharmacologist or a psychiatrist. According to my quick Google search, the usual maximum daily dose of Valium is 40mg. I can only guess that you have a very high tolerance. You say you wake up with email addys and phone numbers and you have no idea who they belong to.

    I have reached the limit of my experience with this and can only stick with my previous advice. Again, my quick Google search shows that the usual maximum daily dose of Valium is 40 mg, and that's without the alcohol and lorazepam. I have never seen healthy mixtures like this in all my years of nursing, and I did some psychiatric nursing in my time that had to do with high doses of medications.

    For now, I am going to back off, and stick with my disclaimer that I am just a guy on an internet forum, but my previous advice stands. This bothers me a lot and I am concerned for you based on my previous experience, and that's all I can base it on.

    Be well. I hope things get better for you. This bothers me a lot and that's really all I have to offer.
  • ThailandTomThailandTom Veteran
    edited December 2010
    yes well thank you very much for your opinion and advice. I use to be a train wreck many years ago, maybe the same will happen again. Who knows what the future holds, it is distorted mirror of sorts. I may even go and buy some clonazepam in a minute.

    I understand that you wanted to say your bit and then leave it at that, that's fine. I just have ALWAYS had high tolerances to intoxicants, I don't know why as my body mass is not so large. When I was more foolish than I am now in my teen years, I could take ecstasy as if it was candy, wake up feeling fine, I can drink and drink alcohol, wake up with no hangover... I don't know, but at the ed of the day this is not a long term solution, I am not so stupid to think so, I am just in the moment now doing what I am doing.

    I also posted this thread about jealousy. Since finding the dharma it has helped vastly, I am more selfless, take things in a more rational way (most of the time, this specific period is a major exception) but I do sometimes feel jealous in certain situations. Say for example if I have a girlfriend and they are exchanging certain glances I will become jealous lol
  • MountainsMountains Veteran
    edited December 2010
    Tom - You have two registered nurses here. I don't know SherabDorje other than through this board, but I'm fully convinced that both of us are very competent nurses. And as such, I'm alarmed, no I'm mortified that you are taking that much diazepam *plus* lorazepam. Frankly, I'm amazed that you can function at all. I don't know who prescribed such a dose or such a combination of drugs for you, but I would strongly (let me emphasize *STRONGLY*) encourage you to seek other medical advice. These drugs have potentially lethal effects, and you are (trust me on this) doing yourself NO favors with them.

    PLEASE do not "go buy some clonazepam" and start taking it. Diazepam, lorazepam, and clonazepam are all the same type of drug, and mixing them can be LETHAL. I mean that in all seriousness. I have seen people die from taking that exact combination. Just because you think you have a "high tolerance" for something does not mean you're immune from lethal effects. If you simply stop breathing, you won't be able to do anything for yourself.

    There are lots of other choices out there that don't have the potentially lethal effects of this class of drugs. Buspar (buspirone) is one that works well for many people.

    Please, please, please go see someone totally unrelated to whomever it was the prescribed this for you and just get the second opinion. You have nothing to lose by doing so, and everything to gain (your life). I would hate to think of anything happening to you in your current circumstances. Far from making you think more clearly, these drugs are clouding your judgement - especially in the kind of dose you're talking about.

    Tom, please tell us you'll at least go talk to someone different, okay? Do it for us if not for yourself. Please!
  • ThailandTomThailandTom Veteran
    edited December 2010
    okay, thank you very much for your advice people trained medically. I personally do not know how I can function, type, do things on these doses, even improve my life :p They re not weak, fake or duds and that is a given, it is a mystery!
    I have taken pharms before, (benzos) wayyyy back when I had a very bad influence as a friend, his dad was a doctor and he could persuade him to get him 90 tenMG valium, 90 clonazepam and 90 lorazepam monthly and sometimes other things, He gave me some sometimes but over 3 months got into a serious serious mess. He use to wake up, take 80 mg of valium, 10 of lorazepam, i dunno how much clonazepam and that was his breakfast. That went on for nearly half a year, he went to rehab, kin of sorted himself out and now I have lost touch with him.

    Anyway, I can hold convos and everything else, my social life, my general life has improved but for how loong!? lol. it is inevitable that things will change but I don't care at the moment. I still hold my buddhist concepts and try to follow the 8 fold path, just I am high on benzos all the time.

    I am aware of the dangers of benzos, I mysekf have had friends who have been in trouble and one hat diedm I have heard stories and all of the rest, but owel, if something happens it does... I am too content to care for much right now apart from being compassionate, loving, happy and getting on with my life.

    I could not find any clonazepam to my dismay, they wont sell it over the counter in thailand, you can uy valium, xanax lorzepam all over the counter easy, but not clonazepam.

    I haven't really read back this post so I have no clue how coherent it is or whatever, but I said what I needed to say maybe..
    Ah yes, I don't want to build a tolerance, I also have no travel insurance so i cannot seek medical help here with as much money as I have so I shall carry on this road.

    Thanks again people, take care all sangha, peace to all :)
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    edited December 2010
    The reason I tolerate less sociability on non-special occasions or non-special anxiety is that tolerance developes.

    Then when you go off its difficult.
  • i can see that when I will stop taking the benzos I will have a wirhdraw, similar to heroin even though I have never taken it I understand it is an opiate. I am trying to taper and get back to the dharma, all in good time, thank you people
  • edited December 2010
    Tom, enough has been said already on this matter to hopefully get the message home. It doesn't look like it has though. So I will try once more. I too am a trained psychiatric nurse. I was a C grade nurse at St Andrews psychiatric hospital for 6 years. I'm not a nurse anymore but my best friend from those days is still a Community Psychiatric Nurse. He goes around the town looking after people with mental illnesses and looking after their medication. Let me tell you, those patients have serious problems, and a few of them are prescribed Valium. The most any of them are on is 10mg 3 times a day, but most are on 5mg 3 times a day. These are people with serious mental illnesses.

    You 'think' you're doing fine because you are on such a high does of this drug. You MUST seek medical advice and stop this ridiculous delusion that you're doing ok because you can talk and type. That is irrelevant. You are taking a dangerous dose of drugs daily and you may be doing long term damage to your brain and your nervous system. If that simple piece of information isn't enough to get you to go see a Doctor then for your sake I hope there is someone nearby who can section you. You are a serious danger to your own health.

    Tom, I'm trying to be cruel to be kind here mate. Get to a proper doctor. Now.
  • Actually i'd go so far as to say you are almost definately doing long term damage to yourself.
  • Helllo darzin, the thing is, I acknowledge and have acknowledged the seriousness of longterm or high dose benzos. I had a friend who took so much every day for almost half of a year. He was a mess, a total mess.

    The message has got home, it is unskillful, it is 'dangerous' to my nervous system and basically a bad idea. > i am not ignorant, I just do not care too much at the moment. You may or may have not known of my problems over the past 9 years or so, everyone has them yes, but right now certain problems tormented me, the dharma could not help as much as I tried, I am weak minded.

    I am decreasing my dosage to around 60 Mg a day for some days, then taper it doown. Again, I am not ignorant to seizures and withdraw, but I m too much of a coward to go and see a doctor. I will be okay, well no, I think I need some form of counseling and or major dharma time.

    Thank you for being blunt, thank you for everyone's medical and non-medical advice, if anybody else wants to make an input, go right ahead, Tom
  • Helllo darzin, the thing is, I acknowledge and have acknowledged the seriousness of longterm or high dose benzos. I had a friend who took so much every day for almost half of a year. He was a mess, a total mess.

    The message has got home, it is unskillful, it is 'dangerous' to my nervous system and basically a bad idea. > i am not ignorant, I just do not care too much at the moment. You may or may have not known of my problems over the past 9 years or so, everyone has them yes, but right now certain problems tormented me, the dharma could not help as much as I tried, I am weak minded.

    I am decreasing my dosage to around 60 Mg a day for some days, then taper it doown. Again, I am not ignorant to seizures and withdraw, but I m too much of a coward to go and see a doctor. I will be okay, well no, I think I need some form of counseling and or major dharma time.

    Thank you for being blunt, thank you for everyone's medical and non-medical advice, if anybody else wants to make an input, go right ahead, Tom
  • I am now down to toMg a day and am heading towards 50 2moror.... the inevitability ispresent
  • Embrace it. It's all there is. It's fine.
  • lol I meant to type 70MG a day. I think yesterday I took 70 so I am not tappering just yet, but neither am I taking more so...

    As they say in thailand, cha cha :) (slowly)
  • meh today 110MG and brandy and rice wine1
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