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If Buddhism= love and wisdom psychology=?

edited March 2011 in General Banter
Buddhism is a branch of psychology you could say, If buddhism is a philosophy though, what would you call psychology? A science, psuedo science? Factual? I'd like to hear opinions :D


  • Psychology is the study of behavior.
    Philosophy is the love of wisdom.
  • There is a thread now going on that is almost identical to this one- something like "Philosophy, psychology or religion?".
  • psychology is the study of the mind by the mind. hence different frameworks for the same thing.
  • And about a dozen more in archive :p
  • Psychology & philosophy are study based on human and in modern day, including animals, environment, and are duality. Buddhism is encompassing and yet emptiness bliss.
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    And about a dozen more in archive :p
    True dat.
    Do we really need another one?
    Incidentally, I've lost count of the "Enlightenment - ?" threads....

  • Buddhism = Dhamma/Dharma
  • +1 I agree
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