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What was your journey

edited April 2011 in General Banter
1.) What are the qualifications to be considered Buddhist? What are the key components that make you a Buddhist?
2.) Is it difficult to choose to give up all of your earthly treasures and live without the pleasures of the modern world?
3.) What do you believe you must do to reach enlightenment and be on the path to liberation?
4.) Why did you choose to become a Buddhist?
5.) Before becoming a Buddhist did you have a fulfilling life with luxury or poverty?
6.) What was the hardest part of choosing to follow the word of Buddha?
7.) What was the major turning point in your life that you knew you wanted to become a Buddhist?
8.) How old were you when you made this choice?
9.) Do you experience suffering in any way since you became Buddhist and acknowledged the Four 4 Truths?
10.) What do you recommend for someone to do or consider if they were wanting to convert to Buddhism?


  • ZaylZayl Veteran
    1, none, really.
    2. I don't. the trick is to just accept them and not rely on them.
    3. Accept the simple truths of the world.
    4. I felt it was the most appropriate for me.
    5. No.
    6. Nothing really, I'm a "pick and chooser" as I feel that is what the Buddha would want.
    7. I began reading the Heart Sutra and that sparked my interest.
    8. 19.
    9. Of course, if I didn't I'd be enlightened wouldn't I?
    10. you don't convert, you just live.
  • 1.) What are the qualifications to be considered Buddhist? What are the key components that make you a Buddhist?
    The wish to be happy and suffering

    2.) Is it difficult to choose to give up all of your earthly treasures and live without the pleasures of the modern world?
    Pleasures are teachers about impermanence

    3.) What do you believe you must do to reach enlightenment and be on the path to liberation?
    Keep trucking and don't give up. Be generous and loosen up. Work hard, practice.

    4.) Why did you choose to become a Buddhist?
    Always choosing. Testing.

    5.) Before becoming a Buddhist did you have a fulfilling life with luxury or poverty?
    Yes and no.

    6.) What was the hardest part of choosing to follow the word of Buddha?
    Frustration at not getting it.. Impatience

    7.) What was the major turning point in your life that you knew you wanted to become a Buddhist?
    Meditation gave me a island post a nervous breakdown

    8.) How old were you when you made this choice?

    9.) Do you experience suffering in any way since you became Buddhist and acknowledged the Four 4 Truths?
    yes because I resist change

    10.) What do you recommend for someone to do or consider if they were wanting to convert to Buddhism?
    think about the reason they think buddhism will help them and what they ultimately want and why they want THAT and why and why. Don't give up and be brave.
  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    edited April 2011
    1.) None.
    2.) I don't know.
    3.) Follow the eightfold path.
    4.) I was raised in a Christian background. This Christian background told me to have beliefs. Buddhism told me to lack them.
    5.) Luxury (100000+ USD a year), but still do for the moment, until I move out.
    6.) Actually acting skillfully.
    7.) Don't feel like answering. :p
    8.) 15
    9.) Things piss me off, sure. Bad things happen, sure. But do they really bother me? Not really. Then again, nothing BIG happened to really bother me.
    10.) Learn that there is no "converting to Buddhism," per se.
  • SabreSabre Veteran
    What was my journey? I'm still walking, I'll send you a postcard as soon as I've arrived. :crazy:
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    @Terra, would you please mind informing us (and me, specifically) what your basis is for asking these questions?
    is this personal curiosity, or are you in fact doing a thesis or piece of coursework for college/class/university?
    I may have missed something, but please help me get the point.

    Clarify this for me, then we can continue!

    Many thanks. :)
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