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Buddhist prayers/mantras

edited May 2011 in Meditation
Hi all,

I'm new to this community, I have been studying Buddhism for awhile. I've been trying to find websites/books anything in regards to simple prayers/mantras. I have a few, but I need sort of like everyday prayers I can use, for daily life tasks I guess, to get myself in the habit of giving thanks and so fourth. If any pointers in the right direction - I would be forever greatful!

Thanks. Rexy.


  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    edited May 2011


    Had this saved to my computer in case I'd ever need to reference it. It has a Buddhist Mealtime Prayer which I think is interesting.
  • CloudCloud Veteran
    All of these types of practices are really forms of meditation, so we'll relocate this thread to the Meditation section. One good resource that I always recommend is for information for all of the various schools, so try there also.
  • Thank-you :)
  • Thubten Chodron's website has a large number of prayers available.
  • BonsaiDougBonsaiDoug Simply, on the path. Veteran
    edited May 2011
    I've adopted my morning "prayer" from my Pure Land brothers and sisters:

    May I shed the foolishness in myself,
    Transforming myself into a conduit of Love.
    May I be a medicine for the sick and weary,
    Nursing their afflictions until they are cured;
    May I become food and drink,
    During time of famine,
    May I protect the helpless and the poor,
    May I be a lamp,
    For those who need Light,
    May I be a bed for those who need rest,
    and a guide for all all.
    May all find happiness through my actions,
    and let no one suffer because of me.
    Whether they love or hate me,
    Whether they hurt or wrong me,
    May they all obtain Nirvana.
  • "May All Beings Be Peaceful"
  • edited May 2011
    As far as personal routine. Every morning and night i bow to the north, east, south and west, usually 18 times great book suggestion would be jewel tree of Tibet by Robert Thurman. Excellent book and at the end there is a large section of ideas on personal devotion exercises.

    some of my personal favorite mantras
    also i would research what they mean first.

    om mani padme hum
    (mantra of Avalokitesvara)

    Om muni muni mahamuni shakyamuniye svaha
    (mantra of shakyamuni)

    Om Amideva Hrih
    Amitabha mantra

    all of these below are Tibetan versions
    om ah hum benza guru padma siddhi hum
    (mantra of padmasmbhva)

    tayatha om beckandze, beckandze maha beckandze randza samu gate soha
    (mantra of the medicine Buddha aka Bhaisajyaguru)

    Om Tare Tuttare Ture Mama Ayuh Punya Jñana Pustim Kuru Svaha
    (mantra of white Tara)

    Hope this helped. Personally I like to chant aloud or in my head mantras either in meditation (helps calm your mind) or when im working or walking etc Good luck

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