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Nordic Aliens

VincenziVincenzi Veteran
edited August 2011 in General Banter
what do you think of them so far?


  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    edited August 2011
  • Are these the tall, blond-haired, blue-eyed aliens who eat a lot of herring? Or am I missing something?
  • oh no not conspiracy theories again ! :banghead:

    They're also known as "Pleiadians". I think that is a more well known term, as I myself had to look up Nordic aliens.

    My uncle who lives in the small town of Teqolotlan, Mexico had a story about the locals getting close encounters with these beings. His story is very interesting to me and I do take it seriously. In that part of Mexico, they basically have no internet. You can count the people in that town that do keep internet. It's very old school there. Not many would have access to the internet to learn about these beings. When something big happens everyone finds out.

    He told me this took place in 1997. He was walking down the street late during the night when he saw a red light crossing his path. He thought;
    "What is this light, a police?"
    He was very surprised to see that it was a craft hovering close to the ground. It was an alien craft no doubt about it, you could tell by the way it looked and hovered he said. It emitted glowing red lights, he was close enough to it to run up to it. But he just stared in shock as it hovered by.

    Later that same night this craft landed in the mountain area of this town. The beings actually left their ship and walked into town casually. There were several witnesses, at least a dozen or more. They were very tall at least 7-8 feet each, blonde, looked almost Caucasian, but they had slight differences enough to know by looking at them that they weren't normal humans. They wore silver.

    These beings stood out very much so in this small town of Mexico, so everyone came out to stare as they walked through the village without any fear. They were approaching a particular house. It belonged to a woman. They approached that house just by knocking politely and this woman was so afraid she told them to please go away, that she won't let them in.

    They went away, but they didn't give up. A few days later they came back again, to that same womans house. The woman was so terrified she still didn't let them in. The next day she reported it to the police. She told them the story truly terrified and told them that they needed to help her because they would come back.
    The police actually believed her story. And they gave her a video camera. They said to catch them on video camera from her roof and to call them the next time they came.

    They did come back. But this time it was different. They came by craft, they didn't exit the craft this time. It was almost as if they knew she had the camera. But still she got on the roof ready to film them, and as she tried to begin filming the craft the roof actually collapsed. She fell through, broke a table and she was seriously injured, the camera was also broken completely.

    There are rumors that she did end up talking with them eventually, even before she tried to film them. But no one knows for sure, or what about. This is just a story that many of the folks in this town are familiar with, as many, including my uncle witnessed it happen.

  • zidanguszidangus Veteran
    edited August 2011
    hmm nice story @Mr Serenity but I have to say I am not convinced. :orange:
  • I love these stories of Mr. Serenity's! Always such a great change of pace, and thought-provoking. Thanks for sharing, Mr. S.

    I've heard of Pleiadians in a completely different way, though, not as Nordic types. There's some kind of New Age idea that some of the people among us who have strong spiritual values from a very early age are Pleiadians. ...or something.
  • VincenziVincenzi Veteran
    edited August 2011
    Pleiadians are basically elves... and they will probably return in a few years.

    being a rebirth of Pleiades/Pleione... I consider myself one.
  • zidanguszidangus Veteran
    edited August 2011
    @Vincenzi OKAYYYYYYYY :screwy: :nyah:
  • @zidangus

    I don't accept your "gift", it is yours to keep.
  • zidanguszidangus Veteran
    edited August 2011
    emm thanks I will cherish it, unless someone else want this magical gift i have, anyone ? :D
  • Pleiadians are basically elves... and they will probably return in a few years.

    being a rebirth of Pleiades/Pleione... I consider myself one.
    I should also point out that the open star cluster of Pleiades were measured by the Hipparcos satellite to be 118 parasecs away from Earth. Since 118 parasecs is approx 385 light years, then these 'Noridcs/Pleiadians, must have very fast space ships, and even if they could travel at speeds close to the speed of light (unlikey) they then must be able to survive at least a lot longer than 385 earth years, unless they can bend space time and travel that way (even more unlikely).

    The most likely star that an alien could come from is the nearest star to our sun,and this is in the Alpha Centauri system, which is 4.27 light years away. The closest star to earth in this system is Proxima Centauri, which is 4.22 light years away.
    For the exact same reasons as above I do not believe that any Nordics or any other aliens come from there either.
    So to sum up, "I just do not believe in Nordics or any other aliens visiting Earth" and you can quote me on that :D

  • Mr_SerenityMr_Serenity Veteran
    edited August 2011
    Those that put complete faith in modern science always think they have an explanation for everything. But the reality is that there isn't a known explanation for everything. That's what makes somethings paranormal, supernatural or occult. It's unknown. I've seen and interacted with spirits without a doubt. Crystal clear encounters that could not be debunked by known science. I would testify in a court of law and pass every single lie detector thrown at me, that I can actually interact with real spirits. I've done so several times and documented it.

    This is stuff that can't be fully explained. Those encounters to me alone showed me that almost anything is possible. It's possible for aliens from other planets to visit Earth, and there is tons of evidence to prove it. Alien visitations have been documented from the very beginning of human civilization. If it's possible for spirits to exist and interact with us (which it is), then for sure it is possible for distant aliens to visit Earth. It doesn't make sense to science guys because they're limiting their mind by the perception that everything can be explained by what they already know.

    To each their own though. You said your opinion, so I said mine.
  • Mr_SerenityMr_Serenity Veteran
    edited August 2011
    As for saying where an alien is from, I would honestly say that is a bit far fetched. I believe completely that aliens have and are visiting Earth, but I feel we most likely do not know where exactly they came from, or how they got here. There is a lot we don't know about them. But from what I know, they're mortal beings that are so advanced, they have abilities comparable to mythical gods.
  • I believe completely that aliens have and are visiting Earth.
    And if anyone doesn't believe that, simply go to any Wal-Mart store on a Saturday night. Proof positive.
  • @Mountains :clap:
  • zidanguszidangus Veteran
    edited August 2011
    It would be interesting to know why some people need to believe in aliens visiting earth, when the proof is less than convincing. Would you believe in fairies in the bottom of your garden because someone had a grainy bad quality picture of it ? I presume you must believe in fairies as there is just as much solid proof for the existence of fairies at the bottom of your garden than there is for aliens visiting earth. :crazy:

    When they land on the whitehouse lawn I'll believe a bit more ( but even then I would be skeptical) otherwise I'll stay believing that our little planet earth has not been visited by aliens.
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    edited August 2011
    Maybe? :) Good thread though!
    Don't see many like this one! Lol.
  • I just "put the hypothesis in the open"...
  • MountainsMountains Veteran
    edited August 2011
  • zidanguszidangus Veteran
    edited August 2011

  • Mr_SerenityMr_Serenity Veteran
    edited August 2011
    It would be interesting to know why some people need to believe in aliens visiting earth, when the proof is less than convincing. Would you believe in fairies in the bottom of your garden because someone had a grainy bad quality picture of it ? I presume you must believe in fairies as there is just as much solid proof for the existence of fairies at the bottom of your garden than there is for aliens visiting earth. :crazy:

    When they land on the whitehouse lawn I'll believe a bit more ( but even then I would be skeptical) otherwise I'll stay believing that our little planet earth has not been visited by aliens.

    It's not about faith, it's not about wanting to believe. It's about looking at all the evidence and realizing that most likely some of it is legitimate. It's about seeing things with an unbiased eye. The proof is less than convincing *to you because you have already made up your mind before seeing it. There is astounding amounts of substantial and considerable proof. But it is your own choice to not take it seriously.
  • @Mr Serenity There is not solid evidence about aliens visiting earth, just grainy low quality videos, and pictures, that are most likely either fake, some top secret military plane or a natural phenomena such as ball lightning or something along those lines. And things such as alien abduction stories are quite frankly to unbelievable to believe.

  • Mr_SerenityMr_Serenity Veteran
    edited August 2011
    There is so much relevant material and substantial evidence related to UFOlogy that is available to watch for free. I think those that don't take it seriously, those that make fun of it are just those that refuse to take the time to actually look into it and study it to actually see if it can be considerable. They basically have already made up their mind.

    But for those that are interested in learning more about genuine UFOlogy there are some great documentaries available that get many years of research and make it watchable.
    Just Youtube:
    Ancient Aliens or
    UFO Hunters

    I would recommend those shows to anyone. As I think they're the easiest to watch documentaries on the subject. They are aired on the History channel, so they're well made. I enjoy them. I never miss an episode. I've seen all the seasons. Very thought provoking stuff.
  • What I am proposing is that the nordic mythologic of elves are rebirths from devanamanarati (Alfheim, Pleiades) that remembered their past lives there and had transhuman skills.

    among those skills is Galdr (bard magic).
  • @zidangus
    I think you're overly critical of other peoples views that don't fit your own. I'm not saying to believe, I'm saying don't criticize what you don't know. And every time you talk about this subject I see how much you don't know. So it's better to walk in someones shoes, in this case the researchers shoes, study it yourself, before you criticize it and make fun of it.

    It's one thing to be skeptical, and another to be critical. I am skeptical, always. But that doesn't mean my mind is closed, it doesn't mean my mind is set. Because I am skeptical, I actually do the research. There is a balance among everything. 90 percent of UFOlogy is fake, but the other 10 percent that is genuine is mind blowing and worth looking into.
  • zidanguszidangus Veteran
    edited August 2011
    @Mr Serenity Im sorry if I am sounding over critical, which I probably am. If you or someone else wants to believe it, of course that is fine, its up to you. All I am pointing out is that this aliens visiting earth theory has been around for so long and not one shred of reliable evidence has came forward. I mean after all of the claimed sightings/abductions/encounters with these aliens how come no one has taken a reliable picture of an alien ? how come no one has recorded an alien speak or make a noise, how come no one has taken a video of an alien in the flesh ? To my knowledge (and I must admit I do not spend that much time reading about these things) there is not one reliable picture or video of an alien, not one. I am sure if there were one, it would be on the front page of every newspaper in the world, and the headline on every news channel. But no I have never seen anything.

    Could the reason for this be that there is not any aliens on earth ? In my opinion this is the clear answer, however others cite cover ups and conspiracy; and the rumors keep perpetuating.

    The whole alien visiting earth makes no sense to me. But as I say if you want to believe then that is up to you.

    With Metta :)
  • zidanguszidangus Veteran
    edited August 2011
    What I am proposing is that the nordic mythologic of elves are rebirths from devanamanarati (Alfheim, Pleiades) that remembered their past lives there and had transhuman skills.

    among those skills is Galdr (bard magic).
    Please let me give you my magical gift, pretty please
    :eek: :hair: :eek2: :):D:o:p
  • Mr_SerenityMr_Serenity Veteran
    edited August 2011
    @Mr Serenity Im sorry if I am sounding over critical, which I probably am. If you or someone else wants to believe it, of course that is fine, its up to you. All I am pointing out is that this aliens visiting earth theory has been around for so long and not one shred of reliable evidence has came forward. I mean after all of the claimed sightings/abductions/encounters with these aliens how come no one has taken a reliable picture of an alien ? how come no one has recorded an alien speak or make a noise, how come no one has taken a video of an alien in the flesh ? To my knowledge (and I must admit I do not spend that much time reading about these things) there is not one reliable picture or video of an alien, not one. I am sure if there were one, it would be on the front page of every newspaper in the world, and the headline on every news channel. But no I have never seen anything.

    Could the reason for this be that there is not any aliens on earth ? In my opinion this is the clear answer, however others cite cover ups and conspiracy; and the rumors keep perpetuating.

    The whole alien visiting earth makes no sense to me. But as I say if you want to believe then that is up to you.

    With Metta :)
    My response will be short for now because I have to get ready for school. There has been cases of aliens being caught on film. Most footage is questionable. *But there are a few cases and footage that are actually legitimate. This footage right here is of an alien visitation to a family that had experienced it several times in a span of 10 years, so they put up a camera to try and catch it, and they did.

    (this video is 3 parts, about 50 minutes long in total. The footage starts at 2 minutes in.)

    It's a fact or faked episode. On that show they take paranormal footage from around the world, and investigate it and try to debunk it. The alien visitation footage was one of the only cases they could not debunk. Because it's genuinely not hoaxed. So it's worth a watch for anyone who is interested.

    The cool thing about that footage is that it shows how aliens can disappear and appear at will. They're very much in touch with the astral plane, with other dimensions, they can go through walls etc. They aren't restricted by the modern science that we know.
  • zidanguszidangus Veteran
    edited August 2011
    Ok Mr Serenity when I have time I will watch this show, but do you not wonder why this 'first time hard evidence of aliens visiting earth' has not been on the front of every newspaper in the world ? or on every news channel in the world ? I mean in the age of 24 hour news you would think something as big as alien visitation that is supposedly the 'real thing' would be able to find at least five minutes on a 24 hour news channel, but nope I have not seen it on the news, anyone else ? This maybe tells you something about the legitimacy of the evidence or indeed its interpretation.
  • Mr_SerenityMr_Serenity Veteran
    edited August 2011
    If you want to see an effort at putting this on the news you need to watch "Disclosure Project" on youtube. That was an effort at getting this out to the mainstream news media. But the fact is, that the U.S. government covers up alien visitations regularly. There has been more than 15 alien craft crash sites in the U.S.A. alone, all quickly recovered by our own government and covered up. They do it that fast, and that good. They have been covering it up for over 60 years. They cover it up for several reasons. They have lied about it so much, that if they came out to the public and admitted it, a lot of people would never trust the government again. It's one of those lies that they intend to keep up as long as they can get away with it.

    This is why you don't see it on the news. But as for other nations. Brazil, and Mexico for just two examples, do air this type of stuff on the news. They take it much more seriously than we do, because their governments don't have their hands as dirty compared to the U.S. government when it comes to covering this stuff up.
  • zidanguszidangus Veteran
    edited August 2011
    That was an effort at getting this out to the mainstream news media. But the fact is, that the U.S. government covers up alien visitations regularly. There has been more than 15 alien craft crash sites in the U.S.A. alone, all quickly recovered by our own government and covered up. They do it that fast, and that good. They have been covering it up for over 60 years. They cover it up for several reasons. They have lied about it so much, that if they came out to the public and admitted it, a lot of people would never trust the government again. It's one of those lies that they intend to keep up as long as they can get away with it.

    This is why you don't see it on the news. But as for other nations. Brazil, and Mexico for just two examples, do air this type of stuff on the news. They take it much more seriously than we do, because their governments don't have their hands as dirty compared to the U.S. government when it comes to covering this stuff up.
    So its back to the conspiracy theories. I have to say that the cover ups are really not that good if it is been shown on a tv show, which is then shown on youtube, and lastly you, I and anyone else who reads your post know about it, so not much of a cover up there I think.

    As for the media, I really do not see why they would not run a story this big if it were true. I mean they run stories that bring down governments and politicians, and are quick to kick the boot into government organizations such as FBI, NASA, CIA etc etc when they are found to waste a lot of money and are not doing there job properly, yet you believe that they are scared to air world first hard evidence for alien visitation because the government don't want them to. Sorry Mr Serenity I just don't buy it. The reason they do not show it is because its not news that has any solid evidence to back it up. This been said I am surprised fox news don't show these stories, it seems pretty much the type of thing they would report on.

    Anyway in this digital age, I think it would be pretty hard to cover anything up of this sort if it were really happening.

    I think a lot of people who believe in alien visitations really do have the attitude of 'I want to believe' in the first place, and that somewhat clouds their judgement and logical thinking on this matter in my opinion.
  • Mr_SerenityMr_Serenity Veteran
    edited August 2011
    Well it doesn't matter if you don't buy it. It's not for sale. It is just the truth whether someone wants to believe it or not. It's not a matter of faith, it's a matter of investigation. I don't mind saying that so arrogantly, because I know I am right. I'm not always right, because when I'm wrong I'll gladly admit it. But this is something I know enough about to be confident in what I say.

    To each their own though.
  • Mr_SerenityMr_Serenity Veteran
    edited August 2011
    It's a successful cover up because the mainstream media keeps fooling people like you to have faith that they are honest with you. Every time it's on American news it's laughed at even if it's genuine. It's because of the fundamental white power Christianity enveloped into the American culture its easy to brush off something supernatural that isn't Christian related, or that is impossible to modern science. It's like a continuous cycle in the psyche that goes back to the repression of occult/witch craft. That makes many white Americans take the side of Christianity or Western science no matter what. I say that because I don't see too many minorities or people from other countries talk down the paranormal so much, so it's a trend I notice. I bet you would say that witch craft doesn't exist too, but it does. And some of it actually works. I've seen it personally.

    Of course though, like you mentioned yourself due to the digital age this stuff can't all be covered up. That's how people like me get a hold of this material. It's real, but even if it's real, people will still doubt it. No reason to cover something up when people like you doubt it so easily, that's a job well done right there.
  • zidanguszidangus Veteran
    edited August 2011
    @Mr Serenity sorry to say but your last post sounds like the kind of things conspiracy theorists regurgitate over and over again.

    Anyway as you say each to their own, if you want to believe then by all means do so.
  • @Mr Serenity Im sorry if I am sounding over critical, which I probably am. If you or someone else wants to believe it, of course that is fine, its up to you. All I am pointing out is that this aliens visiting earth theory has been around for so long and not one shred of reliable evidence has came forward. I mean after all of the claimed sightings/abductions/encounters with these aliens how come no one has taken a reliable picture of an alien ? how come no one has recorded an alien speak or make a noise, how come no one has taken a video of an alien in the flesh ? To my knowledge (and I must admit I do not spend that much time reading about these things) there is not one reliable picture or video of an alien, not one. I am sure if there were one, it would be on the front page of every newspaper in the world, and the headline on every news channel. But no I have never seen anything.

    Could the reason for this be that there is not any aliens on earth ? In my opinion this is the clear answer, however others cite cover ups and conspiracy; and the rumors keep perpetuating.

    The whole alien visiting earth makes no sense to me. But as I say if you want to believe then that is up to you.

    With Metta :)
    the easiest way to cloak oneself when visiting other planet is to choose next rebirth, and later remember past lives.
  • What I am proposing is that the nordic mythologic of elves are rebirths from devanamanarati (Alfheim, Pleiades) that remembered their past lives there and had transhuman skills.

    among those skills is Galdr (bard magic).
    Please let me give you my magical gift, pretty please
    :eek: :hair: :eek2: :):D:o:p
    "all sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable -sp?- from magic"

    you are discrediting a priori something you barely know about, that's a logical phalacy.
  • VincenziVincenzi Veteran
    edited August 2011
    The cool thing about that footage is that it shows how aliens can disappear and appear at will. They're very much in touch with the astral plane, with other dimensions, they can go through walls etc. They aren't restricted by the modern science that we know.
    I invented that technique of the astral hand (used now to make mudras of defense, protection & as sigils for Galdr).

    I warn everyone reading this: within the timeframe of 2012/2014 (the 13th Baktun, and first 2 years of the new Baktun); aliens/elves may visit earth. there is a telepathic connection // hacking skills are AAA (Stuxnet level) // warrior skills :: enough to slay asuras. Pleiadian aliens/devas are acting starting this year in a more active way... I claim alliance to Pleione as a rebirth from there.

    Gæa is awakened, deal with it.
  • .
    ad hominem, next post... write an actual argument.
  • @Mr Serenity sorry to say but your last post sounds like the kind of things conspiracy theorists regurgitate over and over again.

    Anyway as you say each to their own, if you want to believe then by all means do so.
    ad hominem, argument lacking, citation needed.
  • CloudCloud Veteran
    edited August 2011
    I invented that technique of the astral hand (used now to make mudras of defense, protection & as sigils for Galdr).

    I warn everyone reading this: within the timeframe of 2012/2014 (the 13th Baktun, and first 2 years of the new Baktun); aliens/elves may visit earth. there is a telepathic connection // hacking skills are AAA (Stuxnet level) // warrior skills :: enough to slay asuras. Pleiadian aliens/devas are acting starting this year in a more active way... I claim alliance to Pleione as a rebirth from there.

    Gæa is awakened, deal with it.
    I think that about wraps it up. Closing this thread in 3 2 1...
This discussion has been closed.