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how to overcome sexual desires?

cabossimncabossimn Veteran
edited October 2011 in Buddhism Basics


  • SattvaPaulSattvaPaul South Wales, UK Veteran
    Why would you want to? Have you fallen for "desire is the cause of suffering" misunderstanding?
  • LincLinc Site owner Detroit Moderator
    You're a teenager, right? You don't. :P
  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    I think there is a balance. I remember a time when I was "oversexed" and didn't resist many desires, as opposed to now I am "undersexed" and wish there were a few desires to resist!

    I think the time to repress is when sexuality takes over you life and is an obsession.
  • well i dont want to be controlled by my desires sex is the strongest desire a man has i dont want to have sex because im going to the monistary after high school... there are a lot of reasons why now i want to know how.
  • I think one of the methods is to meditate on the repulsiveness of certain bodily functions, to visualize the object of desire as a decaying corpse.
  • BrianBrian Detroit, MI Moderator
    Dude, you're 17. Stop fighting your biology. Just ride the wave. Understand that it is a fundamental part of your body and brain to want sex. It's a natural desire and there is nothing wrong with it. Let it go.

    Your attachment to the idea that you need to be free of desire is what's causing you suffering. Recognize it, observe it, don't let it control you, and move on.
  • BrianBrian Detroit, MI Moderator
    I think one of the methods is to meditate on the repulsiveness of certain bodily functions, to visualize the object of desire as a decaying corpse.
    Why would you say that to a kid? That's just plain bad advice. Sex is beautiful, not repulsive.
  • I think one of the methods is to meditate on the repulsiveness of certain bodily functions, to visualize the object of desire as a decaying corpse.
    Why would you say that to a kid? That's just plain bad advice. Sex is beautiful, not repulsive.
    He wants to be a monk; that's what monks do to diminish sexual desire.

    But you make good points, too.
  • I think @Brian makes good points, and I should have posted something to outline my agreement with him. I don't think, at age 17, celibacy and the "killing" of sexual desire is necessarily something to be concerned about. As he said, it's something recognize, understand, and let go.

    @cabossimn, Why do you feel you need to commit to the monastic life at age 17? There are lots of paths to explore besides just that.

    Also, @Brian, the method I outlined is just another way to see sexual desire as inherently empty. Sex isn't more beautiful or repulsive than anything else. Didn't mean to upset anyone...
  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    You're a teenager, right? You don't. :P
    ^ I lol'd. I asked this question a couple of months ago on here. Finally got my answer. :lol:
  • shanyinshanyin Novice Yogin Sault Ontario Veteran
    Why would you want to? Have you fallen for "desire is the cause of suffering" misunderstanding?
  • shanyinshanyin Novice Yogin Sault Ontario Veteran
    Given, craving or thirst does is not the same word as desire but:

    "What, now, is the Noble Truth of the Origin of Suffering? It is that craving which gives rise to fresh rebirth, and, bound up with pleasure and lust, now here, now there, finds ever fresh delight [D. 22]"

    "What, now, is the Noble Truth of the Extinction of Suffering? It is the complete fading away and extinction of this craving, its forsaking and giving up, the liberation and detachment from it. [D. 22]"

  • ^ i agrizzle my nizzle lol.
  • shanyinshanyin Novice Yogin Sault Ontario Veteran
    The Buddha said that when we indulge in sexual desire, it grows.

    My advice is continue your meditation, and you're eightfold path practice. Find a teacher. Stop masturbating or whatever.

    I'm all for questioning why you want to give up lust

    But I'm all for supporting you if you wanna go be a monk even for part of your life.
  • SattvaPaulSattvaPaul South Wales, UK Veteran
    edited October 2011
    Given, craving or thirst does is not the same word as desire but:

    "What, now, is the Noble Truth of the Origin of Suffering? It is that craving which gives rise to fresh rebirth, and, bound up with pleasure and lust, now here, now there, finds ever fresh delight [D. 22]"

    "What, now, is the Noble Truth of the Extinction of Suffering? It is the complete fading away and extinction of this craving, its forsaking and giving up, the liberation and detachment from it. [D. 22]"

    That's because the two are different. It is possible to experience desire and pleasure without clinging. But different Buddhist schools will have a slightly different take on it.
  • shanyinshanyin Novice Yogin Sault Ontario Veteran
    interesting point, thanks.
  • Cabossimn, congradulations to start being more mindful of your sexual desires
    at such a young age! No sex before marriage is actually one of the simpliest method to take.

    Take alot of the liberal attitude on here with a grain of salt.
  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    Also take a lot of the conservative attitude on here with a grain of salt.
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    edited October 2011
    Don't be divided. When you masturbate go full force. When you refrain from masturbation go full force. Be mindful either way. Be compassionate either way and don't fabricate a problem in your mind.

    Craving needs no additional moral condemnation. The craving already is dukkha and you don't need to pour kerosine on it and make it neurosis and craving.

    So go full force, be mindful, choose with enthusiasm and joyful energy, regret with joy that the moon of awareness will come from behind the cloud of neurosis - have faith (rather than have guilt and rumination), and be gentle and lightfooted.
  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    edited October 2011
    "Take alot of the liberal attitude on here with a grain of salt."
    :skeptic: Hmmm...?
  • Just a thought. The Buddha was 30 before he left for the contemplative life. Meaning he had already experienced pretty much everything before he made his choice. It would do good to follow his actions.
  • Vajrayana Buddhism teaches to use desire and lust in order to overcome them, and reach enlightenment. A friend of mine who just returned from Ladakh said a young monk talking with her male traveling companion said he had his first sexual experience when he was 17. (In spite of being a monk since he was a kid.) So maybe you just have to chose the right school of Buddhism, cabossimn.

    Just thought I'd spice up the discussion a little. :D
  • lol
  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    Vajrayana Buddhism teaches to use desire and lust in order to overcome them, and reach enlightenment. A friend of mine who just returned from Ladakh said a young monk talking with her male traveling companion said he had his first sexual experience when he was 17. (In spite of being a monk since he was a kid.) So maybe you just have to chose the right school of Buddhism, cabossimn.

    Just thought I'd spice up the discussion a little. :D
    Now I'm really confused. There was a young female monk?

  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    edited October 2011
    No, my friend was female, and had a male traveling companion who had a conversation with a young monk. The pronoun "her" modifying "male traveling companion" refers back to the subject of the sentence, "A friend of mine". The "he" (who had "his" first sexual experience at 17) refers to the young monk.
  • cool
  • Sexual desires is one of the hardest desire to transcend. I'd be cautious with any teaching that teaches you to "use" these desires. The Chinese name for the Tibetan school means the "secret ways". I am sure your not ignorant to the trend of the oversexed modern trend Cabossimn, hence I would not recommend modern urban dwellers dabble in secret Tibetan traditions. I heard Charles Manson practiced sex tantras.

  • Clearly there are a lot of wrong views flowing in this discussion, if you are serious about becoming a monk it is better that you read the teachings of the buddha than asking lay people who are intoxicated with sensual pleasures.
    There are many ways, they are:-
    1) The buddha recommends the asubha meditation practice :- contemplation on the loathesomeness of the body.
    2)Anapanasati :- mindfulness of breathing, this has a general calming effect on the mind and disinclines the mind towards coarse mental activity such as sex. if you can perfect just this one thing the bliss that comes from it keeps the mind so content that sex seems like a very small form of pleasure.
    3) Vipassana meditation :- burmese tradition where you do body scanning techniques of the sensations on the body and become equanimous with them. this is taught in the goenka tradition. visit to find a place where you can attend a meditation retreat.
    4) marananusati :- mindfulness of death, if you practice this it has general effect of cutting away greed, hatred and delusion. however the fear that comes up from this meditation technique has to the properly noted as impermanent. If you develop problems after doing this technique it is better to leave it immediately, this is usually recommended to experienced practitioners only.
    5) Generosity :- since generosity is the opposite of greed, it cut's away lust which is also a form of greed to some extent. generosity doens't always mean giving away money, it can also mean giving away time and effort for the benefit of someone else. Also the happiness that come generosity causes the mind to be content and not think about lustful thoughts.

    Also read up the suttas, there are lot of stuff on the drawbacks of sensual pleasures and also on the psychology of attraction between the sexes. that might help. also one more thing, the world contains more fools than wise people, so be careful who's advise you take.
  • lol have sex.

    then you'll get over it after a while.

    everything loses its allure. also the potential for making a child.

    that's a thought that really helps in overcoming sexual desires.

    hang around parents with kids. that will forever curb your desires into the ground where they belong.

    hahahahaha. who says you have to get rid of something inherent in your biology?good luck fighting that battle.

    how about we learn how to have meaningful partners with meaningful sex based on affection and honesty and understanding. =]
  • One of insight sees clearly 4 things:

    This is desire
    Desire is caused by sensation
    The end of sensation means the end of desire
    The path leading to the end of desire is the noble 8-fold path

    This is not an easy task. Sexual desire is one of (if not the) most powerful and overwhelming sensual desires. It engages all 6 senses at once and culminates in bonding with a partner. Sexual desire is not something that can be easily done away with. And in my opinion, if you are living a lay life, it should not be your greatest concern. Healthy sexual encounters have many benefits and a loving intimate relationship is important for many many poeple. You should focus more on maintaining the precepts and meditating regularly while remaining charitable and kind. This is the focus of lay practice.
  • @Ch'an_Noob I was kidding, pretty much. Just a wry comment about a certain tradition. :p
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