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Emptiness And Clarity.

( With apologies to RebeccaS )

" It is pointless to attempt to divide emptiness and clarity."

Ngak'chang Rinpoche.


  • Citta:

    It is pointless to try and divide the five skandhas of form, feeling, perception, volitional formations, and consciousness from emptiness since they are devoid (shunya) of intrinsicalness (svabhâva), being illusory (an illusion divided is still an illusion). As for emptiness and clarity, I don't see the point. Are you sure the Lama said this?
  • CittaCitta Veteran
    edited November 2012
    YOU don't see the he may not have said it ? Outstanding.
  • " What is usually thought of as relaxation is a temporary and relative absence of tension. Relaxation in Dzogchen is to relax into the primordial condition."

    Ngak'chang Rinpoche.
  • cazcaz Veteran United Kingdom Veteran
    Citta said:

    ( With apologies to RebeccaS )

    " It is pointless to attempt to divide emptiness and clarity."

    Ngak'chang Rinpoche.

    Emptiness and Great Bliss are Inseparable !
  • And Great Bliss is clarity.
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    edited November 2012
    Emptiness means that our concsciousness can turn towards any experience. We don't have to 'fill space' with chatter or activity. We don't have to doctor everything up. Rather, we can let everything be as it is and see that nature directly. The second noble truth can mean avidya/ignoring. You allow an experience to be as it is without the extremes of rejection or craving. Once you turn towards because the mind's nature is clarity you will see more. Next you have a sensitivity, a feeling. This can be painful and if it is the only thing you can do is be more open.

    As openness reinforces for example in a meditation practice, the openness and the strength of clarity of mind go in an upwards spiral.

    Also because we turn towards samsara we can understand it and achieve liberation. This is all because the mind is clear, luminous, and unimpeded.
  • om ah hum, one taste.
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