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edited January 2010 in Buddhism Basics
i really like this bodhisattva very much, as i know many other buddhists do. i want to go travel soon, and i might be doing some hitchhiking and vagabonding, and i want something i can take along with me, so i thought of avalokitesvara, thinking i will get a picture i can put in my pocket. i've prayed to avalokitesvara before, and it has always helped me somewhat. now i am a fairly superstitious person when it comes to such things, but i try at the same time not to invest much into it. i love the feeling i get when praying to him, or is it her? it is very devotional. now, i was just wondering, what does anyone know about him? what is the origin and significance? and also how do you pronounce this in english?


  • ValtielValtiel Veteran
    edited January 2010
    i love the feeling i get when praying to him, or is it her?

    Some cultures depict a woman, some a male.

    Avalokiteśvara is the embodiment of compassion. Carry with you whatever, for you, embodies this.

    Ultimately, it's a reminder to cultivate compassion in your own heart. :)

    As for pronunciation, I would say "a-va-loh-kee-tay-sva-ra."
  • edited January 2010
    Exactly.. how do you pray to Avalokitesvara? I've been rather fond of this bodhisattva myself (though I personally refer to it as a she, and call her Kwan Yin), but I've never known how one should pray to a bodhisattva. Do you pray during meditation? Is it similar to reciting a mantra? Do you pray to a bodhisattva as you would the Christian god (ie: asking for things, ask for peace, etc)?
  • edited January 2010
    yes, similar to praying to an indian or a bossman like yahweh, or jungle jesus. to turn the wheel of dharma, extend her hand to all beings, to help me extend my hands, wish for peace to reign on earth, yes, those and many other things, whenever. i MYSELF don't dedicate a whole meditation session to avalokitesvara, though maybe i should, i just pray at random intervals whenever the feeling strikes me. like i said i am superstitious and i pray to the avalokitesvara in my mind as a definite person-object, as avalokitesvara deep within me. which may or may not have beneficial results to it, depending on the person; granting her true actuality.
  • edited January 2010
    Thank you for your help :)
  • edited January 2010
    thank you too and mundus as well. also, if anyone knows any good prayers to remember connected to avalokitesvara, feel free to post them
  • RichardHRichardH Veteran
    edited January 2010
    Avalokiteshvara is Kwan Seum Bosal in Korean. This name is included in many chants, and is also just chanted in repetition.
  • edited January 2010
    I believe she's also known as Kannon in Japan.

    Do you perhaps know of any prayers for/with Kwan Yin?
  • edited January 2010
    Anya wrote: »
    .... Do you perhaps know of any prayers for/with Kwan Yin?

    In Buddhist traditions, devotional prayer serves a very different purpose than the prayers normally associated with other religions. The purpose of Buddhist prayer is to awaken the Buddha nature within us. This nature is our inherent inner capacities of strength, compassion, and wisdom. Our prayer is not to petition some external forces based on fear or worldly gain. It is a form of meditation; it is a practice of inner reconditioning.
    Devotional prayer poses a danger if it is practised as an ends in itself instead of being employed as means for channelling the devotional emotions into the correct path. It is when the prayer is wrongly practised that it becomes an impediment rather than an aid to the spiritual life. Correctly observed as means and not as ends, devotional prayers and ritualistic and ceremonial practices can serve to generate wholesome states of mind. Thus contributing to the main aim of all Buddhist practices – that is, to transform the mind.
    With the above in mind, you can 'compose' your very own prayer so that it comes your heart. The best way to do this is to look at prayers that already exist and see how best you can adapt these so that you can come up with a prayer that is really meaningful to you. Here are a few Kuan Yin prayers you can look at:
  • edited January 2010
    The Supplication of Calling With Longing
    by Thangtong Gyalpo

    We supplicate you, guru Avalokita.
    We supplicate you, yidam Avalokita.
    We supplicate you, supreme noble Avalokita.
    We supplicate you, lord of refuge Avalokita.
    We supplicate you, loving protector Avalokita.
    Hold us in your compassion, compassionate victorious one.
    For beings who have wandered through countless aeons in endless samsara
    And experience unbearable suffering,
    There is no other refuge but you, Lord.
    Grant your blessing that they may achieve omniscient buddhahood.

    Accumulating negative karma from beginningless time,
    Due to aggression, sentient beings are born in the hells
    And experience the sufferings of hot and cold.
    May they be born in your presence, supreme deity.

    Accumulating negative karma from beginningless time,
    Due to miserliness, sentient beings are born in the hungry ghost realm
    And experience the sufferings of hunger and thirst.
    May they be born in your supreme land of Potala.

    Accumulating negative karma from beginningless time,
    Due to bewilderment, sentient beings are born as animals
    And experience the sufferings of stupidity and dullness.
    May they be born in your presence, protector.

    Accumulating negative karma from beginningless time,
    Due to desire, sentient beings are born in the human realm
    And experience the sufferings of constant toil and poverty.
    May they be born in your pureland of Sukhavati.

    Accumulating negative karma from beginningless time,
    Due to jealousy, sentient beings are born in the realm of the jealous gods
    And experience the sufferings of constant fighting and quarreling.
    May they be born in your pure land of Potala.

    Accumulating negative karma from beginningless time,
    Due to pride, sentient beings are born in the realm of the gods
    And experience the sufferings of death and falling.
    May they be born in your land of Potala.

    Birth after birth, through all our lives,
    May we liberate beings of the impure realms
    By activity equal to yours, Avalokita,
    And may the supreme speech of your six syllables pervade the ten directions.

    Noble and supreme one, by the power of supplicating you,
    May beings to be tamed by us
    Practice karma and its results and apply themselves to virtuous actions.
    May they act in harmony with dharma for the benefit of beings.

  • edited January 2010
    wow, that one's good
    i'm getting that tattooed on my stomach!
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    edited January 2010
    You must have an impressive stomach hehe. Thats a long one for a tattoo hehe.
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