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Talking to self Sometimes planned and directed Sometimes random odd bits Almost always gibberish to others Since ear buds and other devices, no more strange looks and large detours by others. =) B) (View Post)
sometimes it is nothing but random self babbling. Sometimes it going through the discovery and/or analysis of odd speculation and inquiry. Nothing wasted as all is a part of life and Buddhism is life. (View Post)
It is not that one is new to Buddhism, (some are and some are most definitely not), so much as that Buddhism is always in itself, new. There is always something new to discover, always a new lamp in … (View Post)
Many so called moral laws (Blue Laws, etc.) are immoral. While they are technically legal, having been passed by governments supposedly representing the people and enforcing community standards, they… (View Post)
Einstein's Theory of Relativity is exquisitely simple simple. his proceedure, justificatiom, rational is not. Buddhist teaching is also exquisitly simple. But in expalining it, people go to great len… (View Post)