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Would it be safe to say the 3 poisons are the only things you need to worry about?

edited March 2011 in Buddhism Today
? ty


  • If you take care of the poisons then your mind will be in a loving calm state. That would be like a 'good day'.

    But you still have to create something from that. Its like taking care of the poisons is like clearing out all the mess. Taking the wallpaper off that is damaged. Fixing the lightbulbs.

    But you still have to live in the house. There are still decisions that try to prevent problems in the poisons from re-occuring in self and others. Discipline and morality is a touch stone to remembering the wish to be happy that your awareness practice is based upon.
  • CloudCloud Veteran
    The poisons (if you mean greed, hatred and delusion) are all caused by ignorance. You can try to suppress them, but really the only "cure" is to address the ignorance; see reality clearly, develop wisdom of how things are, and then the defilements will no longer arise.
  • @cloud I thought delusion and ignorance were the same thing.
  • CloudCloud Veteran
    edited March 2011
    @Paradox, Ignorance means not-knowing of reality (opposite of wisdom).

    Delusion is a result of the not-knowing. Because we don't see clearly, we come to all kinds of deluded views about how we think things are. Our delusions all differ (the beliefs we form), but the ignorance of reality is the same.

    One person in delusion might turn to an eternity view; one person in delusion might turn to a nihilistic view... one of a certain religion, maybe one atheistic, etc. The reason they come to any delusional view is the same, ignorance of how reality really is. So ignorance is the base condition for delusion to arise.

    It's subtle. Most people do think ignorance and delusion are the same, but not quite. :)
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