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Universal Responsibility



  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    We came to similar, but different conclusions. Most people don't walk around wielding their views like a stick....
    Get over it, dude. Nick is a big & gracious boy. Take your psychotherapy elsewhere, please


    aMatt is quite welcome here.

  • edited April 2011

    Don't I recall we once had an private conversation about "idiot compassion"?
    Still more misguided assumptions. :-/ Should we take it from your examples that condescension and rudeness are the way to proceed? I think not.

    haha, you still haven't addressed my question about the relative quantity of "opiates" in Mahayana and...what, Theravada?
    Best wishes.

  • edited April 2011
    Thanks for the info, soulive. When is your trip scheduled? I hope you'll give us a report afterward.

    I think many people are already practicing "universal responsibility", they just haven't used that term. I think before we talk about more people getting on board, we should consider the fact that some people will bring their own agenda to their work. Christians, for example, will see the need to Christianize everyone, while doing public works. This is what they were doing in Nepal before the government there banned Christian missionaries in the late 1980's or early 1990's. Possibly by now the ban has been lifted. (The US Embassy has a way of pressuring governments to lift such bans to allow missionaries.) In any case, it can be a tricky problem.

    You might enjoy reading about Jimmy Carter's work in the developing world, providing potable water, and other projects. (No proseletyzing.) You can find his book on Amazon. "Beyond the Presidency", or some such title.
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    I think the idea behind "universal responsibility" has been around a long time. People have been acting on their own sense of compassion and "global citizenship" for a couple of generations now, they've just been doing it quietly and under the radar, for the most part. The Dalai Lama has articulated the idea well, and from a Buddhist perspective. I understand you intended this to be inspiring, soulive, thanks for sharing. Uplifting messages are always welcome. :) Please give us an update as to how your fundraising efforts are going, when appropriate.
  • Im participating in the INFO Nepal volunteer program. This is something I have wanted to do for many years. My placement will consist of two things. First for 3 months in Parsai (southern Nepal) living at a monastery a few miles outside of lumbini. My responsibility's include: Teaching English to junior monks, and organizing extra curricular activities. Then after 3 months im going to a much more remote region in Langtang near the border of Tibet. Here i will be helping build things like libraries and schools. As well as try educate locals about environmental and sanitation awareness.

    The money that im raising goes towards a multitudes of different things. INFO is a non profit and is funded solely through program fees. The money i raise goes towards my living accommodation for 6 months but large chunk of that goes towards the monastery i will be staying at, INFO run orphanages, Libraries, and hospitals.

    I didn't start this thread to complain about rich people not handing me money. I was simply asking how we could increase a sense universal responsibility that seems to be lacking. I included the quote because I thought it would help explain what i was trying to talk about. Anyway thanks for advice

    Dear Nick

    I am so sorry for the negativity that the thread experienced but perhaps it is just an indicator of humanity as we are now. There will always be people at different 'stages' of development so to speak, and so I find what Dakini says is true: we can only live our lives according to our own callings and our own beliefs/learnings. You have wonderful ethics and at least I admire that, and your own energies.

    As to the challenges that you may have received even on this thread, narrow minded and angry people are unfortunately a dime a dozen. There are many here who appreciate what you are saying and I wish you well in all.

    By posting what you have and the quote as well, which I replicated on my own blog, you have touched those that are open to being touched. Thanks and good journeys.


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