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Ok who wants to take care of pets when the rapture comes?

B5CB5C Veteran
edited April 2011 in General Banter
Since many Christians believe the rapture is coming soon. They developed a service where we (Non-Christians, Atheists, and etc) we volunteer to take care of their pets as they go to see their god.


  • Well you can't fault them on preparedness can you.
  • And.. I have never been a christian, but one should never discount a religion or disrespect it as it has the power to turn a negative person into a decent person. So, when I see these acts that people do in religions, acts of delusion, ignorance and evil, I see people who suffer and we should not let our ego think we are higher 'then these christians' IMO
  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    Since many Christians believe the rapture is coming soon. They developed a service where we (Non-Christians, Atheists, and etc) we volunteer to take care of their pets as they go to see their god.
    I would disagree that "many Christians" think the Rapture is coming. Virtually all of my friends here in the States are Christians. Two are strict born agains. None of them think the Rapture is coming.

  • The rapture isn't even in the Bible... I think.
  • My neighbor (very evangelical) thinks it's coming in 2012. He had a lengthily explanation for this and I thought "Great, I won't have to pay back my student loans". I've played enough Fallout3 to know I should be collecting bottle caps to use as currency.
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    Moved to general Banter.

    The 'members Only' forum is for postings of a personal and private nature, such as members seeking input assistance and support from other fellow members on topics which are sensitive and potentially embarrassing.
    These include personal relationships with relatives, intimate relationships with partners, spouses or lovers, or matters relating to personal improvement.

    Thank you.
  • And.. I have never been a christian, but one should never discount a religion or disrespect it as it has the power to turn a negative person into a decent person. So, when I see these acts that people do in religions, acts of delusion, ignorance and evil, I see people who suffer and we should not let our ego think we are higher 'then these christians' IMO
    I just think this deserves repeating. This is not So some people believe in the Rapture. BFD.
  • seeker242seeker242 Zen Florida, USA Veteran
    I was actually listening to National Public Radio yesterday. It was a show interviewing an atheist writer about a book he wrote concerning his fundamental christian father. He said one day he was talking with his father explaining to him all the things that are wrong with Christianity and all the things that are wrong about the bible. He said his father sat there patiently and let him finish his arguments. Then his father turned to him and said "You know, before I found Jesus, my life was in shambles. I was so unhappy, I was so depressed, I could not hold a job. Your mother and I were going to get a divorce. I was so unhappy I wanted to kill myself. Then I found Jesus and all that changed. I quit smoking, I got a good job and now I'm very happy with a great marriage and a loving family. What's wrong with that?
  • Nothing wrong with that at all. One does have to wonder though, whether there was a cause and effect relationship. The appearance of causality does not prove causality.

  • LincLinc Site owner Detroit Moderator
    The website is satire.
  • B5CB5C Veteran
    it seemed real on coat to coast am last night.
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited April 2011
    Some people believe "The Onion" is factual..... :rolleyes:
  • Some people believe "The Onion" is factual..... :rolleyes:
    You mean it isn't?!?!?

    They used to say that about Jon Stewart and the Daily Show, except that something like 55% of people under 25 claim that's their main or only source of news.

  • Who is going to take care of the christians when jesus raptures their pets and not them? :p
  • LincLinc Site owner Detroit Moderator
    They used to say that about Jon Stewart and the Daily Show
    Difference being that The Daily Show is factual, they just don't take themselves seriously.
  • LincLinc Site owner Detroit Moderator
    it seemed real on coat to coast am last night.
    Guess that shows how web-savvy Mr. Noory is.
  • And.. I have never been a christian, but one should never discount a religion or disrespect it as it has the power to turn a negative person into a decent person. So, when I see these acts that people do in religions, acts of delusion, ignorance and evil, I see people who suffer and we should not let our ego think we are higher 'then these christians' IMO
    Good on you , Tom

  • Well I take the Dalai lamas view on this, as each religion has the capability of turning negative life into positive life. Depending on your mental disposition depends on what religion we often sway to, if one at all.

    I do believe that during 2011-2012 something is going to go down big time. I mean there was another earthquake in Japan yesterday, there was one in Burma, there was one in New Zeland, and even a very minute one in the UK, which doesn't stand over a fault line. All in the space of 6 weeks. Going back to that thread about the vortex of death, the solar flares and what not, I think the magnetism is starting to affect the world and it's inhabitants already. Just look around
  • Since many Christians believe the rapture is coming soon. They developed a service where we (Non-Christians, Atheists, and etc) we volunteer to take care of their pets as they go to see their god.
    Observant Jews have many strictures against "work" during the sabbath. In order to function with these self-imposed restrictions, they enlist the help of non-Jews or "sabbath goys" (not sure of spelling) whom do the tasks deemed essential on that special day.
    Perhaps Jews would be the most likely candidates for this service as they "owe" Christians. They could be caled 'Rapture Rabbis."

  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    Well I take the Dalai lamas view on this, as each religion has the capability of turning negative life into positive life. Depending on your mental disposition depends on what religion we often sway to, if one at all.

    I do believe that during 2011-2012 something is going to go down big time. I mean there was another earthquake in Japan yesterday, there was one in Burma, there was one in New Zeland, and even a very minute one in the UK, which doesn't stand over a fault line. All in the space of 6 weeks. Going back to that thread about the vortex of death, the solar flares and what not, I think the magnetism is starting to affect the world and it's inhabitants already. Just look around
    I agree completely with your take on the Dalai Lama's view of the positive force most religions can be.

    I disagree completely with your view on recent earthquakes. There's nothing really that unusual about the current pattern in terms of frequency or location. Many locations that are not in prime earthquake territory have earthquakes at any given time. Global earthquake activity always tends to rise and fall.

    Location Date Magnitude
    1. Chile May 22, 1960 9.5
    2. Prince William Sound, Alaska March 28, 1964 9.2
    3. Andreanof Islands, Aleutian Islands March 9, 1957 9.1
    4. Japan March 11, 2011 9.0
    5. Kamchatka Nov. 4, 1952 9.0
    6. Off western coast of Sumatra, Indonesia Dec. 26, 2004 9.0
    7. Off the coast of Ecuador Jan. 31, 1906 8.8
    8. Offshore Maule, Chile Feb. 27, 2010 8.8
    9. Rat Islands, Aleutian Islands Feb. 4, 1965 8.7
    10. Northern Sumatra, Indonesia March 28, 2005 8.7

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