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General Banter filtered from home page
I've removed "General Banter" from the "All Discussions" list to help re-focus the site on Buddhist-related topics. They are of course still available by selecting "General Banter" from the Categories list in the sidebar.
Apologies for any bumps we encounter along the way. I use the bleeding-edge version which means sometimes there are unaddressed problems still. Please post here or message/email me if you find any new bugs or problems.
Then it has gone.
I could not bring it back cruising on this site.
I went out of it and tried to log again to see it.
No luck.
Tell this computer imbecile, what I should do to have it back.
They're at the top of the All Discussions index, but there's no (example)77 comments 5 New.... The "5 New" yellow box isn't a happening thing....
or am I not getting something....?
(curiously, they exist further down the index, in threads I haven't checked, but in threads where I'm participating, there's no notification of new posts. Lotus or no lotus!)
Bear in mind though, that posters now have to choose where to put a thread. If it ends up in general banter - it's because the poster thought it should go there.
Going for a :coffee: but looking forward to see where this tread will go. :hiding:
Non-technical decisions about Forum management are never taken lightly. A lot of thought and discussion goes into them, and they're done with good reason.
technical decisions are the premise of Admin, and Lincoln does whatever he can, and whatever makes life simpler in the long run.
I felt the general banter made this site more warmer and made it seem less dogmatic. Now to the untrained eye it really looks religious/dogmatic. But that's just my opinion.
Sure, it was not my intention to question Forum management or moderators.
PLS feel totally free to delete this post.
The name of this site is New Buddhist.
Many of us are confused, over rationalized and looking for answers.
Giving a freedom to express and being tolerant to our doubts will add to your compassion and good karma.
If not, at least it will help people like me or others in the same situation.
Look , how many Buddhists ideas are used by religious politicians or individual teachers.
It is a common thing among philosophy or religion to fight and try to put their ideas forward.
What is wrong with questioning them to move to the 21 century?
We have an advantage of looking back and learning from the history and developments of science.
Questioning doctrines from our past can't be in the wrong? :hiding: :scratch:
If it doesn't relate to buddhism, I am sorry but it is general banter. If 1/2 of posts are general banter then this is what needs to happen.
As an aside since this change I am not getting 'new' in the added forum posts. Ask me if this statement doesn't make sense.
"General ''Buddhism'' is full of dogmas and has been corrupted by many schools and some inspirations."
Yes we need to all be enlightened to buddhas true intention of investigating masturbation and the new age law of attraction. We can also have adverts for rainbow pills.
Best wishes,
So does that mean I can post my builds for shadow warriors in the game Sacred 2 Fallen Angel Ice and Blood. Can I post them in the buddhism for beginners section? What about Arts and Writing? Can I also ask whether roasted barley can convert its starches into sugars without base malt? Can I post my story about having an embarassing fart in the arts and writing section?