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Well, I needed a good laugh today, and I got one!

MountainsMountains Veteran
edited April 2011 in Buddhism Today
CNN's "news" story about 11 popular political myths in America, one of which is that someone other than Lee Harvey Oswald killed JFK. CNN has it wrapped though - the Warren Commission has all the answers we need.

I nearly fell off my chair :)


  • GuyCGuyC Veteran
    edited April 2011
    Hi Mountains,

    I wonder if anyone actually believes everything (or, indeed, anything) they hear on the news is as unbiased and factual as they might like it to be?

    Oh well, no one (or at least, no one who knows what they are talking about) said that Samsara is perfect. We can't trust the news, but at least we can trust the Buddha. :)


  • In his memoir In Retrospect McNamara is emphatic that hKennedy would have stopped the war in Vietnam. So there was a strong establishment motive for getting him out of the way.
  • who cares... he's dead and hat moment doesn't exist anymore. Someone blew his brains out onto his wife, who and why, it isn't really something to dwell on too much
  • Illuminati. kidding
  • lol... at the time probably, now no
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