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Tail Chasing with views and correct views
In regards to right view and non-grasping I had some thought.
Along that line I was thinking that the view of a permanent self is not the problem, rather the problem is grasping to that view. Now is the grasping the root of the problem? Or is there another view that we need to grasp? And in turn if we didn't grasp to that? See where I am going? Its like two snakes each biting the others tail.
I read somewhere that emptiness means not holding to any views at all, so the tail-chasing example. We study views to get us to a certain point, but don't need to hold to them. Nor do we need to cultivate a view that there are no views. They are all helping us go deeper into our experience, and really question what that is, so that we loosen our grip on our concepts and open out into the aliveness of the heart.
That is the question. Also what is the definition of enlightenment and compassion? Is it something relative. Such as Greg Lemand is a better cyclist than be. And analogously buddha is better at compassion than me? If I fail to rescue a homeless kitty does that mean I am taking backwards steps on my quest for enlightenment?
Is a buddha defined as someone who does not get angry or have a craving? Why would someone believe that was possible? Is that taken on faith rather than observations in this day and age?
Yes, a Buddha is someone who doesn't get angry or have a craving. We believe it's possible because the Buddha did it. Here's a good quesion: have there been other Buddhas (people who reached Enlightenment) since the Buddha? I know Mahayana says yes, I'm wondering what the Theravadans would say. So to paraphrase one of your questions: is true Enlightenment really do-able?
Which is an indication that he had stopped asking tail-chasing questions, and had opened his eyes to the way things are.
Are you "awake"?
Or still chasing tails....?
The topic is whether replacing wrong views is appropriate? And is it problematic to attach to those right views? Is the problem the view of self? Would that be liberating? If so do we not realize that view? Otherwise why do we suffer having realized?
His teachings would appear to bear this out.
Do you know he wasn't?
Of course, you might say that is just my view, but then you are really going in circles, haha
Also keep in mind that having a view and being attached to a view are two different kind of things. Buddhism is not about having no view and that is not the meaning of emptiness. In fact the Buddha said it is right view to see the benefits of the path. Since I've started practicing a lot of greed and ill will I had has been abandoned and did not come back. I don't see any reason why it would not be possible to let these go forever. Also I think nobody could come up with such a teaching like this if it wasn't true.
The topic is whether replacing wrong views is appropriate? And is it problematic to attach to those right views? Is the problem the view of self? Would that be liberating? If so do we not realize that view? Otherwise why do we suffer having realized?
Understanding is not sufficient.
Following is not sufficient.
Realising is sufficient.
Grasping = self
So can you say more about the method of examining suffering as a productive force? Or is it gradual and is like cooking beans where it takes time for them to absorb the water? I am thinking in analogies haha.
I think that is a helpful advice.
Fully enlightened beings continue to speak the words "I", "me" and "mine" but they understand these are just words (rather than a real "me").
The suffering is the mind spinning around in some kind of thoughts and emotions connected with "I", "me", "him", "her", etc. This is the suffering.
Then one examines the causes of those obsessive, disturbing & oppressive thoughts. The causes are connected with various cravings/expectations, wrong views & unclear perceptions.
When the causes of suffering are adjusted then freedom from suffering will be realised or experienced.
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