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death, reincarnation......

edited May 2011 in Buddhism Basics
Question to all new Buddhists,

Why do you concentrate so much on topics?




  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    I think the general answer would be because those things are the unknowns.
  • Most people suffer about death. It is something that is connected to suffering.

  • I think the general answer would be because those things are the unknowns.

    Not a good answer.

    Plenty unknown things in the 21 century:

    Universe, earthquakes, quantum physics, cancer cure, genetical engineering, brain, history, town, country, culture or a neighbor etc etc.

  • I think that it is because a lot of people's first introduction to religion is Christianity. The afterlife is central to Christianity. When people learn about new things, they naturally compare it to what they already know. Because of this, I think a lot of people new to Buddhism place a greater emphasis on the afterlife than Buddhism does.

    Personally, rebirth has little to do with my practice.
  • Question to all new Buddhists,

    Why do you concentrate so much on topics?



    It's just logical for people new to Buddhism to want to know about those things.
  • Most people suffer about death. It is something that is connected to suffering.

    I know they do. But why?

    I am an atheist but still don’t let the fear of death to overwhelm me.

    I did not miss my life before I was born.

    Why should I allow the primal instinct of survival and the force which has driven the evolution to overpower my life?

    IF I was a religious person then it would be much simpler. I should follow common religious rules and look forwards to heaven or nirvana.

  • I think that it is because a lot of people's first introduction to religion is Christianity. The afterlife is central to Christianity. When people learn about new things, they naturally compare it to what they already know. Because of this, I think a lot of people new to Buddhism place a greater emphasis on the afterlife than Buddhism does.

    Personally, rebirth has little to do with my practice.

    Majority of humans in the old history and nowdays are not christians.

  • DhammaDhatuDhammaDhatu Veteran
    edited May 2011
    I am an atheist but still don’t let the fear of death to overwhelm me.
    You say that now. When you are dying, it might be different.

    What about those you love? How would you cope if they died?

  • CloudCloud Veteran
    I agree with Dhamma Dhatu that it's connected to suffering and death. We have a thirst to go on, to always exist, and want to pin down this "rebirth" thing and see how "we" continue on as some new being after we die, thus alleviating our fears of death and secretly saying to ourselves that we aren't actually dying, only our body is.

    The truth I think is more than there's no "I" that exists even now, this is merely delusional thought that the mind clings to in error, and if we concentrated on penetrating Not-Self/Impermanence/Emptiness as opposed to spending all of our time speculating about rebirth/reincarnation, we'd finally understand why the Buddha told his adherents that this speculation is futile and doesn't lead us to peace.

    Of course, that wouldn't be nearly as fun or frustrating, and we seem to seek equal servings of each. ;)
  • edited May 2011
    Why do you say we concentrate on death? I haven't noticed much in the way of discussion about death. Rebirth: because it's a matter of faith in Buddhism, and many "new" Buddhists view Buddhism as not involving faith. So they ask about rebirth. Some want to know if being a Buddhist "requires" belief in rebirth. Others are curious about how, exactly, rebirth works, and what's the difference between rebirth and reincarnation. But we have also had many threads on compassion and action: is Buddhism passive, or active? Is Buddhism activist or passive and more about meditation? (Surely you didn't miss the more recent threads on that topic...) We discuss women's issues in Buddhism, the ordination of nuns (or lack thereof), many threads on the 3rd precept and sex. Many threads on self, no-self, the soul, emptiness. Perhaps you're only seeing that which attracts your attention the most, and overlooking the rest...? ;)
  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    I think the general answer would be because those things are the unknowns.

    Not a good answer.

    Plenty unknown things in the 21 century:

    Universe, earthquakes, quantum physics, cancer cure, genetical engineering, brain, history, town, country, culture or a neighbor etc etc.

    I'm so sorry that my answer didn't meet your standards.

  • CloudCloud Veteran
    Perhaps @vinlyn, what was meant was that the answer doesn't speak to why this issue, more than others, is so central to our lives and close to our hearts. I'm sure offense wasn't intended; if we start getting sarcastic, there will definitely be offense taken all around though. ;)
  • I am an atheist but still don’t let the fear of death to overwhelm me.
    You say that now. When you are dying, it might be different.

    What about those you love? How would you cope if they died?

    Without going too far to my personal history:

    I had many people, I love who had died.

    I had an III stage cancer plus a huge infection. Dying for 6 days in Intensive care. Thanks for the infection - they had noticed the cancer before the 4 stage.

    6 years later I am alive, so don’t worry.

    I would not even post my opinion here without this awareness.

    I believe that atheists should be less fearful of dying then religious people.
    We are all sinners when it comes to religious doctrine. :rocker:

    BUT, the sins or karma promises you unknown: hell or some less advantages reborn.


    Atheisms leaves me with hope that all this universe, playing with our DNA, atoms, multiple universes, different realities – have made my life fertile.

    Energy of my individual consciousness will go on or

    all this will add to what you Buddhist call: Nirvana, awakening.
    Hopefully, it will give a sense to what we see nowadays as a universe laws.

    The developed of our universe /or others/ could not waste so many resources and energy to developed mind and consciousness for nothing?!
  • I think the general answer would be because those things are the unknowns.

    Not a good answer.

    Plenty unknown things in the 21 century:

    Universe, earthquakes, quantum physics, cancer cure, genetical engineering, brain, history, town, country, culture or a neighbor etc etc.

    I'm so sorry that my answer didn't meet your standards.

    I am so sorry. :hiding:

    I am posting from my work and this makes me arrogant and intolerant.

    Use your Buddhism compassion to forgive me.
  • zidanguszidangus Veteran
    edited May 2011
    1: its a Buddhist teaching and its a Buddhist forum
    2: its open to interpretation and therefore there are a lot of different opinions about these subjects
    3: everyone is going to die sooner or later, so I guess people feel these subjects are pretty important to try and understand what Buddhism says happens.
    4: emm I can't think of anything else to add that has not been mentioned already, so all of the above :D
  • I have to go and if I have offended posts following mine I DO Apologize.

    This is the time to excise your forgiveness and compassion.

    This was not sarcasm.

    :rant: :)
  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    Tess, you asked, "Why do you concentrate so much on topics?


    I then answered, "I think the general answer would be because those things are the unknowns."

    Now, I could have written pages on that answer, but I thought my meaning was fairly obvious. You responded, however, "Not a good answer. Plenty unknown things in the 21 century: Universe, earthquakes, quantum physics, cancer cure, genetical engineering, brain, history, town, country, culture or a neighbor etc etc."

    So let me expand my answer to clarify my meaning:

    We (mankind) actually know quite a bit about the universe, earthquakes, quantum physics, cancer, genetic engineering, the brain, history, geology, geography, and culture. Not everything, of course, but we know a lot.

    However, we have virtually no idea what happens at the time of death. We have no idea whether or not there is such a thing as reincarnation or rebirth or heaven or hell. These are the "great" questions (as they have sometimes been referred as). Each of us may find out the answer, but when we do, we're not going to be able to post back here on this forum. And that is why we concentrate so much on such topics...just as it has always been so since man arrived on this planet.

  • Majority of humans in the old history and nowdays are not christians.

    I'm sorry, I thought the question was about people who post on this site, not all people, everywhere.
  • Question to all new Buddhists,

    Why do you concentrate so much on topics?




    From teachings of Ven. Thich Nguyen Tang...
    Through Buddhist doctrine we are told by Buddhist masters that the final moment of our consciousness is paramount, the most important moment of all.

    Therefore practice to overcome fear of death - greatest fear known to man - is liberation from needing to "be". Since liberation is a primary focus in Buddhism - would it not be foolish not to concentrate upon death?


    Big distractions - ordinary mind seeks comfort from fear of not "being" with complex emotional and irrational "interpretation" of life after death. The "topic" has succeeded in living on through centuries - and will continue as long as humans live - and fear death.

    Majority of humans in the old history and nowdays are not christians.

    Really? Western Civilization's heaviest religious influence was Judeo/Christian!
    Current statistics list world religion ratios for Christians as 33%. Higher than any other segment. Which world history is being referenced here?

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator


    Because life is cyclical, and so we go round, and round, and round, always on the same topic, always with the same answers, always with the same argument that it's good to discuss such things because it broadens the mind and satisfies curious Buddhists.
    Judging by the number of threads, posts and comments these topic engender, questions will always be asked, and people will never be satisfied.
    Welcome to samsara.

    I am posting from my work and this makes me arrogant and intolerant.

    Use your Buddhism compassion to forgive me.
    Why not use your Buddhist knowledge and not make arrogant and intolerant comments in the first place?

    It may not surprise anybody, but I'm sinking this thread.

  • SabreSabre Veteran
    1. Because this is a Buddhist board, like you would expect a board on cycling to talk about bicycles, a Buddhist board talks about rebirth and death.
    2. Because people like to know things and get their views confirmed by words instead of actual practice of the path.
    3. Because of what federica said.
  • Question to all new Buddhists,

    Why do you concentrate so much on topics?



    It is a process we go through until we realise it is a pointless process that only encourages dogma:)

  • Death

    Because life is cyclical, and so we go round, and round, and round, always on the same topic, always with the same answers, always with the same argument that it's good to discuss such things because it broadens the mind and satisfies curious Buddhists.
    Judging by the number of threads, posts and comments these topic engender, questions will always be asked, and people will never be satisfied.
    Welcome to samsara.

    I am posting from my work and this makes me arrogant and intolerant.

    Use your Buddhism compassion to forgive me.
    Why not use your Buddhist knowledge and not make arrogant and intolerant comments in the first place?

    It may not surprise anybody, but I'm sinking this thread.

    Between my Internet connection and a cabin in the woods - without it.

    I’ve posted an intolerant comment here.
    I felt ashamed straight after I pressed ‘’post’’ button.

    I did apologize.

    Nevertheless, Federica,

    Have you never make something appalling?

    Mea culpa, Namaste – I was wrong!!!

    With your own fast condemnation you are not Buddhist too.

  • Vinyl,

    I was trying to apologize for my unfortunate comment.

    However, it seems that part of this tread is not here.

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