Nirvana's writings are in the quotes:
What's all this about Buddhism? Other ways of thinking also exist.
So there's just one "right Road," is there?
Nagarjuna said, "Other traditions lead to the edge of Samsara, but Buddhadharma alone leads to Nirvana"
I'm no apologist for any religious tradition and I know credentials alone can bring you no closer to realization. As Astavakra says, "My child, you may often speak upon various scriptures or hear them. Nonetheless, it is important to forget them all if you are to [gain realization]. XVI:1
To take up a non-conceptual expansiveness as the ground of all being is an erroneous view according to Buddhadharma. It is in fact a Subjective Monist Idealism that leads as the Shurangama Sutra says, to abodes occupied by long lived gods, each of which think they are the soul representation of creator-ship of the cosmos, in powerful bliss states of ignorance.
We simply cannot know things in concepts and words. As Kant said, we know them only for ourselves (what import they have on our lives), not what they are in themselves.
It is true that people internalize concepts differently, but they should reflect ones internal realization with clarity.
The Buddha, when describing the different jhanas or samadhi states, warns us not to take up the states of "infinite consciousness", "infinite nothingness", "infinite space", nor the the samadhi of "neither perception nor non-perception" as an ultimate ground of being. To ascribe an ultimate universal witness to any of these states of refined consciousness is what leads to erroneous paths and erroneous interpretations of the cosmos.
There are differences between the different spiritual traditions on Earth that are not merely conceptual, but also non-conceptual. This tendency to grasp at a self either individual or universal is very deep, and is rooted deep within a persons unconscious, which is to be illumined and untied through understanding directly the internal meaning of "right view" according to Buddhas, or "awake" ones.
So Astavakra is saying that the dogmas get in the way and that we have to let them go. We have to unlearn. As Lord Buddha said, we must relish unflavored things...
The view propounded by Ashtavakra and Advaita Vedanta as a whole is an all subsuming view, which sees the non-conceptual as ultimate and self shining, this is a dogma that leads beings to formless bliss realms and long lived god realms, but not to liberation from unconscious recycling.
If Nagarjuna asserts the Pali suttas are not Buddhadharma then he simply created his own doctrine.
The doctrines of Nagarjuna are mere intellectual logic. They are the doctrines of a debator.
For example, in the experience of direct insight, craving is the cause of attachment and attachment is not the cause of craving.
It requires a step in intellectual logic to assert, as Nagarjuna did, that attachment is the cause of craving because if attachment did not arise then craving could not be a cause.
The meditative experience of insight only sees causes as causes. It does not see effects as causes. To regard effects as causes is merely intellectual reasoning.
To consider Nagarjuna mere intellectual hocus pocus is to miss the subtle experiential nuances present in his teachings. Reading and understanding him is actually re-wiring your synaptic patterns or neural patterns. The arguments are for internal clarification, not external bravado. Nagarjuna pulled largely from the Pali Cannon and interpreted it into a Mahayana format, which for me is very easily decipherable from the Pali texts, if you have the inclination to perceive from such a vantage, and I know you do not.
Que Sera Sera.
May I view myself as the lowest amongst all,
And, from the very depths of my heart,
Respectfully hold others as superior.
Training the Mind: Verse 2
View =/ self
we need to wake up from the head = realize the transcendent witness. let go of grasping at concepts.
wake up from the heart = realize our heart center. let go of grasping at emotions.
wake up from the gut = realize our hara center. let go of our existential grasping.
it is a process that operates with or without our help. existence will burn away the rest.
when we come at everything is truth. taking a shit is as much truth as meditating. working at walmart is as much truth as teaching the dharma.
first it was attachment to name and form. 1+2=3
then form is emptiness, emptiness is form. 0=1, 1=0
then no form, no emptiness. 1000x0=0, 1x0=0
then attachment to freedom. freedom form, freedom emptiness. 3x3=9, 1000x100=1000x9
finally just like this. form is form. emptiness emptiness. 3x3=9
thus the only difference between a buddha and a normal human being is this long journey. the end result is simply non-attachment towards thinking.
beautiful topic.
The above link is a pretty good description of what I'm talking about.
As to reify a formless witness as supreme, is to fall into formless self grasping, which the Buddha warned about. As after all manifestation in a cosmic cycle ceases, you'll be absorbed by this formless witness you've reified, considering it the truth, the reality, the absolute and you will fall into the pralaya (singularity) of the particular cosmic cycle you are occupying and be re-expressed into the next cycle, ignorant of the previous cycle in order to run the gauntlet once again from the point of "alpha." So, to see the witness as the "alpha" is to manifest it as an experiential fact for yourself.
So, reifying the witness, leads to not passing "go", you don't collect endless merit, you don't get Buddhahood. (referencing the game Monopoly)
Hey! Have fun with it!