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Geshe Kelsang's Modern Buddhism Free !

cazcaz VeteranUnited Kingdom Veteran
edited May 2011 in Buddhism Today
Just In case you havent yet seen I thought this would deserve its own topic Modern Buddhism is an excellent book that guides one through the stages of Sutra essence practise to an in depth introduction to Buddhist Tantra something that I havent seen done elsewhere and clearly shows the path to complete enlightenment and its Free so please read and please enjoy !


  • jinzangjinzang Veteran
    They ask for your name and email. Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche's group does the same, so I'm not crying foul. Despite the controversy around him, I've always found GKG's scholarship sound.
  • Thanks Caz

  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    Thank you very much!
  • cazcaz Veteran United Kingdom Veteran
    They ask for your name and email. Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche's group does the same, so I'm not crying foul. Despite the controversy around him, I've always found GKG's scholarship sound.
    Is a good book Ive read it a few times Its nice to see a Dharma work effectively for free considering how much time and effort goes into producing them for others benefit.
  • DhammaDhatuDhammaDhatu Veteran
    edited May 2011
    Buddhism is the practice of Buddha’s teachings, also called ‘Dharma’, which means ‘protection’. By practising Buddha’s teachings, living beings are permanently protected from suffering.

    Today we can see many different forms of Buddhism, such as Zen and Theravada Buddhism. All these different aspects are practices of Buddha’s teachings, and all are equally precious; they are just different presentations.

    This explanation is not given for the purpose of intellectual understanding, but for gaining profound realizations through which we can solve our daily problems of delusions and accomplish the real meaning of our human life.

    We need to practise Buddha’s teachings because there is no other real method to solve human problems.

    Because we do not understand the real nature of things, we are always creating our own suffering and problems by performing inappropriate or nonvirtuous
    actions. The source of all our daily problems is our delusions such as attachment.

    When we lose our possessions, position or reputation we experience unhappiness and depression because we are so attached to these things. If we had no attachment there would be no basis to experience these problems.

    In this way we can see that there is not a single problem experienced by living beings that does not come from their attachment.

  • DhammaDhatuDhammaDhatu Veteran
    edited May 2011
    Without relying upon Buddha’s teachings we cannot recognize this ignorance; and without practising Buddha’s teachings on emptiness we cannot abandon it.

    We should understand that our problems do not exist outside of ourself, but are part of our mind that experiences unpleasant feelings. When our car, for example, has a problem we usually say ‘I have a problem’, but in reality it is the car’s problem and not our problem. The car’s problem is an outer problem, and our problem, which is our own unpleasant feeling, is an inner problem.

  • cazcaz Veteran United Kingdom Veteran
    Nice extracts DD :)

  • When our car, for example, has a problem we usually say ‘I have a problem’, but in reality it is the car’s problem and not our problem. The car’s problem is an outer problem, and our problem, which is our own unpleasant feeling, is an inner problem.
    If one goes even deeper then one realizes that the word "problem" itself is empty. It's not even a car's problem ;) It's a normal reaction of any mechanism to wear and tear or defective materials or whatever. So the "problem" aspect of it is only in our mind.
  • When our car has a problem and we say "I have a problem," it's kind of like when we experience an unpleasant feeling and we say "I feel bad." It's not really our feeling. Just like a car is just a collection of parts and pieces separate from ourselves to make up a meaningless phenomenon, our feelings are just a part or piece that makes up a phenomenon. It's not really ours to become upset about. There is no need to worry. :)
  • cazcaz Veteran United Kingdom Veteran
    Ultimate Bodhichitta is certainly worth a read :)
  • ....something that I havent seen done elsewhere and clearly shows the path to complete enlightenment and its Free so please read and please enjoy !

    Excuse my cynicism, but there's lots of free stuff around, and in this case there's no such thing as a free lunch (i.e. as someone said, they ask for your name and email address. It's not a free PDF download then? You have to give something). Without wanting to start another of those huge debates about a very, very big issue which most Westerners don't understand.
  • cazcaz Veteran United Kingdom Veteran
    Hi Rich theres lots of free stuff about but this is a very comprehensive explaination of both sutra and tantra. There is not cost so what if one provides name and email its still without payment !
  • Agreed. But when I go to the supermarket and there's a "buy one, get one free" offer, if I was then asked for my name and email at the checkout, I would feel like my name and email are going onto a database, mailing list, or needed for some purpose. Is free only about financial payment? :) If it is a free download, no organisation name (no marketing or promotion) , no personal details required, then it is free. I'd rather pay for it from elsewhere than get it free from GKG. Just my personal opinion.
  • cazcaz Veteran United Kingdom Veteran
    Ive seen a fair few products that are given away free that ask for ones name and email sometimes its just part and parcel other then that i personally dont mind if what is being offered is worth it and he's certainly never written a bad book.
  • edited August 2011
    I downloaded it with no questions asked. :ninja:
  • So far it is a good read I like it.
  • cazcaz Veteran United Kingdom Veteran
    Bump :)
  • Just wasted 1 hour trying to get this .
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