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Putting animals to sleep?

edited June 2011 in Buddhism Basics
My mother is moving across the country at the end of the month as is only planning on taking 2 of her 3 cats. She's planning on putting the oldest one to sleep because a) getting older (not really.. only 5 years) b) sick (needs a little TLC from vet and taken care of properly) and c) only carry on space for 2 cats when she flies.

I offered to take the cat in, and to take care of her. I'm really quite attached to this cat since it was our only pet when I lived at home through high school. I'm afraid the cat might be too sick though. I definitely do not have a lot of money to spend on treatment for this cat.. let alone for rent, food, tuition and other bills.

I really want to save Mitsy .. but if I can't afford to take her in I'm afraid she might have to be put to sleep :bawl:

I realize that if she's dying and treatment will not help her, maybe an injection would be best? But she's only 5 years old... I don't feel that she's at that point in her health or life - but i'm not a veterinarian.

Any advice from the wise community of ?


  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    Personally, I think all should be done that is reasonable to treat and keep pets living. If it is hopeless, that's a different matter. Getting older is not a reason to put an animal down. Carry on space is not a reason to put an animal down. Long-term suffering with no cure in sight...possibly a reason.
  • aMattaMatt Veteran

    First, thank you for your valorous desire to save Misty, I'd bet she appreciates it! There might be some help for you, quite often there are charities that work with people in situations similar to yours. In the US there is a fairly active Humane Society, as well as many local groups that might have the ability to help.

    You could ask your local vets, shelters and pet stores. Those folks often love animals as much as you love Misty, and know the local scene.

    Also, you could maybe kick your mom in the shins. Not enough carry on space? Really?

    With warmth,

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    If you put an animal to sleep simply because in the long run it's more convenient to you to do so, well, there's your answer, right there....

    Do what you can.
    And yes, your mother's shins....hmm..... well.

    Not nice.
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