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Todays enlightenment is tommorows mistake.. unless you realise the ultimate truth.

Yesterday I achieved enlightenment. Ask me anything,


  • what would you do if someone murderd a loved one?
  • I want some of that stuff you smoke.
  • Very good question. I would bring presence to memories of good times we shared. Peaceful in the knowledge that their heart will always live on in my own...
    If i knew who murdered my loved one I would report them to the police.
  • Andy, what stuff?
  • So what is *your* definition of enlightenment?

    What were you doing at the time of awakening?
  • Equanimity. Timelessness. Drinking mint tea :)
  • TheswingisyellowTheswingisyellow Trying to be open to existence Samsara Veteran
    Yesterday I ate a sandwich. Ask me anything.....about the sandwich.
  • Did it fill you up? :p
  • YishaiYishai Veteran
    If someone followed you all day/night, poking you and harassing you endlessly... how do you respond?
  • Im only asking these questions because im interested. Not trying to catch you out.

    1. Why come on here and tell us your enlightened?
    2. Whats the *truth* you have attained?
    3. What makes you think youve become enlightened
    4. Was your experience the same as Buddhas? He became enlightened when he learnt truth about desire, craving, beating mara etc etc

    5. How do you know what your experiencing isnt Satori (glipse of enlightenment)
    6. What changes in your day to day life now that you have become enlightened?
    7. What actually is timelessness? Please explain, after your experience.

    'These are just some questions to warm you up. ill be shooting more deeper, meaningful ones soon' Hope your ready for them. ;) x
  • If someone followed you all day/night, poking you and harassing you endlessly... how do you respond?

    good question. (look foward to the answer)
  • TheswingisyellowTheswingisyellow Trying to be open to existence Samsara Veteran
    edited June 2011
    "Did it fill you up"?

    No not really. My ideas, concepts and grasping at the idea of "being filled up" by this sandwich, which was no longer there, left me clinging to the weeds like a hungry ghost, saying hello to Samsara all over again!!!
  • Ask them what they need. If they say hope i will tell them to find hope in the knowledge that they still have energy enough to poke me all day and night and therefore have enough energy to invest in more fruitful pursuits. If they tell me they want love, i will give them a hug. If they still follow me and harrass me I will take them to the river and say sit here in front of this river. Look at the flow of the water, just observe it. When you realise why i have taken you here come and find me & i will swim with you, in the meantime stop trying abusing my slipstream. something like that.. i could not say how i would react if this actually happened because this has never actually happened and i doubt it ever will, there are too many possible variables to give an honest answer.
  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    How about answering Buddhacoe's questions. They're fair.
  • "Did it fill you up"?

    No not really. My ideas, concepts and grasping at the idea of "being filled up" by this sandwich, which was no longer there, left me clinging to the weeds like a hungry ghost, saying hello to Samsara all over again!!!
    So fast. Otherwise you just sound deluded.
  • TheswingisyellowTheswingisyellow Trying to be open to existence Samsara Veteran
    edited June 2011
    "Did it fill you up"?

    No not really. My ideas, concepts and grasping at the idea of "being filled up" by this sandwich, which was no longer there, left me clinging to the weeds like a hungry ghost, saying hello to Samsara all over again!!!
    So fast. Otherwise you just sound deluded.
    Oh, but I am deluded dear cosmicyogisattva! I have not claimed otherwise.

    Still clinging to the weeds.......
  • TalismanTalisman Veteran
    edited June 2011
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    "Did it fill you up"?

    No not really. My ideas, concepts and grasping at the idea of "being filled up" by this sandwich, which was no longer there, left me clinging to the weeds like a hungry ghost, saying hello to Samsara all over again!!!
    So fast. Otherwise you just sound deluded.
    Oh, but I am deluded dear cosmicyogisattva! I have not claimed otherwise.

    Still clinging to the weeds.......
    An enlightened being would not have fallen into the trap of judging someone as sounding deluded.
    In comparison to an enlightened being, everyone is deluded.

    It's a given.
    so why state the obvious?


    definitely not enlightened.

    Why trumpet the fact?
    Because you see, to declare yourself enlightened, is in fact, the greatest delusion of all.
    An Enlightened being does not need to make such an announcement.
    it is clear in his/her words and deeds.
    Advertising the fact simply increases your cynicism and your delusion.

  • Congratulations! You have awaken from virtual reality! :clap:
  • YishaiYishai Veteran
    So this poking harasser... he doesn't want anything else but to bother you. There is no "I need hope/love". If you ask him what he wants, he'll say nothing. He won't take commands from you either because he's having too much fun being an annoyance. There are plenty of variables, but this is humanity we're talking about. Not everyone who seeks out the enlightened wants something other than to see them break. So I ask my question again, How would you handle an incessant harasser who pokes you constantly and calls you names. He's trying everything he can to disturb your peace, and especially won't let you meditate or escape.

    I feel like an enlightened being would have an infinitely wise answer. If you give me a good answer, I'll give you mine ;)
  • Im only asking these questions because im interested. Not trying to catch you out.

    1. Why come on here and tell us your enlightened?
    2. Whats the *truth* you have attained?
    3. What makes you think youve become enlightened
    4. Was your experience the same as Buddhas? He became enlightened when he learnt truth about desire, craving, beating mara etc etc

    5. How do you know what your experiencing isnt Satori (glipse of enlightenment)
    6. What changes in your day to day life now that you have become enlightened?
    7. What actually is timelessness? Please explain, after your experience.

    'These are just some questions to warm you up. ill be shooting more deeper, meaningful ones soon' Hope your ready for them. ;) x
    1. a bit of fun.
    2. Impermanence.
    3. My first sleep, and my first awakening.
    4. Similar, I laughed for a long time when i realised that if Mara = illusion there is nothing to be scred of.
    5. I have had many Satori's in the past and none have ever made me glow and feel as spacious within as I did during enlightenment.
    6. Very little. More optimistic i suppose.

    It is very subjective. Reaching high states of equanimity require a lot of compassion to have been cultivated over a long period of time. A lot can happen in this process and a lot can go wrong, but with wisdom and merit there will be a gradual acceleration towards the divine. There are many realms to get lost in, and few will escape these delusions. Try to find the "middle way" where you just observe and loosen up to all that occurs. It wont just happen without at least a few satoris. Unless you have extremely good karma :) Then again, pride gets the better of pure souls tragically often. When i say "loosen up" i mean what could in other words be describe as the manifestation as a huge space within allowing a tidal wave of bliss to enter the body. After this equanimity will take root and time looses all meaning.

    I wont be able to answer all questions straight away. I need to meditate on them for a while before i answer. I still live with my parents and there is a lot of negative energy i am struggling to process. Taking it all in my stride though. There is a noticeable difference in my resilience to negative energy, although i will not fool you into thinking this level of enlightenment i have reached is in any way near what it will grow to be , or any where near the level of the buddha, because at the moment i have many old patterns i am continually purging as we speak ^_^. I don't think mindfullness practise ever ends when there is so much neurosis around.

    looking forward to your deeper inquiries.
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    Well, if he's enlightened, I'll go visit. I believe he's in the UK. A mere stone's throw from where I am.
    I'll meet him and report back....
    Actions speak louder than words, and usually, seeing is believing.... ;)
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    .....i will not fool you into thinking this level of enlightenment i have reached is in any way near what it will grow to be....
    There you go.
    you are NOT enlightened. You have merely possibly attained a different level of awareness.
    But you are not enlightened.

    A dangerous premise to posit.

    be wary of making such declarations; or choose your words more wisely.

  • haha i see. Well, in that case, decorate him with flowers and all kinds of beautiful adornments .... :ninja: through the crowds like a beggar.
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    Not even....

    You can't be "a little bit enlightened".
    That's like being slightly pregnant.
    you either are - or you aren't.
  • .....i will not fool you into thinking this level of enlightenment i have reached is in any way near what it will grow to be....
    There you go.
    you are NOT enlightened. You have merely possibly attained a different level of awareness.
    But you are not enlightened.

    A dangerous premise to posit.

    be wary of making such declarations; or choose your words more wisely.

    'These are just some questions to warm you up. ill be shooting more deeper, meaningful ones soon' Hope your ready for them. ;) x

    Im still willing to answer those deeper questions buddhacoe if you are still curious to ask.
  • YishaiYishai Veteran
    Enlightenment is final and complete. There isn't anymore growing after you become enlightened. After enlightenment, there is no more struggle, no more purging, etc.

    When you finally reach the end of the path, you will know. Go until you can go no further, and never make the mistake of stopping short. You obviously see there is more path to be walked, so don't claim you've made it to the end when you can only see it.

    As for my question, you do nothing. It is far easier to do nothing than it is to poke and harass somebody. The harasser would surely tire before you.
  • ^ in response to federica ^

    Okay, maybe you are right. This was as fun as i thought it would be though. So many are so precious on this site!

    wow :p - i was right lol

  • looking forward to your deeper inquiries.
    As @federica suggested – you might've had some insights, yet don't call it enlightment. When you have it there's not a slightest doubt in your mind as to the nature of things and your own nature. So I'd suggest instead of bestowing your wisdom upon us please look into yourself deeper yet. Buddha himself sat alone for 7 weeks after his enlightment before he started doing anything else.
  • Enlightenment is final and complete. There isn't anymore growing after you become enlightened. After enlightenment, there is no more struggle, no more purging, etc.

    When you finally reach the end of the path, you will know. Go until you can go no further, and never make the mistake of stopping short. You obviously see there is more path to be walked, so don't claim you've made it to the end when you can only see it.

    As for my question, you do nothing. It is far easier to do nothing than it is to poke and harass somebody. The harasser would surely tire before you.

    >>> I see, what if i was busy with very important work!?
  • "And, monks, as long as this — my three-round, twelve-permutation knowledge & vision concerning these four noble truths as they have come to be — was not pure, I did not claim to have directly awakened to the right self-awakening unexcelled in the cosmos with its deities, Maras, & Brahmas, with its contemplatives & priests, its royalty & commonfolk. But as soon as this — my three-round, twelve-permutation knowledge & vision concerning these four noble truths as they have come to be — was truly pure, then I did claim to have directly awakened to the right self-awakening unexcelled in the cosmos with its deities, Maras & Brahmas, with its contemplatives & priests, its royalty & commonfolk. Knowledge & vision arose in me: 'Unprovoked is my release. This is the last birth. There is now no further becoming.'" SN 56
  • YishaiYishai Veteran
    >>> I see, what if i was busy with very important work!?
    Then your work supervisor would take care of the problem :p

  • YishaiYishai Veteran
    ^ in response to federica ^

    Okay, maybe you are right. This was as fun as i thought it would be though. So many are so precious on this site!

    wow :p - i was right lol
    So, you came to a forum, claimed to be enlightened, and saw if we would entertain you by responding? What do you think this is... a forum? :D

  • so are you or arnt you??? i was ready to ask you some more questions then??

    were u just having a laugh?
  • so are you or arnt you??? i was ready to ask you some more questions then??

    were u just having a laugh?
    Both. any other questions?
  • ^ in response to federica ^

    Okay, maybe you are right. This was as fun as i thought it would be though. So many are so precious on this site!

    wow :p - i was right lol
    So, you came to a forum, claimed to be enlightened, and saw if we would entertain you by responding? What do you think this is... a forum? :D

    lol this is just another place in cyberspace.

  • 0. what would you do if you got sent to prison for a crime you didnt commit
    1. what would you do if someone didnt like you
    2.what would you do if your loved ones turned against you (for whatever reason)
    3. what would you do if a cashier gave yu *too much* money
    4. what would you do if your saw injustice
    5. do you belive in morally right and wrong
    6.what would you do if you got home to find someone had broke in
    7. how would you stay calm in these situations
    8. how did you actually attain enlightenment (buddha was through meditation and middle way)

    9. are you going to teach what you have learnt? perhaps right a book?
    10. if your enlightened then why do you need to meditate on our questions

    11.would you eat meat now your enlightened?
    12. what happens after we die? have you seen your past lives?
    13. what would you do when 'wrong and right are not clear'
    14. what would you do if you caught someone sleeping with your partner (would you just stay calm and smile)

    15. whats the kindest thing you have done in the last 24 hours?
    16. what do you regret most about the last 24 hours?
    17.what would you do if went broke and lost your house job everything
    18. Do you do charity work?
    19. what would you do if forced into a fight
    20. what would you do if rumours went around about you which were false

    cheers :)
  • "And, monks, as long as this — my three-round, twelve-permutation knowledge & vision concerning these four noble truths as they have come to be — was not pure, I did not claim to have directly awakened to the right self-awakening unexcelled in the cosmos with its deities, Maras, & Brahmas, with its contemplatives & priests, its royalty & commonfolk. But as soon as this — my three-round, twelve-permutation knowledge & vision concerning these four noble truths as they have come to be — was truly pure, then I did claim to have directly awakened to the right self-awakening unexcelled in the cosmos with its deities, Maras & Brahmas, with its contemplatives & priests, its royalty & commonfolk. Knowledge & vision arose in me: 'Unprovoked is my release. This is the last birth. There is now no further becoming.'" SN 56
    Yes. Apprently Buddha reached SUPREME awakening. Im just another lay practioner who has realised the unending drama between the self and the higher self.
    You are wise to think i am deluded... but you are deluded to think i am not wise.
  • aMattaMatt Veteran
    Yesterday I achieved enlightenment. Ask me anything,
    Do you go to a sangha and listen to the teacher?
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    so are you or arnt you??? i was ready to ask you some more questions then??

    were u just having a laugh?
    Both. any other questions?
    Oh shush now.

  • seeker242seeker242 Zen Florida, USA Veteran
    edited June 2011
    Master Hyang Eom said, "It is like a man up a tree who is hanging from a branch by his teeth; his hands cannot grasp a bough, his feet cannot touch the tree; he is tied and bound. Another man under the tree asks him, 'Why did Bodhidharma come to China?' If he does not answer, he evades his duty and will be killed. If he opens his mouth and answers, he will fall and lose his life.

    If you are in the tree, how do you stay alive?
  • taiyakitaiyaki Veteran
    You have realized your true nature, congrats!

    Now I have many questions!
    How does one function in this world? If you are a buddha then you are mirror. What do you do when someone needs help?
    Is there a hierarchy in what is more truth in relation to speaking, silence, and action?

    If you did indeed wake up from the mind, then remember there is more awakenings.
    You need to awaken from the heart and gut. Keep going deeper until you forget that you are enlightened.

    The only difference between a buddha and a normal human being is that the buddha doesn't attach to words, beliefs, ideas, emotions, etc. detachment doesn't mean the buddha doesn't engage. the buddha totally accepts and allows fires to enter and burn away.
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    "Yesterday I achieved enlightenment. Ask me anything,"

    How can we make a car that flies? Affordable for everyone?
  • taiyakitaiyaki Veteran
    don't make one. <3
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    matchbox car hehe
  • Trolling in forums can be very insightful. Thank you cosmicyogisattva. I couldn't do better m' self. ;-)
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