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My broken leg healed in half the time… all because I meditated

DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
edited June 2011 in Buddhism Today
Meditation is often touted as a panacea for all manner of ailments, from chronic pain to anxiety, stress and even depression.

Like most sensible people, I’d always taken such sweeping claims with a large pinch of salt. However, five years ago I learned the power of meditation for myself after an accident left me critically injured and in constant pain.

A freak gust of wind caught me off-guard as I was paragliding over the Cotswolds. One moment my paraglider was flying normally, the next its wing had collapsed, sending me tumbling into the hillside 30ft below.

I was struck with the most agonising pain imaginable. The bone in the lower half of my right leg had been driven up through my knee and into my thigh. I could see the outline of my fractured shin bone sticking through the cloth of my jeans. I went into shock and my body was racked with violent uncontrollable spasms.

As I lay on the hillside, I remembered a form of meditation I’d been taught in the sixth form of my comprehensive school in Neston, Cheshire, as a way of tackling exam nerves.

Over the years I’d used it to deal with the usual stresses and strains of daily life, but never in times of physical pain. But I knew that meditation (and self-hypnosis) had been used for pain relief and, as I lay on the hillside, in sheer desperation I tried them both.


  • santhisouksanthisouk Veteran
    edited June 2011
    I'm a strong believer in the healing powers of meditation too. Meditation can cure everything. When used properly, it's everything rolled into one.
    "When in doubt, meditate" I'd like to remind myself that. I would not doubt that I am where I am because of meditation, but this is just my opinion.

    may you find true happiness
  • edited June 2011
    What is this amazing technique, Leon? Care to share? (This topic might better belong under "meditation".) But you make a good point; self-hypnosis has been shown to facilitate healing.
  • mugzymugzy Veteran
    edited June 2011
    Yikes!!! That is some serious stuff. I too would like to hear which meditation you used. I'm glad to hear you recovered in half the time, that is wonderful. May all beings be free of suffering :)
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    I didn't write this article, it was another individual.
  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    I have my doubts.
  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    Some examples of broken bone healing times:
    Collar bone (clavicle): 3-8 weeks
    Upper arm (humerus): 4-10 weeks
    Wrist: 4-12 weeks
    Fingers: 4-6 weeks
    Pelvis: 4 - 6 weeks
    Knee (patella): 4-6 weeks
    Lower leg (tibia,fibula): 10-24 weeks
    Foot: 3 - 12 weeks
  • YishaiYishai Veteran
  • YishaiYishai Veteran
    Also, a person's response to the article:

    "Taken from the manufacturers blurb "Typical external fixator patients wear the device from four to twelve months" so 17 weeks is well within the 'normal' time expected for healing to take place. "The severity of the problem you need reconstructed, your health, weight and other factors play a role in the length of time you will need to wear the external fixator." Presumably, given your mechanism of injury, you're generally, fit,well and a healthy weight. I think you owe more to the skill of the orthopod who applied your frame than to meditation!"
  • The original article:

    For those who are curious to read further.
    Not going to bother.

  • YishaiYishai Veteran
    it's a bunch of nonsense. Meditation will help you cope, but it won't change your body :/ If that were the case, we could all meditate while visualizing the fat from our bodies disintegrating; and we'd all become thinner. har har har
  • mugzymugzy Veteran
    I think meditation could help someone to heal faster. The mind has a powerful effect on the body.
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    The original article:

    For those who are curious to read further.
    Oops I forgot to post the link to the actual article.
    Thank you so much for doing that!
  • (...)
    "When in doubt, meditate" I'd like to remind myself that. I would not doubt that I am where I am because of meditation, but this is just my opinion.

    may you find true happiness
    what's the author of that quote?

    "I meditate, therefore I am (not)"
  • I think meditation could help someone to heal faster. The mind has a powerful effect on the body.
    Totally. People have beat cancer by imagining little Pac-man figures eating up the tumor, by meditating on bliss, and so forth. The mind is a very powerful tool.
  • Well when you're stressed and in pain you can raise your blood pressure, or develop insomnia. Over an extended period of time... due to the flight or fight response you could even lower your immune system. They always say that stress is a killer, and there is a neurological and hormonal explanation for why.
    If you coupled your treatment with meditation, or alternative relaxation therapies you probably could "reduce your healing time". But this is a little misleading. Instead of thinking of it as an ability to speed up the immune system, think of it as the ability to maintain 100% immune efficiency (well maybe only 90% if you don't also eat healthy). Our body's are very capable machines that work all day every day to repair damage from the cellular level up. When we drink, smoke, stay up late, stress, or run our body's down, then we hinder our own healing process. Just eating the right nutrients is important for healing, so that our body has access to materials it needs to rebuild. Hospitals nowadays are putting more emphasis on coping with stress and pain through additional alternative means besides just medication. (Well some hospitals... our hospital is trying at least).
  • what's the author of that quote?

    "I meditate, therefore I am (not)"
    I'm not sure if there's an author or not, it just sounded good at the time.:)

    may you find true happiness

  • From my own experience, I suffered from high blood pressure, acid reflux and eventually, a stroke. Meditation helped a great deal with high blood pressure (it is now excellent), and acid reflux has disappeared without medication, but the stroke happened even though I had been meditating for some time. The stroke was due to atrial fibrillation so I suggest meditation does not help with irregular heart beats.

    So when there is a stress related illness, I think meditation can provide some incredible results, from my own personal experience. Healing bones, cancer and other problems like that, I doubt that it is very effective. There are many people who meditate long and hard hours of every day who end up dying quite young.
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