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Is this the path to enlightenment? (For beginners)

living with the 4 noble truths - Living with the eight fold path- Nirvana- Meditation- Enlightenment?


  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
  • seeker242seeker242 Zen Florida, USA Veteran
    edited June 2011
    Meditation- living with the 4 noble truths - Meditation- Living with the eight fold path- Meditation - Meditation - Meditation - Meditation - Meditation - Meditation - Meditation x 2,000,000 - Enlightenment - Nirvana.

  • The 8-fold path is the path to enlightenment, yes. It is the forth of the Noble Truths as expounded at the Sermon at Benares. How those 8 areas translate into a daily Buddhist practice varies widely according to various teachings and practices.

  • living with the 4 noble truths - Living with the eight fold path- Nirvana- Meditation- Enlightenment?
    Yes. Except that Nirvana comes after meditation and is the same thing as enlightenment.

  • living with the 4 noble truths - Living with the eight fold path- Nirvana- Meditation- Enlightenment?
    "The best of ways is the eightfold, the best of truths the four..." DP273

    That is all there is in essence, the rest is cultural, historical, personal etc
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    edited June 2011
    The Primary Cause:

    The working basis:
    The precious human life

    The Contributary cause:
    The spiritual master

    The method (which the master gives and guides - below):

    Antidote to attachment to this Life:
    Reflect on impermanence to overcome attachment

    Antidote to attachment to Samsara's pleasure:
    Reflect on suffering
    Reflect on karma and its result

    Antidote to attachment to peace:
    The Practice of Loving Kindness
    The Practice of Compassion

    Antidote to not knowing the method of practice:
    Refuge and Precepts
    Cultivation of Bodhicitta
    Training in Aspiration Bodhicitta
    Training in Action Bodhicitta
    The Perfection of Generosity
    The Perfection of Moral Ethics
    The Perfection of Patience
    The Perfection of Perseverence
    The Perfection of Meditative Concentration
    The Perfection of Wisdom Awareness
    The Aspects of the Path: accumulation, application, insight, meditation, perfection
    The Ten Bodhisattva Bhumis

    That is the full path to buddhahood as outlined in the jewel ornament of liberation
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