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A killing spree near home.

TalismanTalisman Veteran
edited July 2011 in Buddhism Today
In Grand Rapids, an hour north of my home, yesterday a man killed 7 people in a seemingly random case of homicide while running from the cops before ending in a standoff and killing himself.

I couldn't believe it when my friend told me about it. Immediately I imagine what it would be like to be one of his victims, caught off guard and murdered by a stranger in my own home.

Obviously I turn to refuge in the Dharma in times like these. My first instinct is to feel remorse for the victims, having endured such cruelty. But my heart also goes out to the assailant. It's sad to think that in such a fit of hatred and delusion a person could commit such atrocities. There is no escape from the effects of one's actions, his suicide may have ended this life, but the next will surely by one of woe. It makes me cry to think about.

May your thoughts go out to the families of those lost.


  • YishaiYishai Veteran
    edited July 2011
    That's awful. I heard this on the way to work today. I am always saddened when I receive word of people dying too. I hope you find peace in the Dharma even though this happened so close to home.
  • This is why I keep a bunch of weapons in my room. I also live with two other somewhat crazy males all which would be qualified to work as bouncers. So I never worry about people breaking in because it be like a mouse being dropped into a lions den.
  • It's hard to imagine the pain all of those involved, including the man that did the killing. He must have been in a very deluded state of mind.

    Om mani padme hum...

  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    edited July 2011

    That was about a mile from me. My mom was saying earlier that the man was some contact to the family as she was on the phone with my grandma. I was pretty scared. Not majorly but some fear to go downstairs and make some decaf! I was pleased that it wasn't a kind of organized violence like gangs as far as we know.
  • Just mind-blowing. I couldn't believe it. Such a tragedy. That's crazy it was so close to you. You live near Grand Rapids?
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    edited July 2011
    Yes in it northeast side. I don't know what to say about it. Horrified.
  • taiyakitaiyaki Veteran
    edited July 2011
    just heard about this. heard the man was "going to" driving to warren, mi near me.

    haha scary thoughts.

    correction he shot himself. nvm.
  • Tal - where do you live? I grew up in Plainwell, and my parents still live at Pine Lake in Barry County!!

    Sad developments in GR..

  • I live in kalamazoo. I start back at WMU next January.
  • zombiegirlzombiegirl beating the drum of the lifeless in a dry wasteland Veteran
    i grew up outside of GR. my sister (who still lives out there) called me yesterday to talk about all of this. people seem to have a morbid curiosity with these sorts of events. i just felt relieved that none of my friends and family were amongst the victims.

    i know what you mean @Talisman about feeling sympathy for the assailant. the hatred on my fb feed can really get to me sometimes.
  • Wow, that's sad! For all involved! Especially the assailant as he's got some demons to work out in the after life.
  • taiyakitaiyaki Veteran
    currently living in clinton twp. meow
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    My best friend from highschool lived next door to the victims. No emoticon oppropriate. She is ok she was away with her girlfriend, but it gives me remember her and thankful that she is ok.
  • BarraBarra soto zennie wandering in a cloud in beautiful, bucolic Victoria BC, on the wacky left coast of Canada Veteran
    This is why I keep a bunch of weapons in my room. I also live with two other somewhat crazy males all which would be qualified to work as bouncers. So I never worry about people breaking in because it be like a mouse being dropped into a lions den.
    You keep weapons in your room? Why? What would you plan to do with them?

    While Canada is not immune to gun violence, it is difficult to purchase guns here, and it is not considered a cultural norm. I don't know a single person who owns a gun. The very idea of people keeping guns in their homes creeps me out.

  • Mr_SerenityMr_Serenity Veteran
    edited July 2011

    I am from Los Angeles. The culture here is very highly gang influenced. Graffiti almost everywhere, so there is nothing wrong with collecting a few weapons if you live in a bad area. I don't just keep the weapons for self defense though. I keep them to collect them and admire them. I mostly have medieval weapons like katanas, staff, wakazashi, kodachi. Since I practiced martial arts some were given to me and have sentimental value.

  • I was in Grand Haven when this was going, and I have a friend who lives in Grand Rapids so I was worrying a lot until it ended. I thought this was gang violence until I learned that he had gone after loved ones. Very tragic and sad situation, and a very emotionally troubled man.
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