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Does something we have done cause low prana-lifeforce?

JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
edited July 2011 in General Banter
I go through times when its like I am stumbling foggy with good intentions but not... well it just seems like nothing is right. How am I to understand this constructivel? I think that its caused by projecting and burdens on our understanding not clear thinking.

But my question, I have a kind of mood disorder it seems like my highs when I am full of energy I wonder if they are fing me up or I am doing something wrong that leads to the confusion and lack of prana?

Is yoga make sense to understand this constructively? I sense that yoga isn't liberating and that the negative states are learning opportunities. But maybe someone could share their opinions?


  • You don't give us much info to go on. Do you think you might be having manic tendencies? How long do the lows last? if not too long, just tell yourself it'll pass. (Hopefully they're not REALLY low!) You see a shrink from time to time, don't you? Run this by him. Or as a first step, try exercising when you're feeling low. It gets the blood circulating and can pick up mild depression. Get out and take a good walk, or even doing some calisthenics at home for 10 minutes can help. The Kennedys, who were prone to depression, swore by using exercise as a pick-me-up. I hear Chi Gong is good for all kinds of conditions, too.
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    I go through times when its like I am stumbling foggy with good intentions but not... well it just seems like nothing is right. How am I to understand this constructivel? I think that its caused by projecting and burdens on our understanding not clear thinking.

    But my question, I have a kind of mood disorder it seems like my highs when I am full of energy I wonder if they are fing me up or I am doing something wrong that leads to the confusion and lack of prana?

    Is yoga make sense to understand this constructively? I sense that yoga isn't liberating and that the negative states are learning opportunities. But maybe someone could share their opinions?
    I am confused.
    Are you saying that you are doing Yoga in order to help you heal?
    Or something else?
    Are you hearing voices in your head?
    Are you struggling to make sense of life?
    What is really going on?
    Are you digging deep enough?
  • I go through times when its like I am stumbling foggy with good intentions but not... well it just seems like nothing is right. How am I to understand this constructivel? I think that its caused by projecting and burdens on our understanding not clear thinking.

    But my question, I have a kind of mood disorder it seems like my highs when I am full of energy I wonder if they are fing me up or I am doing something wrong that leads to the confusion and lack of prana?

    Have you considered getting checked by a doctor? Is what is troubling you similar to bipolar?
    I hope you find out the source of your troubles, and how to solve this problem!
    I wish you peace.

  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    Yeah I have schizoaffective disorder. I am asking if there are any constructive ways to deal.

    We have: therapy, medication, exercise

    My question is whether there is some kind of damage during the highs that I am doing and that if I can remediate this?

    "I am confused.
    Are you saying that you are doing Yoga in order to help you heal?"

    No but I know prana is affected by yoga only thing is that is hinduism.

    Or something else?
    Are you hearing voices in your head?


    Are you struggling to make sense of life?
    What is really going on?

    Yes I suppose. I guess I am more meditating and mindful.. not sure if that is about making sense of life?

    Are you digging deep enough?

    Not deep enough to overcome this

  • VincenziVincenzi Veteran
    edited July 2011
    My question is whether there is some kind of damage during the highs that I am doing and that if I can remediate this?
    it is too caothic, which can lead to damage when the high ends (I'm guessing high in energy).
    No but I know prana is affected by yoga only thing is that is hinduism.
    prana is the pana in anapanasati :)
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    Jeffrey, ask your doc if you're supposed to be experiencing highs on your medication, and lows. Maybe a dosage adjustment is called for. The first step is to see if this may be a side3-effect of your medication, and learn more about your meds. If this isn't a side-effect. maybe you have some bi-polar going on. Your symptoms (from what little you've told us) sound like they may be outside of most people's highs and lows.

    That said, I've found that a regular Qi-Gong practice helps keep symptoms at bay, and energy more even, though I've never been in your situation. But when I had chronic fatigue and headaches, I'd feel a lot better after doing Qi Gong, but you have to make it a daily habit. But it's nice, like a meditation.

    Good luck : )
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    edited July 2011
    Yeah I will talk to my doctor. One problem is that psychiatry does not have the experience to know what you are saying. They have 32% of patients complain of 'tiredness'... habildin has 5% less side effects..

    So they feed you drugs, but the question I am asking is outside of drugs can I influence this?

    Today I tried some things I thought would help: basked in sun, burned 'energy' aroma, exercised, drank some orange apple juice with limes squeezed in. Made breakfast.

    It seems to have helped. The thing with my life is that I probably don't have the healthiest habits BECAUSE I have the schizoaffective disorder. The low energy makes you get into ruts and poor habits, and I have found it challenging and a great awareness practice to live.

    Schizoaffective disorder is a symptoms presentation. They might get rid of it in the next DSM because its probably not a biological disease in likelyhood it is some people with bipolar presenting a certain way and some with schizophrenia.

    I strongly don't believe your brain is a machine and you just tweak the machine, I think that has no heart.

  • @Jeffrey

    the DSM isn't about biological diseases... it is basically arbitrary.
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    I see your point, but I know that the brain responds to physical things such as sunlight even..

    please lets not derail the thread from helping Jeffrey WITHOUT psychiatry into discussing the merits of drugs? I know you wouldn't want that?

    I just mentioned I was on medication/therapy, so that people wouldn't worry and would give me their tips for restoring prana such as chi gong.

    I learned a prana breathing exercise where you breath hold breath out 4 4 8
  • It sounds like you have some good mindfulness going. Now maybe the thing is to get a daily discipline going, like exercise, including more natural foods in the diet, and don't skip meals. Maybe make notes of what seems to work for you. If your discipline gets regular enough, it might override the ruts and could help eliminate the bad habits. Sounds like a good experiment.
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