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Taking Refuge: The way to become a Buddhist.

cazcaz VeteranUnited Kingdom Veteran
edited July 2011 in Buddhism Basics
For one to actually enter into the paths of Liberation and enlightenment it is necessary for one to actually first take refuge as this is the entrance point into the Buddhist path, Without taking refuge in the 3 jewels we shall have no ability to actually complete the Buddhist path or gain precious realizations such as renunciation, correct view, Bodhichitta or Emptiness. For this reason it is important to rely on the 3 jewels Buddha, Dharma and Sangha.

Buddha's are the source of Dharma and by taking refuge in them we are granted their protection and we receive their blessings easier then those who have not taken refuge, By taking refuge in the Buddha's we receive their blessings that help clear mental obstructions and accomplish the realizations of the stages of the path, There are also many other profound benefits to Buddha's blessings.

The Dharma is the Buddhas teachings it is the supreme method for controlling our mind eliminating current and future suffering and it protects us from taking lower rebirth, a precious human life is so hard to find and by taking refuge in Dharma we fill our life with virtue and its practices. By practicing Dharma we can accomplish freedom from suffering and immeasurable happiness.

The Sangha are the community of spiritual practitioners who help us, If Buddha is like a doctor who prescribes the medicine of Dharma then the Sangha are like the nurses who help us apply it to our life, There are two types of Sangha the arya sangha who are the realized and accomplished ones and the normal practitioners who help us to the best of their capacity by relying on them they can help us clear up misunderstandings about Buddhadharma and guide and encourage us to practice diligently.

We take refuge in these 3 jewels as by relying on them sincerely they can change our life and we can fully accomplish liberation from suffering and full enlightenment with which to benefit all sentient beings.

Refuge can be either a formal ceremony with a group or on your own where one promises to from now on take the 3 jewels as our source of refuge, one makes the decision to rely upon the 3 jewels in order to properly practice the Buddhist path to do such one should make such vows with palms pressed together at ones heart as a sign of respect and facing a image of Buddha, one should abide by the 12 vows of having taken refuge these are morale restraints that allow us to develop correct virtue and decrease negative or misleading habits by adhering to these 12 vows we shall actually be practicing qualified refuge.

1. Not to go to refuge to teachers who contradict Buddha's views or to Samsaraic gods.
2. To regard any image of Buddha as an actual Buddha.
3.To avoid harming any being ( Through physical or verbal actions, best controlled by use of training the mind in virtue.)
4. To regard any Dharma scripture as an actual Dharma jewel.
5. Not to allow our self to be influenced by people who reject Buddhas teachings.
6. To Regard anyone who wears the robes of an ordained person as an actual sangha jewel.
7. To go for refuge to the 3 jewels again and again, remembering their good qualities and the differences between them.
8. To offer the first portion of food or drink to the Buddhas while remembering their kindness ( By use of a small prayer, Offering to the 3 jewels creates immense positive potential karma)
9. With compassion to always encourage others to go for refuge.
10. To go for refuge to the 3 jewels at least 3 times during the day and 3 times during the night, remembering the benefits of taking refuge.
11. To perform every action with complete faith in the 3 jewels.
12. To not abandon our refuge at the cost of our life or even as a joke.

We maintain our refuge by verbally or mentally reaffirming this "I go for refuge to the 3 jewels Buddha, Dharma and Sangha" this should be practiced with a heart felt reliance.
Taking refuge is the first step and it is essential if we wish to make progress in our practice of Dharma, we can only call our self a Buddhist when we have taken refuge and by maintaining refuge throughout our life we shall create the causes to enter and complete the Buddhist paths and always find Dharma in this life and future lives.
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