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Be-Headed Buddha

ThailandTomThailandTom Veteran
edited July 2011 in General Banter
This story is pretty insignificant, which is why I put it in general banter :p

Anyway I was outside a 7/11 the other day waiting for my girlfriend and was bored so started to casually walk a few paces around, looking at things. I walked up to the ATM and I saw on top a little buddha statue which was entirely black, however the head was taken off. It was not attached to anything, just one of those ornaments so I picked it up and then showed it to me girlfriend when she came out. She had the look of horror strung across her face and exclaimed it was very unlucky in Thailand and generally bad to have a be-headed buddha or to do it yourself!


  • Poor beheaded Buddha! I remember while taking a tour of a Korean Buddhist temple one time, walking around and discovering a screened-off area filled with broken and worn Buddha statues from all over the area. Many had their heads broken off. They couldn't destroy them the rest of the way and they weren't worth restoring, so they became the responsibility of the Temple to find a final resting place.

    Hope your little statue found a good resting place.
  • I left the statue where I found it, ironically on top of a money dispensing machine :P Mainly because my GF was so shocked at the thing o.O It would be cool to see how that statue I found came into being and where it goes on it's travels. That could be a mini independent film or something... Interesting to hear about korea, I think I saw something about be-headed statues like that on a documentary somehow.
  • CloudCloud Veteran
    edited July 2011
    Which is the Buddha, the head or the body? If you say either, neither or both, the Buddha has silently slipped away.
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    The Buddha pervades all space
  • CloudCloud Veteran
    edited July 2011
    And so the beheaded Buddha is still Buddha. No worries. :) The complication and the problems only come in trying to define the Buddha as "this" or "that", eh?
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