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is the term enlightenment useful?

VincenziVincenzi Veteran
edited July 2011 in Buddhism Today
the western, non-literal term...

I tought it was not... but it helps with some analogies, like about the reflections of bodhi-citta (light) among variously (partial and completely) awakened ones.


  • taiyakitaiyaki Veteran
    it's only important in that we project meaning onto the term "enlightenment".
    but i suppose then it depends on the individual to project the "correct" definition of enlightenment.

    lol but that would cut a lot of ego, who would want that? everyone wants to be enlightened, but they don't know what they want.
  • aMattaMatt Veteran
    Words always depend on context. Adding attainment onto the practice is problematic, because it promotes self-cherishing. The word has its uses though, in my opinion.
  • the term should be awakening, if we are being literal... and for nirvana cessation.

    but enlightenment may have its uses afterall.
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited July 2011
    It can be difficult to deal with...
    I remember reading Lama Surya Das' "Awakening" trilogy, both in English, and French. At the end of a chapter discussing enlightenment, he used the well known phrase,"Lighten up!" as a pun.

    Looking at the French translation, it lost all its humour and double meaning. All they put was - "Illuminez-vous!" which means to illuminate yourself (plural/polite).
    Quel le foutre? ('WTF' in French. Or it could be 'Quoi le Foutre'.
    See? Even that loses all sense.... :D Incidentally, the word F**K in English, can be used as a noun, verb, adjective or exclamation. No such single word exists in French, and the correct word needs inserting according to circumstance or intention.)

    So linguistics and meaning, can alter or subtly change the intention, too.
    This is why we should take extra care when discussing any topic with a non-English-speaking member. we don't always mean what we mean.....
  • Yea I personally prefer the translation 'awoken' as it seems to make it seem more possible and fits nicely. I keep reminding myself of what Ajahn Chah said in one of his interviews, he stated that you should not think of being enlightened or awoken as something to strive for or to get to, rather just walk the path. If you strive you will not obtain the liberation that is described.
  • taiyakitaiyaki Veteran
    i've always viewed nirvana as a change of perspective, thus nirvana is attainable right now. and samsara is just nirvana with ignorance.

    so in that sense, lighten up is accurate.
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