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When we give food to the monk, the monk does give something in return

edited July 2011 in Buddhism Basics

When we give offering to the monks such as food or robe to sustain them
They are actually giving us the opportunity to accumulate merit and practice generosity.
Sometimes they give dhamma teaching and advice.

I would give food, not money, to avoid abuse.

What's your thought on this?


  • GuyCGuyC Veteran
    edited July 2011
    Hi Mantra,

    The highest way of practicing generosity is giving as a way of supporting the development of the mind. The greatest gift is the Dhamma.

    Lay people support the Sangha by supplying food, robes, etc. and the Sangha supports the lay people by giving the gift of Dhamma.

    I think it's a beautiful two-way system and probably one of the reasons why Buddhism has survived for over 2500 years!



  • Hahaha I agree.
    I'm giving every month to Khyentse foundation so that people all over the world can benefit from the spreading of Dhamma :D

  • GuyCGuyC Veteran
    Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu!
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