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Does anyone practice using gathas? Reading or writing your own??

zenmystezenmyste Veteran
edited July 2011 in Buddhism Basics

There is a nice book called 'The Dragon Who Never Sleeps by Robert Aitken'

Does anyone write their own??


  • YishaiYishai Veteran
    All I could find about gathas was Zoroastrian hymns.

    Can you explain the connection with Buddhism for Beginners?

    Trying to Understand.
  • Gathas are just short verses that we can read and recite to bring us back to the present moment.
    Reading these poetic and practical verses can help us slow down and enjoy each moment of our lives. It helps practice 'mindfulness'

  • YishaiYishai Veteran
    Typing 'zen gathas' brought up entirely new results than 'gathas'. Haha, thanks for the information. I obviously have not read or written gathas.
  • @zenmyste
    What are some that you have written? I don't have any experience writing gathas but I do write short stories. Is there a specific structure?
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