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Does anyone keep a journal/diary? How often do you write in it?

zenmystezenmyste Veteran
edited July 2011 in General Banter
Im always on/off writing in my journal. I can never just stick to it, every day.
I then started a video blog thinking it'll be easier to record myself and reflect on my practice. But i do prefere a writing diary instead of a blog..

What about you?


  • bravehawkbravehawk Explorer
    yea I think journals are really good for taking a personal moment to reflect or even bounce ideas off your brain,conscientiously. There isn't a need to follow this ritual everyday unless it suits you. for me, I think it would burn me out quickly. I guess you can say I'm more of the free spirited writer type, only write mostly when I get an inkling to. Perhaps that is my brain's way of saying "hey we need to talk" ll
  • Perhaps that is my brain's way of saying "hey we need to talk" ll
    hehe, i like it. Thanks x
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