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Does acting with mindfullness mean we cant multi-task?

edited July 2011 in Buddhism Basics
Hi all,

I'm fairly new to Buddhism but i've always followed this path unknowingly. I've done a few subjects on Buddhism which I've felt have given me a great grounding in the basics but putting into practice is now the challenge.
In trying to act mindful, does this mean we must only concentrate on doing one thing at a time? I'm a pretty hectic, fly by the seat of my pants type person so this could be challenging?
Any comments?

Thank you.


  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    You might be interested in this thread.
  • pauliwagopauliwago Explorer
    I actually asked this a while ago
    Some good insight there I think.

    I've come to believe that mindfulness is the practice of guiding your attention to where YOU want it to go and not letting random thoughts, environmental stuff, etc. control it. Of course, we are always multitasking - even when doing ONE thing, we are still breathing at the very least. But you've made the conscious decision to concentrate on that one thing (and not on breathing) so I would say that's mindfulness. On the other hand, if you've made the decision to meditate and focus on your breathing, doing anything else would be anti-mindfulness.

    I think the more things you do, the harder it becomes to be mindful. After all, you might be worrying about X as you do Z. Of course, in the modern world, multitasking is often find the middle path
  • pauliwagopauliwago Explorer
    haha @Jeffrey
  • Multi-tasking is probably different for each individual - because it is a story one adheres to about how one acts regarding numerous tasks. Regardless of how many things one might think or believe they are doing - simultaneously - it is nevertheless a story - because in truth we can really only do one thing at a time. Now that one thing might be tapping your head while rubbing your stomach while standing on one leg while whistling Dixie - but that is just one thing - that maniacal aggregate of activity being done by one maniac. So if one is doing their requisite one thing mindfully then another mindfully - there can be no reason not to believe one is multi-tasking - as long as they believe so mindfully......
  • Hi Jeffrey, Pauliwago and Iron Rabbit,

    Thank you for all your comments and suggestions. It makes more sense now and I feel a lot more comfortable with this knowledge. Only now is the hard part of putting into practice. It's a slow progress but i'm determined.

    Best wishes for your individual journey

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