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edited July 2011 in Philosophy



  • early one spring morning in a misty field a small herd of cows graze
    suddenly you hear a sound..

    welcome to planet earth

  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    Moooooooooove over
  • YishaiYishai Veteran
    What's there to discuss?
  • I'll take buddhism koans for 1000, alex.

    Does a dog have buddha nature?
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    Does a Buddha have dog nature?
  • [Some] consider merely not giving an answer as the ultimate actuality. This is certainly a case of giving those who understand the meaning of Centrism a good chance for a laugh .... Therefore, it is explained that when Mañjushri asked Vimalakirti about the meaning of the actual, the genuine answer [in this case] was to not give an answer. However, when one naïve being does not give an answer to the question of another one, how could these two cases ever be comparable? You should know the difference between a bodhisattva in his last existence who dwells under the bodhi tree and [someone like] Devadatta sitting under a nimba tree. If you think, “These are comparable,” then ask about genuine [reality] in front of an ox and you will get the final answer that you wish for.
    Pawo Rinpoche
  • aMattaMatt Veteran
    Does a Buddha have buddha nature?
  • zenffzenff Veteran
    edited July 2011
    "Like humans, dogs can get stressed - often due to separation, other dogs or lack of exercise. Cranimals™ Zendog Biscuits contain naturally calming organic pumpkin extract, a potent source of tryptophan which helps promote the synthesis of serotonin and melatonin, the Zen hormones of the body. These Zen snacks also contain a blend of Cranimals™' proprietary health ingredients including Cranimals™ Original supplement. Each biscuit delivers mood enhancing pumpkin extract and over 150 mg of Omega 3, Vitamins A, C and E and cranberry antioxidants - not just calming but ultra healthy! Zendog biscuits are oven baked from only Kosher 100% human food ingredients. Enlighten your furry Zenmaster with Zendogs!"
    This is not my personal enterprise so maybe I'll be allowed to quote this commercial text?
    It just demonstrates Zen is well known in the dog-world.
  • women are female!!!!!
  • Talking bout the higher truth...
  • yes moo. lol. no?
    fine. what have dogs got to do with this?
  • edited August 2011
    [Some] consider merely not giving an answer as the ultimate actuality. This is certainly a case of giving those who understand the meaning of Centrism a good chance for a laugh .... Therefore, it is explained that when Mañjushri asked Vimalakirti about the meaning of the actual, the genuine answer [in this case] was to not give an answer. However, when one naïve being does not give an answer to the question of another one, how could these two cases ever be comparable? You should know the difference between a bodhisattva in his last existence who dwells under the bodhi tree and [someone like] Devadatta sitting under a nimba tree. If you think, “These are comparable,” then ask about genuine [reality] in front of an ox and you will get the final answer that you wish for.
    Pawo Rinpoche
    all those words & yet they mean nothing!? I fail to see your point. You have no point, is this your point? why emphasise when you have nothing to emphasise? I was making a profound point. Everybody thinks they already understand everything here I see. Well how humiliating for you would it be for me to prove otherwise?

    Oops, excuse my prejudiced assumption, you may care.
  • "The truth is not a theory or a system of philosophical speculation, nor an intellectual. The truth is the exact correspondence with reality."
  • I have decided I will keep commenting on this thread until it is at least recognised I have a point.
  • There are entire bookshelves i could draw similar quotes from... i'm prepared for the long haul :p
  • aMattaMatt Veteran
    Oops, excuse my prejudiced assumption, you may care.
    I'll excuse them for you if you'd wish, though confession is part of a different tree of wisdom. Consider fabricating less prejudices, you are sounding like a mooing cow that thinks its a buddha. :)
  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    Frankly, CYS, YOU don't have a point, you simply wish to quote others from "entire bookshelves". I think you're rather attached to your own ego. I'll be happy to apologize for my comments once I see the thread take on some value...perhaps you yourself could make it so.
  • Okay, im sorry, there are reasons for posting pictures and quotes from other sources, because often they express insights more attuned to the inner vision / understanding we feel an urge to share than our own attempt to express them in words. I guess we are all struggling to see the bigger picture here. I wouldn't just post this mindlessly about cows. No, it's not a metaphor, funnily enough. Every expression or lack of expression carries intention of course, some more profound than others. Perhaps it would help for me to admit now that I feel lonely. When i posted this I curious for others responses to an insight i had. When attempting to understand my post, people were obviously frustrated they didn't get my point, so made silly comments about buddha nature. I fell into the same trap attempting to understand Karma Dondrup Tashi post, I am very sorry about that.. I felt kind of crazy trying to understand your post Tashi.. the frustration i expressed was directed at those who were making nonsense comments... it was very wrong of me to think you were quoting nonsense here too. That point was very subtle and deep. Excuse me for that one :bowdown:

    I feel i have grasped the meaning more clearly now & thank you for your wise contribution :o

    The point I originally was hoping to start discussion on has now changed because i am not in the same realm I was in when i had those insights... so I want to start again..
    A cow can graze for years in the same field always making the same sound.. i was wondering about others opinion... do cows know how funny they sound to humans? is this their point?? I am saying this because we drink their babies milk and consume their flesh... i would not say this otherwise.... similarly the unenlightened consume enlightened wisdom to alleviate suffering & may end up sounding like enlightened beings but be very far from the true meaning of dharma... dharma must be lived and breathed.. even animals pray, for they only wish for peaceful life also. They only wish like any other sentient being for a happy life free from suffering. There are distinctions between realms of animals hell beings heavenly celestial beings and humans but we are no different in the desire for happiness, & i believe this can be communicated between all sentient beings in the universe... what are cows getting at when they moo at us i wondered... & then started laughing.. i couldn't explain why, i just laughed... and then i posted this to see how others felt.. and then i remembered the laughing cow cheese company & was kind of shocked by the revelations i was having. Cows milk is poisonous for us & meat has negative karma & yet for many many thousands of years these animals have been domesticated and became a staple in our diets in most lands across the globe lol Cows are surely aware we drink their milk by now... are they just laughing at us because they have resigned to their role in our civilisation & do their best to live out happy lives in the domesticated environments we have created for them (like outdoor prisons), recognise us as more advanced beings of mother earth and prey to us for a message of how to live peacefully? Maybe they heard us laughing & recognised it's affect (relaxing tensions) in human culture and adopted this in their own communication LOL I really don't know. Everything has a purpose though. Cows love us despite how they are treated sometimes. They provide billions of pints of breast milk every week, granted against their will, but that is their karma, they are intrinsically linked to our tree of life I believe... i know im hardly making any sense, but it doesn't change how my vision of that cow in a misty field made me feel... just looking at me chewing blades of grass, & then just .. M!mmoooooo! XD hahaha gets me everytime.

    May all beings be happy. there is no other way... & I think Hindus are very wise to worship cows.
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