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The board we play on

TheswingisyellowTheswingisyellow Trying to be open to existenceSamsara Veteran
edited July 2011 in Buddhism Basics
I was just thinking about how we generate, shape, control, and then "evolve" in the ideas and concepts we take upon ourselves. I guess its really the idea that we make our own reality. A general example would be to look at how particular countries view themselves and the world they create around those ideas. Extreme examples would be say what was seen in Nazi Germany. There you had an entire nation who were told that they were "it". They were ubermensch, supermen as it were. That government lasted but a mere 12 years yet forged a very encompassing pernicious view of themselves and the world that took millions of lives. They also gave freely of their lives, in the millions as well for such views. I see this also happening on a personal level as well. In our interactions with others and the world in general we frame each encounter in a specific way (the board) and then proceed to play that "game" in a certain prescibed fashion based on our conditioning and concepts. I write as I have found myself lately seeing my reactivity and conditioning in certain situations and telling myself it isn't necessary to play on this board. I can create my own board and the rules that would govern such a "game". My rules would be to follow the N8, 4NT's, and the 3 marks. Concepts and ideas are immense, I guess it is as the Buddha said what we think we become. Just some knocking around in the brain.
All the best,


  • AmeliaAmelia Veteran
    I was just thinking about how we generate, shape, control, and then "evolve" in the ideas and concepts we take upon ourselves.
    I've been thinking about this for some time, too. Although, I might be trying to do the controlling and shaping more than observing.

    Right now, my idea is to simply try to "end the suffering of all beings."
  • aMattaMatt Veteran
    edited July 2011

    Its always fun to hear your ponderings, thanks for sharing.

    No matter where we incarnate our energy, be it a body, a board, a country, a "game" of responding... we have certain structures, conventions, we must work within. But, we also must be steadfast in our resolve not to adopt the structure as "us" or "self".

    For instance, sometimes I've witnessed people who ascribe aggression to a truth they find difficult to hear. Rather than defending the rightousness of the truth, playing the "game" so to speak, we can just keep our finger on the wound. Let them spit and sputter, but our mind doesn't cling to their projections they send our way. Still, we must respect the conventions of the system we play in, or the connection breaks apart. If we are rude, we're banned. If we speed, we get pulled over. If we invalidate, we get shut out.

    No matter what level or state, there are those boundries. We can bend those boundries miraculously, such as siddhis, charming an op, protesting a deserved traffic ticket, making our own dreamstate, but what would be the merit in it? In my heartfelt opinion, the only miracle that matters is the ability to use the systems we encounter to transmit freedom from suffering from one mind to another (learning, teaching).

    Sure, we can abandon the systems (the board, the law, the language) and make something new, but we can also simply embrace the present subjective morals to reach the audience. Its far easier these days, here and now, than talking to dogmatic minds learned in the Abrahamic systems for instance. That's when being fluent in multiple moral languages is darn near critical.

    Just a little bouncing back. :)

    With warmth,

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