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How can anyone think he understand buddhism more than others
but it does not matter. as long as you dont give up,
your understanding of Mr siddharta will deepen as time
passes. good luck.
Let me show you an example , Dalai Lama .
He in his own method , his own will searching for his own Buddha as me , is always me to learn from him of what he said , of his action of his "wisdom" to fit in my awareness same way I learn from cat or mouse , same respect and same mmanner .
Is always me to learn from others as is always you to learn from me and me to learn from you . In no condition Dalai Lama should regard himself greater than other and teaching other of Buddhism that he found in his own purification ......As he will never possibily know the awareness of the cat or mouse in Buddhism . Perhaps they know more than him , perhaps you know your own Buddha more than him but surely I will never think to know my Buddha more than you or the cat or the tree , that is my perception of Buddhism now......
I'm not trying to teach you anything, and it's apparent to me that you fail to see my distinction between knowing "about" Buddhism and "knowing Buddha". You are actually correct in saying that only the individual him/her self can "know Buddha". But when and how did you learn that Buddha and Buddhism even existed?
Anyway, he was banned and wasn't meant to return, so... @goshiki is gone.
Case closed.