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How could I be involved in PSYCHOLOGY yet not be university educated?

edited August 2011 in General Banter


  • zidanguszidangus Veteran
    edited August 2011
    What do you mean by be involved, do you mean get a job in psychology or just study it without going to university ?
  • secretary... Not sure but I wonder about some jobs in mental wing? of hospital. Security, cleaning, food prep and transport duties of patients and food.

    You could try to learn a skill that is not regulated such as an alternative therapy, but thats kinda like college anyhow in that it probably costs to apprentice or whatever and it takes a lot of capacities.

    Another thought is to work in the pre-processing of patients going into a hospital. That probably requires college? There is a financial aspect as well that would probably require some training.

    girllikes, I recommend going to community college and seeing how you are doing. Does that make sense?
  • If you find out I'd be interested to know.. hey I have a plan to design a wellness and illness website.. I might PM you when I get it up which I might not ever. Problem is I probably won't make a dime off of it.
  • What's up, samgirl? Weren't you going to enter Film School this summer? Is that plan over?
    Yeah, community college is low-key. If you can get through 2 years of that and acquire a skill, you can then decide if you want to work, or if you can manage University for 2 more years. A lot can change in yourself in 2 years. give it a shot, see what happens.
  • honestly, anything on a public level can be psychology related. I know there are are some art teachers who create classes for a certain group to help get their spirits up through art. Some book groups are also made this way. you just got to think outside the bx a little. sometimes people needs a good ear and not a university trained mind. Let's face it, the first step is just to let it, and that can come out in many forms. heck, I'm a cashier and i helped 3 people curb and eventually cut their smoking habit(i gave them "shame face" when I sold them their cigarettes til they couldn't buy them without guilt anymore).
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    edited August 2011
    haha--great, bravehawk! That gave me an idea: music therapy. Such a field does exist. And nursing can utilize psychology, and some levels don't require a college degree. But there's a lot of science involved in anything health-care related. That can be challenging for some, but lots of people make it through.
  • There is the position of "psychiatric technician" in most mental hospitals. They are those who actually watch and interact with the patients while the nurses do what they do. The nurses watch and interact with the patients somewhat, of course, but they have other things to do like prepare medications and write care plans and so forth. So being a psychiatric technician would be one thing you could do.
  • I spent 3 years at university doing a degree in psychology and to be honest i didnt learn anymore than i would have done reading and studying textbooks. I am now doing a second degree to become a mental health nurse!! so mental health route would be more productive!
  • You can't do anything WITH a batchelor's in psychology. You need a masters or doctorate.
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    edited August 2011
    Go to University! Apply!
    I mentioned before, that I am getting my BS in Psychology..Then I am going for my Masters... in MSW( Masters in Social Work).
    Money is tight and I am working 6 days a week and will have to get loans, but it will be worth it. You gotta do what you gotta do! So go to College...Even Community College. I did that for a few years.
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    I spent 3 years at university doing a degree in psychology and to be honest i didnt learn anymore than i would have done reading and studying textbooks. I am now doing a second degree to become a mental health nurse!! so mental health route would be more productive!
    It's about both~!
    Experience and education.
    Most of the time it's about experience and just being a people person as well as an individual who is always willing to learn and grow.
  • It's going to be hard to do much of anything in the mental health/psychology field without some kind of a degree. As LeonBasin says, you'll really need some sort of advanced degree (god how I hate that phrase) to get most anywhere. Nursing is probably the exception. You could get into mental health nursing with no more than an Associate degree an an RN license in the US. I don't necessarily recommend it, as you'll end up wanting your BSN before long anyway, but it is possible.
  • You can't do anything WITH a batchelor's in psychology. You need a masters or doctorate.
    couldnt have said it better myself! i graduated with my Bsc (hons) Psychology & Counselling in june this year and while its a loverly looking certificate its useless! My friend is having to go to Leeds uni (a hefty drive from where we are) to do a masters in clinical psychology, luckily she has age on her side being only 22, not oldy like me!

  • I spent 3 years at university doing a degree in psychology and to be honest i didnt learn anymore than i would have done reading and studying textbooks. I am now doing a second degree to become a mental health nurse!! so mental health route would be more productive!
    It's about both~!
    Experience and education.
    Most of the time it's about experience and just being a people person as well as an individual who is always willing to learn and grow.
    yes i do agree, however its pointless just doing a psychology degree, you have to more so need to plan masters etc to make use of it. I didnt have a choice l had to do the psychology degree while my children grew, now l feel my second degree is my proper degree the one l will use. Psychology is such a good area of study l did learn alot about me in the process, 3 years was along time and l suppose if l am honest it was productive, i am here for a start!!

  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    I spent 3 years at university doing a degree in psychology and to be honest i didnt learn anymore than i would have done reading and studying textbooks. I am now doing a second degree to become a mental health nurse!! so mental health route would be more productive!
    It's about both~!
    Experience and education.
    Most of the time it's about experience and just being a people person as well as an individual who is always willing to learn and grow.
    yes i do agree, however its pointless just doing a psychology degree, you have to more so need to plan masters etc to make use of it. I didnt have a choice l had to do the psychology degree while my children grew, now l feel my second degree is my proper degree the one l will use. Psychology is such a good area of study l did learn alot about me in the process, 3 years was along time and l suppose if l am honest it was productive, i am here for a start!!

    Totally! If you want get get a job or make a career in Psychology you definitely need a Masters. But there are other jobs like Sales, Marketing, Assistant to the individuals with Masters and Ph.D's. I'm personally going for my MSW (Masters in Social Work). Research is definitely necessary as well as counseling from a good counselor or individuals who work in the field one desires to work in.
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