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Does anyone smoke pipes (tobacco)?

JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
edited August 2011 in General Banter
My dad always smoked pipes when I was little and I like the smell. I was with my dad last week and he smoked with me.

The topic of this thread is not cancer so if you post that I will ask to have the thread locked. Thanks.

Ok back on topic. Do you enjoy a pipe and do you have any information or stories? I understand a pipe has to be broke in? What do you think of corn cob pipe? What kind of tobacco? Smoke rings?


  • MountainsMountains Veteran
    edited August 2011
    Not about cancer - but there is just *nothing* good, beneficial, or redeeming about tobacco in any form. Sorry, there just isn't. I love the smell of fresh pipe tobacco. It's a very sweet, full bodied smell that's very pleasant. But once it's lit, it's poison.
  • zidanguszidangus Veteran
    edited August 2011
    True Mountains, its kinda hard to talk about how great smelling tobacco is, and if you blow smoke rings etc etc without mentioning that smoking is bad for your health and everyone else's around you while you smoke.
  • DandelionDandelion London Veteran
    I remember watching my Grandfather smoke his pipe when I was a little girl. I would insist on putting blue smarties in the end of his pipe and he would pretend that he was smoking them! I rememeber his face as he used to do this; he would enjoy entertaining me with the sillyness of 'smoking' smarties and chuckle to himself whilst I used to sit their watching thinking 'my grandad is smoking my sweeties!
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    edited August 2011
    I'll add that discussing the health concerns of pipe smoking are not the topic of the thread. Explicitly, as I am the thread originator.

    Please do not respond to Mountains or Zidangus. Thanks.
  • The controversy of whether a pipe tobacco does not have virtues can (and should) be discussed here

    Whether pipe smoking (tobacco) violates the fifth precept can be discussed here
  • Dandelion, thats a good story. Maybe I need a grand daughter and blue smarties? Hmmm I better find a woman of child bearing age? Then I would need to start drinking again which would be even more dangerous than smoking.. kidding aside I like your story. I ordered a starter pipe kit and a tin of mild Kentucky tobacco. The kit also came with a small amount of vanilla and apple tobacco. I am very excited!
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