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Article Discussion: Psychedelics and Religious Experience by Alan Watts



  • ZenshinZenshin Veteran East Midlands UK Veteran
    edited September 2011
    I've been thinking about the spiritual insights gained from psychedelics and have been wondering if they truly are spiritual insights, I had some mind bending, experiences but truly, I've come to the conclusion that they are pseudo insights created by synesthesia and induced psychosis. They are just as transitory and impermanent as any samsaric phenomenon. You don't need gods, magic or mushroom spirits to raise your conciousness, you have a human life and you have the skillfull means of the Buddha to raise your conciousness. Nothing else is necessary.
  • edited September 2011
    I've been thinking about the spiritual insights gained from psychedelics and have been wondering if they truly are spiritual insights, I had some mind bending, experiences but truly, I've come to the conclusion that they are pseudo insights created by synesthesia and induced psychosis. They are just as transitory and impermanent as any samsaric phenomenon. You don't need gods, magic or mushroom spirits to raise your conciousness, you have a human life and you have the skillfull means of the Buddha to raise your conciousness. Nothing else is necessary.
    Well said Lonely-Traveller !

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